Chapter 647
Having been friends for many years, Lu Jian could tell what he was thinking at a glance. Normally, he would definitely run a few words, but now it is a critical moment, it is better not to hit him.

Thinking about this, he said: "Your Highness said that your chance of success is as high as [-]%."


Hongyu was pleasantly surprised, Fenghuang is a protoss in the fairy world, and her knowledge and views are far above theirs, so her judgment must be correct.

Lu Jian was envious and puzzled, "Your Highness, why are you so sure that he has a [-]% chance?"

[-]% achievement is already a very high probability, [-]% can almost be said to be a certainty.

"He's a tough guy, he only knows how to find the strong to fight, his Dao heart is firm, his cultivation base has reached the level of overflowing, and he has no major crimes, so he will naturally be sure to ascend!"

Hong Yu: "...Your Highness, I am still in front of you." No one would call someone stupid in front of others.

Yunli shrugged: "I'm praising you, Tie Hanhan is so nice, step by step, step by step, when the time comes, it will happen naturally;
Smart people are used to opportunism and taking shortcuts. It is good to be able to stick to the bottom line and use smartness on the right path, but they are afraid that they will go astray along the way. "

Speaking of this, she suddenly felt that the words were alluding to Lvjian, and said awkwardly: "I didn't mean to allude to you, you were indeed quite difficult at that time."

Hong Yu was born in the Fire and Fire Lion Clan, one of the best races in the Tianwu Forest. With the protection of his clan, he can be foolish; but if Lu Jian is not smart, he will be very cold.

Lu Jian was silent, and asked softly for a while: "If you were me, would you go to the common world?"

Yunli thought for a long time, and said seriously: "No, on the contrary, I will try to stay away as much as possible. As a cultivator, not harming ordinary people is the highest principle."

Lvjian was thoughtful, and Xuan Er sighed softly: "You are right, I was opportunistic. If the world had not been banned at that time, under the deterrent of the strong will of heaven, I might not dare to go. In the end, I still have Lucky psychology."

Yunli wanted to comfort him a few more words, opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say, this was the truth.

After a while, the sky thunder fell, and just as Yunli expected, Hongyu succeeded. After the thunderstorm, his condition was even better than that of Runing.

With previous experience, this time, Yunli controlled the vitality of Heaven's Punishment just right, leaving enough for Wei Lin and Hong Yu to absorb, and all the rest were taken into Huanshiling, not a single drop wasted.

After finishing the matter, she reluctantly glanced at the roaring thunders everywhere, and prepared to leave Tianwu Forest.

"I'm coming to Yu Ling, senior brother, you should use the vitality of heaven to heal your wounds first." She said, tugging at Wei Linkong's loose sleeves, "Try the broken arm first, you should be able to regenerate the broken bone."

The empty sleeves made her uncomfortable.

"Okay." Wei Lin regained his spirits, he was missing a hand, which affected his cultivation, so it really needs to be cured as soon as possible.

He is very confident about the vitality of God's punishment. Lu Jian's body was completely necrotic, and it was repaired in an instant. It can be seen that the power of heaven and earth is strong.

Yunli sacrificed the Huanshi Ling, and said earnestly: "Ayan, Ji Daoyou, look at him, if you need to remedy or guide, please help quickly; cousin, you come to protect the law; Duo Duo looks at the void, the world is shaking right now , I am afraid that the power of the void will leak."

Everyone nodded solemnly, Mu Yan was worried, and told Douduo again: "This time, don't be distracted by fun, the power of the void is not a joke."

It stands to reason that at this time, he shouldn't fly around, and just find a place to stay, but if Ruoshui is going through hardships and they rush over, even if he fails, he may still save his life.

Putting on the Huanshi Ling, Wei Lin took out the vitality of heaven's punishment, and dripped a few drops on the broken arm. In an instant, the bone was sore and itchy, and he couldn't help moving his arm, wanting to scratch it very much.

"Don't move! Flesh and bone regenerate, it's normal to feel sore and itchy." Ji Ruochen pressed his arm with a serious face, paused, and clicked his acupuncture points with lightning speed.

Wei Lin: "...I know what to do, I won't move."

"It's not a question of whether you want it or not. Regardless of whether itching is not fatal, it is much more unbearable than pain and suffering."

"Itching is worse than pain?" Mu Yan whispered.

"That's right, my grandfather used to treat a general, he smiled and scraped the bone to heal his wound, but he couldn't bear the itching of the wound..."

While speaking, the bones of the neatly severed arm grew a few inches, and then the flesh, meridians, and skin spread over to wrap the new bone; then, the bones grew a few more inches, and the flesh, meridians, and skin spread in turn...

"Miracle!" Ji Ruochen exclaimed, "With this kind of miracle in hand, what disease in the world can't be cured!"

The others were also shocked, Lvma's body was necrotic, and the role of the vitality of God's Punishment was more to repair, but this time, it grew flesh and blood out of thin air!
The broken arm was reborn little by little, but within a cup of tea, Wei Lin's left hand had already returned to its original state.

No, it is whiter and tenderer than before!

Seeing the miraculous effect of Heaven's Punishment vitality, Yunli was completely relieved, even a broken arm could be regenerated, so it shouldn't be a problem to heal the loss caused by an extremely Yin soul.

After healed his arm, Wei Lin took two more drops of vitality and guided them to all parts of his body. Soon, all the injuries in his body disappeared.

Everyone's hearts were burning, and they unanimously decided that after everything was settled, they would take the Heaven's Punishment Vitality as soon as possible to strengthen their physique.

On this day, when passing by a mortal country, Dodo suddenly said: "Hey, there are space fluctuations ahead!"

"No way?" Yunli was astonished, this place is common!

At this time, the monks in the Canglan Continent are either ascending or watching the ascension, who would come here?
What's more, spatial fluctuations can't be caused by just anyone!
Dodo pointed to the northeast direction, insisting: "There is no mistake, it is in that direction!"

Yunli opened her consciousness and looked carefully: "Where is... the boundary between the world of ordinary people and the world of monks?"

While speaking, a slender figure slowly emerged from the consciousness, and as she raised her hand to knead the formula, light gray spots of light scattered in the air.

Sensing the spiritual thoughts of Yunli and the others, the woman turned around with astonishment on her pretty face.

Seeing her face clearly, Yunli shook his head, and Huan Shiling's speed reached the limit in an instant!

Not to mention this girl, Qiuye, the maidservant of the girl in Tsing Yi!

The girl in Tsing Yi never sees the end of the dragon, she always comes to them, Yunli is worried about how to find her!

Qiu Ye was stunned for a second, and her figure gradually disappeared. With that experience of emptiness, Yunli immediately understood that she was going to leave, and hurriedly shouted: "Stop! Don't run!"

At the same time, there were surprise voices in my ears, "Sister Qiuye!"

Yunli has no time to think about anything else, only one thought in her mind, to catch up with her!
The moment when the last corner of Qiuye's clothes disappeared, Huan Shiling barely touched it, and Yunli was furious: "Damn!"

Just a little bit!

The previous speed was too fast, it was difficult to stop for a while, Huan Shiling moved forward inertially, and after a second, the surrounding environment changed!

(End of this chapter)

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