Chapter 653
Yunli raised her eyebrows. The difference between strength and weakness cannot be simply divided by strength and status. The fact that the weak can beat the strong means that in a certain aspect, he is actually better than the so-called strong.

She asked something else, and it was similar to what they had guessed. Turning those monks into mummy monsters was also the method of Styx Girl, and Yinhua didn't know anything else.

She calmed down her confusion, Yinhua's consciousness became clear again, and she was full of confidence: "I am not worthy, what about the Styx girl? In this world, except me, has anyone else touched her?"

She was unaware of the previous matter, still talking about the conditions to herself.

Yunli rolled her eyes, moved her fingertips slightly, and the fire of Nirvana flew out, "Remember, you were stupid to death by yourself."

Yinhua is already a ghost cultivator. Once Donglu's ban is lifted, she can just find her way to the underworld by herself, and there is no need for Styx Girl to take her there.

There are too many people in my party, maybe they can't take care of her. When she goes to the underworld, they just want to seek revenge from her, and they can't do anything for a while.

"What do you mean—"

Before Yinhua finished speaking, she was engulfed by the fire of Nirvana. In her pure state of soul and body, she was completely annihilated before she could even utter a scream.

Seeing Qiuye swallowing, she couldn't help but move her butt, a little away from Yunli.

Yuedian's murder was really straightforward, and it didn't mean to let people die at all.

Yunli put away the Nirvana Sky Fire, raised her eyes to look at the sky, a little anxious, why is it still not bright?
Wei Lin saw her irritability, held her hand, and said in a deep voice: "Let's take a look, based on the clues we know now, Styx girl has shot at least three times in these years.

The crack in the seal has been broken for four to fifty years. If there is no accident, it should be the first time she made a move, with the purpose of destroying the seal of Jiyin Fate Soul;
The second time I set up the deception of the jade rosary, let me recall my previous life through my own experience, the purpose is..."

Having said that, he stopped and looked at Yunli, he was puzzled about this, what's wrong with remembering his previous life?

Yunli pursed the corners of her lips: "We can know our past life, but not in the way of personal experience.

We have almost pieced together the experience of the third life, how do you feel about it now?How do you feel about the first and second lives? "

Wei Lin suddenly realized that this is the difference between insiders and outsiders. Regarding the third world, they just listened to a story and let it go after a few words of emotion.

But for the first and second lives, they are people in the game. The environment of the four seasons, the passage of time, and the people and things around them have all gotten along with each other in a real way, with deep love and hatred.

"So, she wants me to inherit the causal love and hatred from my previous life and influence my heart?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and Yunli exclaimed: "No, personally experiencing the past life will affect Dao Xin, but this is not her purpose!"

Neither causal obsession nor Dao Xin can take effect in a short period of time.

The third time the daughter of Styx made her attack was this year's Hungry Ghost Festival. This time, she came in a menacing manner. If her senior brother hadn't been clever and used the energy of the warming lotus to fill the gap in the seal, she would have succeeded.

Obviously, she is not taking the path of plotting slowly.

Yunli took a deep breath, "The jade rosary is a ghost weapon, and you activated it twice. Could it be that the process of activation triggered something that made it easier for her to destroy your seal for the third time?"

Wei Linxuan was startled, and suddenly remembered that after waking up from the first life, he had briefly felt the coldness in the cell.

As a late Jindan cultivator, the cold and heat have not invaded for a long time, this is not right.

At the beginning, he subconsciously wanted to find out the reason, but the feeling was very short-lived, and it disappeared before he could confirm it carefully.

Later, he found out that the national teacher was a ghost cultivator, so he naturally thought that the prison in the national teacher's mansion was infected by the national teacher's Yin Qi, so he let go of his doubts.

Now that I think about it, the coldness may have something to do with the activation of the jade rosary.

In their anxiety, the first ray of morning light finally sprinkled on the earth, and the three of them immediately turned back to face the rising sun.

Three hours later, a bright lake appeared in the field of vision, the surface of the lake was as smooth as a mirror, without a trace of waves.

When I walked closer, I leaned forward and saw that the water surface clearly reflected the figure and the blue sky and white clouds above my head, but I couldn't see anything under the water, as if it was really a mirror.

Mirror Lake, worthy of the name!
Qiu Ye took out a straw fish and put it into the lake. The body of the fish was a little bright, and with a flick of its tail, it swam towards the water.

"The ruler fish will go down to the bottom of Jinghu Lake in about two quarters of an hour. My adults will come up after receiving the letter. Let's wait a while."

"Aren't we going down?"

Yunli couldn't believe it, she had already reached the door, if she was close, you would yell at her to come up, if it was far away, you would go down by yourself, why wait again!
Qiu Ye looked awed, "The master of Jinghu has a bad temper, and only those who are predestined are not allowed to enter Jinghu. In the past, someone was chased and killed by the enemy and came to Jinghu by mistake. The master of Jinghu healed his wound and let him His skill greatly increased, and he killed the enemy.

Later, he brought others to Jinghu to seek opportunities, but was directly killed by the owner of Jinghu.

I came here with my adults, and they were all waiting on the shore. You came with me, and you are not predestined people, so of course you can't go down. "

"Even you haven't entered Jinghu Lake?" Yunli was surprised, and couldn't help muttering, "What's the origin?"

The Goddess Palace is in charge of hundreds of millions of mortals. Although Qiuye is a maid, her status is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Qiu Ye shook her head: "I only became the personal servant of the Holy Maiden 6000 years ago. At that time, the master of Jinghu Lake was here, and I don't know who he is. But Aunt Qiaoyun said that he even No face."

"The leader of the Dragon Clan?"


"Then this person really has a lot of background!"

With a word of emotion, Yunli skipped the matter and stared at Jinghu, "How long will it take to get up from the bottom? Why hasn't Nanmi arrived yet? She hasn't received your summons yet, has she?"

Qiu Ye was speechless, how long has it been, a few words are enough, even if you knock on the door outside the courtyard of an ordinary house, you still have to give the owner time to react.

Half an hour later, the smooth 'mirror surface' was finally broken, and ripples swayed in the center of the lake. Nan Mi, wearing a long skirt with wide sleeves and sweeping the floor, walked slowly from the water.

Seeing Yunli and Yunli, she stopped, and the ripples on the lake became a little messy for an instant.

"Why are you here?"

Wei Lin frowned, wondering if it was his illusion, why did he feel that her voice was slightly nervous?
"My senior brother's seal is broken, hurry up and have a look..." Yunli crackled and succinctly told Wei Lin's situation, and hurriedly urged Nan Mi to check it out.

Nan Mi's expression froze, and she rushed to check. After a while, she said with a serious face, "A good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Yunli's heart tightened, she hated people saying that the most, good or bad things have become an established fact, it doesn't make much difference which one to listen to first.

Seeing that she didn't want to answer, Wei Lin opened his lips: "You can say whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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