all the way to fairy

Chapter 648 Sky-high Remuneration

This is a quiet forest, they are floating above the forest path, and at the end of the path is a huge and magnificent ivy gate.

At this time, Qiuye stood at the door with a look of annoyance.

"Sister Qiuye!" Dodo cheered and rushed over.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that Duo Duo also called out just now, "Do you know her?"

Yunli was very surprised. The woman in Tsing Yi, the master and the servant, came and went without a trace. How could Duo Duo, a person who has lived in the Nether Swamp since birth, know her?

Dodo smiled: "She and sister Nan Mi are together."

"Nan Mi?" A thought flashed in his mind, Yun Li looked at Qiu Ye in disbelief: "Your master's name is Nan Mi?"

Qiu Ye was startled, "You haven't recovered your memory?"

"Recover...memories?" Yunli was puzzled, "Recover what memories?"

"The excess spiritual energy has returned to Canglan, your injuries should be healed, why didn't you recover your memory?" Qiuye became more and more suspicious.


Yunli's eyes flashed, and she knew it well. It seemed that the public statement was serious injury, not death.

"Maybe it looks good on the surface, but it's not all right." She said vaguely, and immediately changed the subject, "Why are you hiding from me?"

Qiu Ye smiled guilty, "I'm afraid you'll take it out on me."

"What?" Yunli was confused, "There is no grievance or enmity, why should I use you to vent my anger. Besides, your master saved us many times, I thank you before it's too late."

"Hehe," Qiuye became more and more guilty, and agreed dryly, "It should be, it should be."

Yunli became more and more confused. Could it be that she was a white-eyed wolf before?I have never seen a savior so guilty.

Hey, wait a minute, the girl in Tsing Yi is from the Ninefold Star Tower. With her strength, it should be easy to deal with the monsters in the Qingxuan Starfield. Why not kill the monsters directly?
She thought so, and asked the same question.

"Our Goddess Palace is responsible for guarding billions of mortals, and we must not interfere with the affairs of monks, which should not be involved in that matter.

But the strength of that devil is far beyond that of the monks in the Qingxuan interface. If he doesn't stop him, the entire Qingxuan star field will be devastated. My lord can't see it, so he made such a bad move. I hope His Highness forgets about it and doesn't mention it. "

Yunli was speechless, what kind of broken rules are these, things that Nanmi could solve easily, forced the Yingmeng Spirit Clan to pay such a price.

The business is important, so she hurriedly explained the purpose of coming: "We are looking for Nan Mi, the seal in his consciousness sea has been broken."

"Broken? How could it be broken?" Qiuye's expression became solemn, and with a wave of her hand, the gate of the green vine slowly opened, "Go in first, let me check."

Entering the Ivy Gate, the first sight is a statue of a goddess. The statue is very simple, carved out of ordinary bluestone. However, standing in front of her, an indescribable sense of magnificence hits her, and she can't help but feel small.

What's even more strange is that even though he kept staring at her, he didn't have the concept of her face in his mind, and he couldn't even tell whether she was beautiful or ugly.

But when you look away, her image seems to be engraved in the deepest part of the soul, which cannot be forgotten.

Behind the statue is a clear lake, the lake is vast and boundless, and a huge stone sword can be seen in the center from a distance. There are a few lotus flowers under the sword, which is exactly the place she came to during her fugue.

Qiu Ye tipped her toes and flew towards a lotus leaf. When she was about to approach, her figure slowly shrank, and when she landed on the lotus leaf, she was the size of a thumb, just like a flower fairy in a fairy tale.

The eyes of a few people stared straight, and they didn't feel the fluctuation of spiritual power. How did this trick change?

Seeing that they were delayed, Qiu Ye turned around and said, "Come here."

Yunli and the others put away their shock and flew there. As the distance approached, the lotus leaf gradually enlarged in their field of vision. When they reached the edge, there was already a wide green square in front of them.

Standing on the edge of the lotus leaf, Wei Lin looked back around, frowned and said, "Why do I think this looks familiar?"

The autumn leaves moved slightly with their fingertips, and a little bit of brilliance overflowed, surrounding the outer edge of the lotus leaf: "Is it familiar, you have been raised here for more than 3000 years."

"Here?" Yunli was stunned, and the fragmentary clues in her mind were connected into a complete line, "So, during the Dawan Dynasty, he was so dizzy, you saved him?"

Qiu Ye nodded, then shook his head again after a while: "Strictly speaking, you saved him. At that time, you broke through the border by force, brought him to our lord, and begged my lord to save him."

Looking back on the scene, Qiu Ye was filled with emotion, that such a proud person in the rumors would humiliate others for the sake of a mortal.

Wei Lin sensitively caught the flash of emotion on her face, and asked tentatively, "Is there a condition to save someone?"

Akiba took it for granted: "Naturally."

"How many spirit stones? No, how much money from the fairy world?" Yun Li's heart tightened. From Qiu Ye's expression and tone, it can be seen that she and Nan Mi didn't seem to have a very close relationship before.

Qiu Ye smiled: "My lord is the Holy Maiden of the Goddess Palace, who is in charge of billions of mortals and has no shortage of money. Our condition is that after you return to the Ninefold Star Palace, you will help kill someone."

Yunli thought to herself, the soul is extremely yin and the soul is yin to cold, but as a phoenix, her spiritual power and consciousness are both yang, so there is absolutely no way to do it.

At that time, no matter what conditions the other party asks, she will probably agree.

However, I am not alone, and with the support of the Feng family behind me, Nan Mi should not put forward any conditions that violate the principle.

If she doesn't ask, it doesn't mean that other people don't ask. Almost as soon as Qiu Ye's words fell, Wei Lin frowned and asked, "Who did you kill? What cultivation? What's the origin? Why didn't your lord kill himself?"

When mentioning the enemy, Qiu Ye gritted his teeth visibly with the naked eye: "My lord is not good at fighting, how can he be his opponent. Besides, his status is quite high, so killing him is very troublesome."

After a pause, he said to Yunli again: "Of course, it's not that troublesome for you."

Wei Lin's heart sank slightly, it wasn't that troublesome, but there was still trouble.

Yunli was afraid that he would have psychological pressure, so she said proudly: "Whoever he is, plan slowly, and he will always be chopped up! Besides, he also got a free bodyguard. Isn't Nanmi going to save you later?"

Akiba: "That's another deal."

Yunli blinked: "...what?"

"Killing people is just a reward for helping him suppress the extremely negative life and sending him reincarnated. Protecting him from dying is the second deal." Qiu Ye's voice gradually became weaker, with a hint of guilt in his tone.

Yunli had an ominous premonition: "What is the second deal?"

Qiu Ye touched the tip of her nose: "Save once, one world."

"Is it the world I understand? The Canglan Continent?" Yunli was a little dazed, what kind of family background did she have before, and the reward was directly given to one world!
"Like the Qingxuan Starfield."

Yunli: Death!

An Ran and the others were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear, and shouted in unison: "You are too dark!"

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