Chapter 652

Yunli hurriedly made amends: "I was thinking about 'amnesia'. When negotiating with Nanmi, I clearly had Shaohaoyue's complete memory. Why hasn't it recovered now?"

What she said was half true and half false. She was indeed thinking about this matter, but she had already guessed the answer somewhat.

Hearing this, Qiu Ye leaned over and interjected: "This is really strange, you just lost your cultivation, not your soul, why didn't you recover your memory?"

"Memory..." Yunli murmured softly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she finally realized what she had overlooked.

Back then, she specially told Wei Lin to erase the memory of Wei Lin's previous life before reincarnation, so that it would be impossible to retrieve it later. It was still in such a way that was almost equivalent to personal experience.

The jade rosary is a ceremonial device, so it goes without saying whose handwriting it is!

This is a conspiracy!

Her face changed suddenly, and she grabbed Wei Lin suddenly: "Quick, give me the jade rosary!"

Jade rosary?
Wei Lin was stunned for a moment, and quickly thought of this level, and then his head was full of black lines, knowing that there was danger, and asking him to hand over the danger to her, he was in a panic.

In his mind, he quickly took out the jade rosary and threw it out forcefully.

Yunli raised her hand, and a ball of Nirvana Heavenly Fire flew out from her fingertips, and shot towards the jade rosary. Just when the Nirvana Heavenly Fire was about to touch it, the naturally falling jade rosary froze for a second, and then flew into the sky.

Yunli hurriedly commanded the Nirvana Heavenly Fire to chase after him, the jade rosary suddenly became bright red, and temporarily blocked the burning of the Nirvana Heavenly Fire.

The young woman's face slowly emerged in the red light, her skin was white and frosty, her eyes were thick and charming, and the center of her brow was decorated with a blood-colored Manzhushahua, which adorned her entire face and made her face thrilling.

Her eyes turned slightly, and her eyes slowly swept across the three of Yunli, and finally fell on Wei Lin, her cherry lips parted slightly, and ethereal voices came from all directions, echoing in the oasis.

"You can't escape."

After the words fell, they disappeared suddenly, and the jade rosary also disappeared.

Yunli took back the Nirvana Skyfire and confirmed, "Is it her?"


Wei Lin's expression was complicated. When he saw this familiar face again, those mottled memories suddenly became clear, and the hopelessness, confusion and entanglement of waiting were overwhelming.

All of a sudden, he seemed to have returned to the banks of the Styx, waiting without knowing the passage of time.

"In my inheritance, there is no mention of a woman beside the Styx River..." Yunli tried her best to trigger the inheritance, but there was nothing other than the Past Life Pond, the Styx River, and Manzhushahua.

She tilted her head and asked Qiu Ye: "Do you know where she came from?"

"You are a protoss, and there is nothing in your inheritance. How could I, a little flower elf, know."

"Aren't there any records and legends about the underworld in the anecdote of Jiu Chong Xing Que?"

Qiu Ye shook her head: "No, little elves like us only know that there are ghost cultivators in the underworld, and nothing else."

"She might know." Wei Lin took out the Soul Sealing Orb and activated it, and Yinhua's soul floated out.

Seeing Wei Lin, she recalled the scene on the cliff that day, flinched involuntarily, and quickly regained her composure, looking at the two with hatred, wishing she could goug them out.

Yunli raised her hand, and the crimson sky fire rose from her fingertips, "We are all old acquaintances, I believe you got to know me later and know my temperament. Now let me ask you to answer, why did that woman in Styx let my senior brother Cultivate ghosts?"

After finishing speaking, waited for a while, and began to read: "One, two..."

Yinhua was startled, and hurriedly said: "I can say it, but there is one condition."

Back then in the small courtyard in Maple Leaf Town, she saw with her own eyes that the little witch finished reciting the number three and strangled the pursuer neatly. Later, she learned from Emperor Xuande that she killed the imperial physician. There is absolutely no room for change.

Yunli stopped counting and looked at her coldly.

"I can tell you everything I know, on the condition that you can't kill me."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, she was quite serious, and she even noticed the loophole in her language.

Yin Hua paused, looked at her fixedly, and added slowly: "You promised yourself."

Yunli was stunned for a moment, then narrowed her eyes and looked at Yinhua suspiciously, "Have you ever seen me make a move?"

After thinking about it, he said again: "The time in Maple Leaf Town in the Southern Ming Dynasty?"

Yinhua nodded. After receiving the news that Xiyue was not dead, she sent the Yin Talisman to Yuzhou Guoshi Mansion for the first time, and then rushed to Maple Leaf Town. She followed them all the time, trying to find Xiyue Reason for not dying.

Unfortunately, until the end, she didn't know how Lu Fei saved the dying Princess Xiyue.

While thinking about it, the eyes of the girl opposite turned darker, and the light orange eyes were filled with brilliance. Gradually, the light orange color turned into a huge vortex, which made people unconsciously want to see the innermost part of the vortex.

Gradually, the surrounding environment became illusory, and thoughts became long and heavy...

The lips of the person on the opposite side opened and closed, it was clear that the distance was very close, but the voice of the other party seemed to come from the distant sky, "You... are not worthy... to negotiate terms with me."

In the next second, Yinhua's thoughts were completely chaotic, and he didn't know anything.

Seeing the effect of confusion, Yunli hurriedly repeated the previous question, but saw that Yinhua was sluggish and motionless.

Yinhua didn't know either.

She froze in her heart, and changed the way of asking: "When did Styx girl find you?"

Yinhua's eyes were dull, but her voice was very excited: "On the day of the Ghost Festival, she said that she can take me to the underworld, and you can also gain longevity by cultivating ghosts. The sky is endless! The sky is endless!"

Yunli suddenly realized, it's no wonder that Yinhua's previous posture was clearly to negotiate with the monks of Canglan, but suddenly changed his mind overnight. It turned out that before they went up the mountain, they had made a deal with Styx Girl.

Could it be that that night, when the gate of ghosts opened, Styx girl first went to find her senior brother, and then went to Kuocang Mountain to negotiate with Yinhua?
"What does she want you to do?" Yunli asked again.

"Kill Lu Fei's reincarnation! She wants to kill Lu Fei's reincarnation, and I also want to crush that brat to ashes!

If it wasn't for him, how could this seat be so embarrassed!It is a great shame and humiliation for the dignified Yuan Empress True Monarch to be beaten and killed by a group of ants!What a shame! "

The more Yinhua talked, the more excited she became, her soul and body twisted, and they separated and reunited in a small area, Yunli couldn't help muttering, she must have been bewitched by Huo Xin, she did this to confuse them, and then took the opportunity to escape, right?
"I want to kill him, I want to see him being corrupted by the mummy monsters with my own eyes! As long as Princess Xiyue is not around, I will definitely be able to kill him..."

Facing Yinhua who was almost insane, Yunli was speechless: "Why does she hate you so much? I am the one who cut off her path to ascension."

Wei Lin sneered: "Of course I think I'm an ant."

Human nature is like this, of course you will be angry when you are bullied by the strong, but to a certain extent, it can also be said to be a matter of course.

If you lose in the hands of the weak, that kind of aggrieved and angry is especially uncomfortable.

To put it bluntly, it means picking soft persimmons.

(End of this chapter)

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