all the way to fairy

Chapter 656 Mermaid

Chapter 656 Merman (1)

Yunli turned around slightly, changed to sitting sideways, lazily looked at Wei Lin who was practicing sword beside him, and said leisurely: "It's so hot in summer that it's time to sleep."

Under the blue sky, the young man is dressed in blue and white clothes, like a green bamboo standing against the wind, holding a blue long sword, his figure is as light as a swallow as he moves around, and his every move is just right.

She looked at it for a long time, then Fang Xu let out a breath and murmured: "It's such a beautiful illusion, I don't want to wake up."

"What nonsense are you talking about again?" 'Wei Lin', a beautiful queen of swords, retreated, and stared at her from a distance, with helpless and doting eyes.

No matter the expression and tone, or the martial arts and sword moves, they are exactly the same as Wei Lin, and even Bingdi has the feeling of warming Shenlian.

However, Yunli knew very well that this was an illusion.

Hong Chen's kung fu is the top kung fu of the Feng Clan. Although her cultivation level is not enough and she was pulled into the illusion, she was not completely addicted.

She smiled and whispered to herself: "It's okay, one day, we will be like this illusion, and the years will be quiet."

As she spoke, she raised her hand, gathered strength in her fist, and suddenly blasted out. The quiet courtyard, green trees, swings, and young men standing with swords all shattered like glass, and there was another mirror in front of them, reflecting thousands of Thousands of her.

She urged Wen Shenlian to try to sense Wei Lin's position. The most dangerous thing about illusions is being in them without knowing it. She can break through them. These illusions are nothing to her to fear, the dangerous one is Wei Lin.

After a while, a familiar coolness appeared in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, followed the guidance of the coolness to find the past, and as she walked, there were pale pink and almost white peach petals falling in front of her eyes.

She slashed out with a backhand palm, and the palm wind carried spiritual power to draw a sharp arc in the air, splitting the petals in half.

There was a momentary throbbing pain in her heart, Yunli was stunned for a moment, then slowly raised her head, peach blossoms were flying like rain, flying and swaying from the air, like the skirts of dancers at a grand ceremony.

She subconsciously stretched out her hand and tried to catch it. When her fingertips touched it, the petals turned into light pink flying sand, disappearing invisible.

Sadness is like a vine, which grows from the heart and crazily grows, entwining her tightly in an instant, tears pouring down uncontrollably...

In a trance, a sigh sounded in his ear, as if it came from the far end of the sky, Yunli raised his head, and at some point there was a man in white standing in front of him.

Tears blurred her vision, she couldn't see his face clearly, only felt that he was very angry, very angry.

His mouth opened and closed, as if he was reprimanding something, but his voice seemed to be coming through layers of barriers, making it inaudible.

After an unknown amount of time, his anger finally calmed down, and his eyes were filled with disappointment.

"You let me down so much."

There were so many reprimands, but she didn't hear a single word clearly, only this sentence came into her ears clearly, and echoed in her mind over and over again for a long time.

Yunli was shocked suddenly, and all kinds of emotions of sadness, grievance, panic, and bewilderment instantly overwhelmed her.

After a while, she blinked her eyes, trying to see the man's face clearly, but the man had already turned around and drifted away.

Looking at the back that melted into the rain of peach blossoms, she suddenly felt familiar, and more grievances spread, and her vision blurred again.

When the back figure completely disappeared from the field of vision, a white light flashed, and the surroundings returned to their original state. There was no rain of peach blossoms, and no man in white.

Only when the fingertips touched the petals, the sharp heartache still remained in my heart, and there was still a grievance that was difficult to calm down.

It was actually affected by the illusion!
Yunli closed her eyes, tried her best to calm down her turbulent mood, and became a little more wary of the master of Jinghu.

Next, she put all her heart on her guard and her vigilance was full, so as not to be pulled into the illusion again.

After passing through five layers of mirrors, he finally found Wei Lin.

At this moment, he was standing there with his eyes glazed over, obviously already trapped in an illusion, Yunli frowned, thinking about how to pull him out of the illusion.

Suddenly, his eyelashes moved and slowly opened, and he woke up from the illusion by himself.

Yunli was surprised that he had woken up so quickly in this level of illusion!
"How? Are you okay?" She asked nervously.

Wei Lin waved his hand, there are so many illusions in this place, it is hard to guard against, no matter how careful you are, you will also be drawn into it.

The fantasy is aimed at human's seven emotions and six desires. Since he embarked on the road, he has been much more difficult than others. He has honed a firm Taoist heart and is very indifferent to external things. The only knot in his heart has been answered and relieved a few days ago.

Now he is unbreakable.

For this, Yunli expressed her admiration, and praised straight away: "I didn't expect you, brother, to see through the world of mortals and be extraordinary."

Wei Lin raised his brows lightly, stroked his chin and pondered for a while, and said with a serious face, "Maybe in a while, I'll be able to become a monk."

Yunli: "..."

The two went down all the way, and as they walked, the surrounding mirrors suddenly became softer, as if they were going from a solid mirror environment to a gelatinous environment, without the trouble of hallucinations, but it became difficult to breathe.

The two of them condensed out the spirit shield and dived at the fastest speed. The surrounding gel gradually diluted. When they dived to a certain depth, the gel environment turned into water.

Yunli complained secretly, is the owner of Jinghu definitely a mermaid?How come there is a feeling of a snail shrinking in its shell?

I don't know how long it has been before I finally dived to the bottom. What I saw was a quiet cave built with huge rocks, and the rock walls were covered with dark green aquatic plants.

Wei Lindang opened his consciousness to check, and Yunli said, "There is no protective circle, so you can enter directly."

Yunli nodded, and took the lead to swim over. As soon as she reached the entrance of the cave, a gust of wet and cold water rushed over, and a bright light lit up inside the cave, illuminating the dark seabed.

Only then did the two discover that there was a huge clam lying not far from the entrance of the cave, and the light was coming from the surface of the clam shell.

The clam shell shook and opened slowly, revealing a man in a dark blue shirt, with long, soot-blue hair, loosely scattered behind his back like seaweed, without any accessories on his body, but he was shockingly beautiful.

His eyes were slightly closed, his posture was extremely lazy, and the dim light cast several layers of hazy light on his beautiful face.

As if he was woken up by them, he lazily opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely blurred, and the dark blue eyes, against the dim light, were even more mysterious and profound, with a breath-taking charm.

Yunli blinked, suspicious in her heart, is he the owner of Jinghu?
Nan Mi just went up not long ago, why does the master look like he is asleep?How did he entertain guests?Go to bed by yourself and leave the guests alone?
It's been a long time since they entered Mirror Lake, so he wouldn't be completely unaware, right?

Xu Yunli's scrutinizing eyes were too hot, and the pair of dark blue eyes slowly turned to look at her.

All of a sudden, the blue eyes lit up like thousands of stars, "Hello."

His voice was low and hoarse, revealing undisguised surprise and joy.

(End of this chapter)

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