all the way to fairy

Chapter 657 Mermaid

Chapter 657 Merman (2)

What this means is... I know!
Judging from this tone, it seems that they are still on the friendly side!
Yunli rolled her eyes, acquaintances are good, acquaintances are easy to handle.

She cleared her throat and gave a calm 'um'. At the same time, her mind was spinning rapidly. She had no memory of this face at all, and amnesia was easy to see, so pretending to be deep was not feasible.

Just fooling around for a while, Nan Mi is his friend, in case I tell him later...

She first explained a few words briefly: "Ahem, this time the injury was a bit serious, and it damaged my mind and memory. I don't remember who you are. I'm sorry."

The merman got up and walked out of the clamshell, lifted his sleeves, and made a big salute: "See Yuedian."

Yunli is overjoyed, it seems that her status is not as good as her own, so she should be able to persuade him to help.

She raised her hand to signal the merman to get up, thought about her words, and said, "I'm here this time to ask you for a favor, the soul of my senior brother..."

She explained Wei Lin's situation in detail, and looked at Yuren expectantly: "As long as you are willing to help, the payment is negotiable."

Shark shook his head, his expression became very strange, he tilted his head slightly to look at Wei Lin, with complex emotions floating in his eyes.

Before anyone could see clearly, all emotions disappeared in an instant, leaving only a look of sadness on his lips, "Is he the reincarnation of that person?"

This sentence was obviously asking Yunli, Wei Lin's heart moved slightly, and he keenly caught a trace of strangeness.

He squinted his eyes slightly, quietly observing the merman in front of him, and then at Yunli next to him. Why did he feel that the merman's tone was sour?
"You know me?" Wei Lin raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Yuren nodded, a look of loneliness flashed in his eyes, "Nan Mi mentioned it to me."

Yunli was shocked, Nan Mi actually told him about the deal with her!

Immediately, she became a little angry. The two transactions between her and Nan Mi clearly showed that her senior brother was her weakness, how could Nan Mi tell others at will!
The senior brother has been raised in the Goddess Palace for more than 6000 years. Nan Mi has almost no defense against this mermaid. If he tries to make a fool of himself, the consequences will be disastrous!
She took a breath, tried her best to pull out a kind smile, and told herself secretly that she couldn't care about these for the time being.

In addition, this also shows that the merman in front of him has a very good relationship with Nan Mi, so he should sell her some face.

Thinking of this, she smiled more kindly, and hinted obliquely: "I heard from Nan Mi that you are good at controlling water, so it would be no problem to draw all the water out of the River Styx, right?"

Hearing Nan Mi, Yuren was obviously taken aback, and asked in astonishment: "She asked you to come to me?"

Yunli nodded, didn't say anything else, and let the merman make up her mind, while she clasped her hands together and begged, "Please, please help us."

The shark's pupils shook, and his face was full of disbelief, "You actually..."

From Qiu Ye's mouth, Yunli vaguely guessed what kind of person she was before, and understood his shock very well, she smiled: "If you want something from others, of course you have to lower your posture."

The merman was silent, with emotions she couldn't understand surging in his eyes, after a while, a slight smile appeared on his lips, and he said slowly: "You don't need to ask, you are kind to Xiaoxian, and it is Xiaoxian who can help you." an honor."

His voice was very soft, but his tone was very sincere. While Yunli was overjoyed, she did not forget to probe cautiously, "Yes?"

"That happened a long time ago." A look of sadness flashed across the eyes of the merman, "Xiaoxian is not strong enough. He was often bullied when he was young. Once he was almost beaten to death. Fortunately, you rescued him and saved his life." .”

What he said was simple, Yunli was not sure how much this life-saving grace would be, and thinking about Nan Mi's guarantee, she urged again: "If that's the case, I will trouble you."

Shark nodded, raised his hand, moved his fingertips, and then Yunli saw a drop of water the size of a grain of white sugar popping out between Wei Lin's eyebrows.

She blinked her eyes, and she was not mistaken, the merman had indeed made a move; she tried to activate the aura shield again, but it was very firm and did not suffer any damage.

Therefore, the shark completely ignored her aura shield and directly affected Wei Lin's soul!
Is this the strength of Immortal Ninefold Star Que?
After breaking through the tenth level, her confidence soared. She only felt that there were not many people in the Canglan Continent who were her opponents. Even in the face of big monsters such as Runing, she believed that she could have the strength to fight without relying on the magic circle.

But she was very sure that if this mermaid wanted to harm them, she would have no power to resist. The strength gap between the two sides was too great, and they were not at the same level at all.

Soon, the water between Wei Lin's eyebrows accumulated to the size of a mung bean, and the shark's fingertip slightly hooked, and the drop of water easily passed through Yunli's aura shield and landed on his fingertip.

This drop of water has a transparent color of nothingness, which is incompatible with the surrounding lake water, and has no intention of blending in at all.

"Do you still want this drop of Styx water?" the shark asked.

Yunli was stunned: "Is this all right?"

"Okay." The shark nodded.

"So easy?" Yunli couldn't believe it. Nan Mi's ability to become the Holy Maiden of the Goddess Palace is evident in her talent and strength.

The strength of the demon cultivator is linked to his bloodline. This mermaid was often bullied when he was young, which means that his bloodline is not good. It stands to reason that his strength should not be as good as Nan Mi.

What Nan Mi couldn't do, he solved it so easily!
The shark looked at her and smiled gently: "It's just a matter of little effort."

Little effort?

Yunli's eyes flickered, did Nan Mi deliberately lure them here?Or is she suspicious, and it is so easy for mermaids who are good at controlling water?

This thought persisted in her heart for a second, and then she put it behind her, just take out the Styx water.

She grabbed Wei Lin's hand, raised her head, and asked anxiously, "Senior brother, how do you feel?"

Wei Lin shook his head, this drop of the Styx River was barely noticeable when it was level, and he had no obvious feeling whether it existed or not.

However, at the moment when the Styx River water was drawn out of his soul, the cold feeling at that moment was very familiar. It was exactly the same as the coldness when he lured the enemy to shoot an arrow outside Zhongzhou City. If there is no accident, the Styx River water entered his soul at that time.

Seeing that he was fine, Yunli smiled and sincerely thanked the shark: "Thank you, you are such a good person, what reward do you want?"

Without waiting for the shark to answer, he scratched his head again, and said with a sneering smile: "But I don't have anything now, so I'll keep the account first, and when I get back to Ninefold Star Tower, I'll pay you with interest."

The merman's eyes sparkled, and his tone was low: "You have broken Xiaoxian, you have saved Xiaoxian's life, if you have to pay for this little effort, Xiaoxian will be ashamed to death."

Since she has saved her life and owed her no favors, Yunli no longer refuses, and said with a smile, "In that case, thank you very much."

Wei Lin also clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Your Excellency's kindness, I will keep it in my heart, and I will repay it in the future."

Taking out the water from the Styx River is only the first step, and the seal still needs to be repaired and strengthened. After thanking her, Yunli hurriedly waved goodbye: "Then we won't bother you, goodbye."

(End of this chapter)

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