Chapter 654

Nan Mi said: "The good news is that the inner seal is not seriously damaged, and it is easy to repair."

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it can be repaired, "What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that there is a little bit of Styx water in his soul. If it cannot be expelled, even if the seal is repaired, it will be destroyed again."

As expected, the initial crack in the seal was caused by the water of the River Styx.

"Styx water?"

Yunli was shocked, her eyes widened suddenly, "Did you read it wrong?"

The water of the Styx river devours the soul and eliminates the soul, it is like a torture to the soul, the water of the Styx river enters the soul, how could the brother not notice it!
"It's true for us, but he is a very yin soul." Nan Mi paused for a moment, then looked at Wei Lin with a complicated expression, "I've been looking for a very yin soul over the years..."

"Master Saintess." Wei Lin raised his voice, "...Can the Styx River be cleaned up?"

His intention to interrupt was so obvious that it was difficult for Yunli not to notice, she turned her eyes to look at him, clearly seeing anxiety in his eyes.

Her heart tightened, and she asked Nan Mi, "What's wrong with Ji Yin Fate Soul?"

Wei Lin hurriedly said: "Let's put aside the explanation, now it's important to reinforce the seal."

Regarding the seal, he had been very calm before, but now he suddenly became anxious, Yunli naturally couldn't believe it, her heart tightened little by little, as if being pinched by an invisible hand.

She fixedly looked at Nan Mi, urging her with her eyes.

Nan Mi sighed lightly, "I have found out the method of refining the extremely yin fate soul, the Styx River is connected to the Rebirth Pool, it is the place where the most yin in the world gathers, and it is the place where the underworld punishes evil spirits.

No matter how powerful the evil spirit is, once it enters the river, it will be cut into pieces by a thousand knives, and it won't last long before it will be wiped out.But if you can survive the tempering of the Styx water, you can refine it into an extremely yin soul. "

"Into... the Styx River?"

Yunli couldn't believe it, and turned her head to look at Wei Lin with difficulty, "Didn't you say that Styx girl opened an opening for you at the connection between the Past Life Pool and the Reincarnation Passage?"

The matter could no longer be concealed, Wei Lin had no choice but to say, "The channel of reincarnation is at the bottom of the Styx River."

"Styx...underneath? Then you..." Yunli couldn't continue, her vision blurred for an instant, and her heart throbbed in pain.

The degree of pain of the two soul tortures is not much worse than that of Nirvana's burning fire.

No wonder, with Wenshenlian and other wonders of heaven and earth warming him up, he was almost wiped out.

Wei Lin gently wiped away her tears, smiled, "Whatever you cried, it's over."

Yunli wiped more and more tears, she felt her throat hurt, "I'm sorry, I..."

She felt very guilty. If he hadn't met her, his life would not have been so painful and burdened so much.

That is the Styx River, everything does not float, even the immortals of the Nine Layers of Stars will disappear if their soul enters the river.

After getting along for many years, Wei Lin easily understood her thoughts, he gently hugged her trembling body, and comforted her softly: "I did it voluntarily, you never betrayed me, there is nothing I'm sorry about."

He held the corner of his mouth, and a slight smile bloomed on his lips: "As long as I remember that you are waiting for me at the end of reincarnation, no matter how difficult or painful, I can get through it."

Yunli's heart felt like a pinprick, and it hurt slowly, how could she tell him that all this was just a catastrophe.

Nan Mi is also moved, the Styx River does not cross all things, no matter the immortals of the Ninefold Star Palace or the ghosts of the Nine Nether Hades, if they enter the Styx River, their souls will be destroyed.

Only the deepest obsession and tenacious will can withstand the erosion of the river Styx.

Wei Lin patted Yunli on the back reassuringly, "It's all over, I'm fine, let's listen to what the saint has to say first."

Yunli sniffed, and secretly made up her mind that she will go against this calamity to the end!
Seeing her slowing down, Nan Mi continued: "So now his soul is not afraid of the Styx water at all. On the contrary, this bit of Styx water and his soul complement each other, which will further temper the soul of extreme yin, but the seal will also be destroyed. "

The problem is that it is a good thing for other people to become stronger, but it is not the case for Wei Lin.

His predicament, apart from the extreme yin and coldness of the extremely yin soul, the most important thing is that the soul is too strong than the body.

His body is only the strength of a late Jindan monk, but his spirit has been raised in the Tianfang Glazed Realm for more than 6000 years, and with the addition of the Warming God Lotus, one can imagine the huge gap.

"Apart from the Styx water, is there anything else in his soul?" Yunli tried hard to calm herself down, and then detailed a series of conspiracies such as the jade rosary.

"Jade rosary? Experienced past life..." Nan Mi murmured softly, "I understand, it should be a ghost weapon refined from the seeds of Manzhu Shahua.

Manzhushahua takes the memory of the undead as its nourishment. As long as it takes in enough memories, it can use the memories of all people to reproduce the complete past.

Manzhu Shahua took root in the Styx River and urged the Jade Rosary Beads. The little Styx River water in his soul was drawn and would swim greatly, strengthening the destructive power to the seal. "

Yunli was terrified. From the Styx river water four or fifty years ago, to the jade rosary deception, and then to destroying her senior brother's body with ghost resentment, the Styx girl has followed every step of the way.

"Do you know the origin of Styx girl?" She asked in a deep voice.

Nan Mi shook his head: "Since you said it 6000 years ago, I have investigated this person, but I have no clue. The Rebirth Pond is related to the reincarnation of mortal beings. For the sake of fairness, neither the ghost world nor the immortal world can interfere.

It is said that a long time ago, reincarnation was managed by ghosts in the underworld.Ghosts are cultivated after the death of living beings, and they also have selfish intentions.

There are many people who help relatives and friends who were alive, or accept bribes. Those who are reborn or time-traveled have caused a mess in all walks of life.

After discussing with ghosts and immortals, they set up death pools in various reincarnation worlds and isolated them from Jiuyou Hades, allowing them to cleanse the memory of the undead and eliminate sins according to specific rules.

People who do a lot of evil, have more sins, and the more they will be eliminated, the soul will be greatly weakened, and if it is weakened to a certain extent, it can only be reincarnated as a low-level creature.

Even if some undead with strong souls can resist the attraction of the strange fragrance of the Rebirth Pool, after staying by the Styx River for a long time, their souls will be eroded and weakened, and they will not be able to escape the strange fragrance in the end.

It stands to reason that, with the exception of him who possesses the Warming Spirit Lotus, it is impossible for other undead to stay by the pool for a long time. "

Yunli pursed her lips. In her inheritance memory, there were no ghost cultivators by the Reincarnation Pool.

Since she had no clue, she could only put this matter aside for the time being. She let out a breath and asked, "Do you have a way to get the water out of the River Styx?"

Nan Mi looked at the endless Mirror Lake, a strange color flashed in his eyes, "It can't be guaranteed to be completely drawn out, you also know the destructive power of the Styx River water, as long as there is a little bit left, it may cause irreversible consequences."

Hearing this, Qiu Ye raised her eyes in surprise, glanced at her quickly, lowered her eyes, stared at a certain place on the ground, and silently acted as a background board.

(End of this chapter)

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