all the way to fairy

Chapter 649 Stupid?

Chapter 649 Stupid?
Wei Lin was stunned. In her heart, his life was so important.

Just saving one world once, this is a big deal!

In a world like the Qingxuan Starfield, not to mention saving one time, it is enough as a reward for saving lives thousands of times.

No matter what, I feel that Nan Mi is slaughtering fat sheep.

Thinking of this, he asked suspiciously: "Your family didn't get along with Ali before?"

"That can't be. Before saving you, my lord and Yue Dian only knew each other that there was such a person, and they had never seen it before."

Speaking of the latter, Qiuye's voice gradually became quieter. In fact, she also felt that the Holy Maiden was taking advantage of others.

To them, saving people in this small world is just a matter of moving their fingers, but the Holy Maiden opened her mouth like a lion.

Qiu Ye thought about it for thousands of years, but she still couldn't figure out what kind of grievances the two had.

However, my lord, of course I have to defend, Qiu Ye solemnly defended: "If Yue Dian refuses to agree to what you love, who would dare to force it?
Furthermore, letting the soul of a ghost who should be cultivated to cultivate immortals is an act against the heavens. What a cause and effect it is. If we save him, we will be enemies of this side of heaven, and it is reasonable to take a side of the world as a reward... Cough cough Reasonable. "

"So you really gave me my spiritual root?" Wei Lin felt a little better, the spiritual root was determined by God, let a person without spiritual root grow a spiritual root, obviously competing with the heaven for his job.

"No, your spiritual root was transformed by Yue Dian's cultivation. If it wasn't for that, she wouldn't need to re-cultivate it. She should have returned to Nine Layers of Stars by this time."

The eyes of An Ran and the others looked at Yunli even more wrongly, and even Dodo sighed: "Sister Yun, you were so stupid before, didn't you know how to bargain, and agreed to such a bad deal."

"That's not a business, that's your brother Wei's life!" Yun Li put on a blank face, but her heart fell into self-doubt. As a phoenix, how could she be so stupid?

An Ran squinted her eyes, as if she was looking at a fool: "You are really stupid. You are a phoenix, and you are backed by the phoenix family. Your status is used to suppress people, not to make it sound nice."

Mu Yan also said: "Although I am touched by the love between you, you are really a prodigal!"

Wei Lin was moved, his eyes felt a little sore, at this moment, he was relieved.

Once, when he tried his best, but his chances were frequently cut off by others, when he escaped from death again and again, he was angry about the unfair fate and complained about the difficult road.

Fortunately, no matter how difficult and desperate, he never thought of giving up.

Otherwise, how could she be worthy of her dedication.

This despised fairy road was paved by her at such a high price!
Yunli felt that this topic could not be continued, what if it caused pressure on the senior brother?
She cleared her throat, suppressed the pain in her heart, and stared: "What are you talking about? People are more important than money? Isn't it just a small world, saving your life is better than anything else!
The world and everything else are things outside of me. If I have one world, I can get the second and third, and I will earn it back sooner or later! "

She spoke with arrogance, as if she would come back after a thousand pieces of gold disappeared, "Perhaps for the immortals of the Nine Layers of Stars, one world is like a piece of spirit stone, oh yes, I have several worlds, no Still in debt?"

She turned her head and looked at Qiuye, feeling a little nervous in her heart. There is still a long way to go, and she doesn't know how many times Nan Mi needs to be rescued. If she returns to Jiuzhong Xingque and owes a big debt, will she be beaten? die?


Yun Li secretly scolded Nan Mi for being unkind, and she was shocked at her own courage in 3000 years, daring to make such a deal with someone in the three-party world.

On the surface, he looked nonchalant: "It's only one-third of the time, it's all it takes... Hey, no, he has been in danger so many times, why did Nan Mi only take one shot?"

This is illogical. If she were Nan Mi, she would definitely be on guard every day, and would go out to save people whenever she had the opportunity.

"This is your request, only in a situation where death is inevitable." Qiu Ye complained endlessly, she was ready to make a move outside Qinghe Valley before, who would have thought that Yue Dian would jump forward and block that sword for him.

Up to now, with all their efforts, they have barely saved one time, and as their cultivation level improves in the future, they will have no chance to make a move.

Anran Muyan and the others were speechless, looking at Yunli as if they were looking at an idiot, whether they would negotiate a deal or not, it was all a mess.

Yunli is also very speechless, what kind of strange brain circuit is the self 3000 years ago, generous when it should be stingy, and haggling when it should be generous.

However, it always feels weird.

Duoduo twisted her delicate little eyebrows, her face full of puzzlement: "Sister Yun, are you generous or stingy? Why do I become more confused the more I listen?"

Yunli: "..."

She stared, and Duoduo said: "Can you save me some face? Shut up if you can't speak."

After receiving her voice transmission, Dodo quickly hid behind Mu Yan, hiding herself tightly.

Mu Yan froze for a moment, then tilted her head and said helplessly, "Why are you scaring her again?"

Yunli: "...hehe, how could I scare her."

As soon as the words were finished, Dodo poked her head out from Mu Yan's side, stretched out her hand and drew a cross next to her mouth.

The meaning was obvious, and she shut up.

Yunli is suddenly depressed, this little girl's film is overpowering her!
"It's not stingy, that's what you said back then," Qiuye cleared her throat, raised her head slightly, and imitated the sad tone of looking up at the sky at 45 degrees.

'I used to think that I was not strong enough to protect her; after walking through the world of mortals, I realized that the best way to protect a person is to make him as strong as me! '

Yunli was stunned: "Who didn't I protect?"

"I don't know about that, you didn't tell me."

At this time, the brilliance on the outer edge of the lotus leaf has been completely solidified, forming a transparent glass cover, which tightly seals the lotus leaf field where they are staying.

Qiu Ye raised her hand to signal to everyone that she was about to start the inspection, and said to Wei Lin, "Let go of your guard."

As he said that, he raised his hand to make a formula, and the huge lotus leaf under his feet began to emit faint green gas, lingering around Wei Lin's body.

Yunli didn't care about other things, and put all her attention on the two of them, slowly pulling her heart together.

I saw the light green air spiraling up Ziwei Lin's legs, and when it flew around his eyebrows, it was completely submerged in it.

Suddenly, Qiu Ye's pupils dilated, and her eyes were full of shock: "No! Your seal was not broken recently, the crack clearly existed decades ago!"

Her mind was shaken, and her pale green aura dissipated.

Yun Li was startled, stepped in front of her, and stared at her closely: "What did you say?"

Qiu Ye looked serious and said, "I'll take another look."

As she said that, she called out the light green air to check again.

(End of this chapter)

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