With the crushed stones, Yunli and Yunli hurriedly separated, mobilizing their spiritual power to defend.

After his heart settled down, Wei Lin suddenly realized that the person who had gone through calamities had no protection at all. If there was a protective formation, Ah Li's Huanshi Ling couldn't get in, so he wouldn't take such a risky move.

"Who has gone through the calamity? Why didn't you see the defensive circle?"

"I was about to watch it." Yunli stretched her neck, she was preoccupied with sending Huan Shiling in, and she didn't pay attention to who was in the calamity.

The tribulation thunder roared, the dust was flying, and he couldn't see things at all, and he didn't dare to release his consciousness at this time.

At this moment, An Ran Mu Yan and the others also came over, and a boy from the Yaozu said, "It's Lord Lujian."

"Lvjian?" Yunli was surprised, a dryad was one step ahead of other high-level blood races!
As soon as the words fell, pieces of thunder in the sky receded, and in the blink of an eye, the sky in this area had returned to clarity.

Yunli excitedly communicated with Huanshiling, and was about to intercept her wantonly.

Unexpectedly, the perception spread over, only to find that his body was completely necrotic, his soul was shattered, and he was one step away from death.

The next moment, the guiding light disappeared.

"Brother, life! He is dying!" While speaking, the broken hair on the sideburns fluttered, and the blue shadow flashed past. It turned out that when the guiding light disappeared, Wei Lin had already noticed that something was wrong.

Yunli took out Ziyunqing with her backhand and started to play, the sound of the piano was faint, like weeping like complaining, it seemed to have boundless magic power, and the souls that were about to fly away in Lujian slowly gathered...

Wei Lin dripped half a bottle of Heaven's Punishment Vitality all over Lujian's body, and then used his spiritual power to help it melt away. When he heard the sound of the piano, he raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Spirit-inducing song?"

This is exactly the soul-inducing song played by Shaohao Luo in Jiuli Yuan. She only played the first half of it now. The tune is simple, but it has magical power, which makes people unable to help but indulge in it.

The problem is, he never taught her this piece of music. With her talent, when will she be able to play it after only listening to it once?
It's still playing with spiritual consciousness!
"Cousin, can you play this piece? You must enter the piece with your spiritual sense."

The senior brother has a strong mind and soul, so he was originally the best candidate, but unfortunately, he can't play the flute with one hand.

An Ran took out the piano, "I'll try."

This piece is not difficult. An Ran tried to play it twice, and quickly became proficient.

When she became proficient, Yunli put away the piano and came to Lujian's side. Under the effect of the vitality of heaven's punishment, his dry wood-like body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yunli used her fingernails as a blade to cut through his fingertips, dipped in his blood to draw a soul-suppressing talisman, and suppressed his soul in his body.

The spirit re-entered the body, and Luma's fate was saved, but his cultivation base was completely lost.

Yunli exhaled lightly, they tried their best.

After a while, Lu Jian woke up and found that he had no cultivation base, so he just sighed faintly and thanked weakly: "Thank you, Your Highness and the two little friends, for saving your life..."

He was so overwhelmed that if any of the three steps went wrong, he couldn't be saved.

"Should be, you have saved us before." Yunli waved his hand, interrupting him, "How could you fail through calamity?"

According to her observation, Lvjian's cultivation base is harmonious, her spiritual power is pure, and she is also a tree demon, and she is rarely even contaminated with killing spirit.

As plants are at the bottom of the food chain, cultivation is far more difficult than other living beings, but correspondingly, they will survive the calamity with ease.

In simple mode, Green Room will fail for no reason!

Lu Jian showed bitterness: "It should be about Du Cheng."

A thought flashed through her mind, and she asked, "A mortal city?"

"Well, that happened thousands of years ago. I took shape very early, and not long after I started practicing, by chance, I got a shape-changing pill and turned it into a human form.

Later, one of my magic weapons was about to go through calamities, but I was weak, unable to resist, and had no clan to rely on.

In desperation, I went to the common world, which is protected by the law of heaven, and the power of the thunder calamity will be much smaller. "

He raised his head slightly, with even more bitterness on his face: "The mortal thunder calamity is indeed much smaller, and it is within my ability. However, it is not within the range of mortals. People in the whole city are dead."

Yunli doesn't know what to say anymore, harming mortals is a taboo for monks, can this be contaminated!

"No, Master Ruoshui!" Yunli jumped up in shock, "Quick, we have to find him!"

"Is he okay?" Wei Lin hesitated, Ruoshui was indifferent, since he joined Canye Pavilion, he has been working in the mission hall.

"You forgot that the Remnant Night Pavilion used mortals to test witches and Gu people. Although Zhenjun Ruoshui did not directly participate in it, he didn't know about it, but as the deputy head of the mission hall, he may have sent out many missions to capture mortals. There is no direct big cause and effect, and the indirect small cause and effect is likely to count him in!"

As soon as she jumped on the Huanshi Ling, she saw a large group of Jieyun in the southwest direction, preparing for the final blow.

Lu Jian murmured suddenly: "Hong Yu."

Yunli stopped suddenly, and asked, "Is that where Hongyu crossed the catastrophe?"

Lvjian nodded with a complicated expression. Hongyu and him were cultivators of the same period. Ever since he showed his talents, Hongyu has been compared with him everywhere. foot.

"He's so stupid, he has a success rate of at least nine floors!" Yunli was overjoyed, and immediately decided, "Go there first to collect a wave of vitality before leaving! Senior brother and I will go there first, and Ayan and you guys will take your time!"

After finishing speaking, pulling up Wei Lin was a [-]-meter thrust, this time there was plenty of time, and when he arrived, the tribulation thunder in the sky was still brewing.

Hong Yu has changed back to its original form, with majestic lion fur, now it has become a scorched black explosion, its majestic body is covered with bloodstains, and the air is filled with the smell of meat, as embarrassing as it is.

However, he was in excellent spirits. Seeing the two of Yunli, he was delighted and proud: "His Royal Highness is here! Thanks to your guidance, my defensive formation has not been broken."

As he spoke, he shook his curly, scorched hair, "Even if the electric shock makes the outside scorched and the inside tender, the hair will be ruined."

Yunli glanced, and among the onlookers, there was a young man from the Fire Lion Clan, who had followed them before, and came here after he wanted to come to Runing to cross the catastrophe.

She said: "Quick, turn off the defensive array, the last one is useless."

"Huh?" The pitch-black lion face wrinkled, and Hong Yu closed the defensive formation depressedly.

Yun Liwei hurriedly sent Huan Shiling and Mo Lijian inside.

"Your Highness, let me wear your silk." Hong Yu's eyes lit up when he saw the Huanshi Ling.

"Put it on whatever you want!" Yunli is very generous, and it depends on others to keep the vitality of God's Punishment, so it's nothing to use the Huanshiling.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Hong Yu said cheerfully, "Hey, Lu Jian, why... you failed!"

He was so startled that his eyes almost popped out, and then he became worried. Although he and Luma were comparable in strength, Luma was a tree demon and was not good at fighting. In terms of cultivation alone, Luma actually beat him.

Green room has failed, then I...

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