all the way to fairy

Chapter 658 Mermaid

Chapter 658 Merman (3)

"Eh, wait."

As soon as Yunli turned around, she was stopped by the shark, and when she turned her head, she saw him pursing the corners of his lips slightly, hesitant to speak.

Facing Shang Yunli's questioning gaze, he looked forward to Ai Ai: "Can I ask you a few questions?"

Yunli nodded: "You ask."

The shark glanced at Wei Lin, and asked softly, "Why did you choose him?"

"What?" Yunli was a little dazed, looking at his image, he didn't seem like a gossip person, why care about her relationship issues?
When he opened his mouth, the merman no longer had the previous expectations, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became: "In terms of status, he is just an ordinary mortal, and anyone in Ninefold Star Que is also higher than him;

In terms of talent, not to mention ascension to the Ninefold Star Tower, even the ascension to the intermediate plane has yet to be realized, let alone compared with the heaven's favored children of the Ninefold Star Tower;

In terms of true love, there are not a few people in the four families who like you, that is..."

Speaking of this, he paused, took a deep breath, fixedly looked into Yunli's eyes, and asked almost word by word: "There are so many men who are better than him, why do you only fall in love with him?"

Previously, he had always thought that it was their identity that hindered them, but it turned out to be her will.

As long as she is willing, even if it is a mortal who is destined to miss the immortal journey, she will give everything to change his fate against the sky and make him immortal.

Yunli was annoyed, even if he had helped them, he still couldn't make his senior brother worthless!
She immediately retorted: "What is an ordinary mortal, he is obviously the most special and the best..."

Halfway through the rebuttal, the merman wept, his eyes were filled with broken light, and his whole body was enveloped in great sadness.

Yunli was stunned, thinking of the life-saving grace he said, she couldn't help but feel drums in her heart. Could this person be a former love debt?

She subconsciously looked at Wei Lin, meeting his thoughtful gaze, Yunli suddenly felt guilty, and smiled flatteringly at him reflexively, "There may be some misunderstanding."

A look of helplessness flashed in Wei Lin's eyes, and he sent a voice transmission: "He asked you something, answer it carefully."

For a moment, he really thought about whether the Merman would have emotional entanglements with her. After all, when he met her for the first time in the first life, under the cold heart and indifference, there was still hopelessness.

That is not the emotion that a person who has been trapped in the deep palace since childhood should have. If he has not experienced unforgettable pain, how can he lose all hope.

But this idea only existed for a moment before he rejected it. He knew her temperament very well. He believed that ten cows would not be able to pull back one person. No matter how big the difficulty was, she would find a way to overcome it.

Of course, once you find out that the other party has a different heart, you will break it thoroughly, wait, it will be decisive...

Could it be that this merman betrayed Ah Li?
Wei Lin looked at the mermaid who looked lonely and unwilling, and suddenly became a little uncertain.

Yunli's reaction stung Yuren, the little princess of the Phoenix clan, who is so high above her, has never cared about other people's feelings.

He endured the sharp pain in his heart, and emphasized in a hoarse voice: "This question has puzzled Xiaoxian for more than 6000 years, and it has become a knot in Xiaoxian's heart. Please Your Highness clarify."

"Heart knot? You and me..."

Yunli became more and more guilty, staring at the shark's face, racking her brains to recall, but she still didn't feel familiar.

"We have nothing to do with each other," Yuren smiled, and slowly opened his lips, "Xiaoxian just admires His Highness just like everyone else."

Seeing him trying to hide, but the sadness in his eyes became clearer and quieter, Yunli's perfunctory words that were about to blurt out stuck in his throat.

She turned her head to look at Wei Lin, thought for a long time, and replied seriously: "You all like me who is strong and hate me who is timid. Only he thinks that I, who is afraid of the dark, ghosts, insects and snakes, deserves to be punished." Love."

Yunli raised her head slightly, the lake water was clear, and the midsummer sun shone unhindered, illuminating the bottom of the water brightly.

She had no memory, no idea of ​​who she had been, but something had gone deep into her soul.

Everyone wants her to be invincible, only he wants her to smile as before. In front of him, she can be the most authentic self, naive, willful, or not brave.

She will be strong and will not stop getting stronger, but occasionally she needs someone to lean on.

The shark was startled, he only remembered that she was the scorching sun in midsummer and July, the light that illuminated life in darkness, but he forgot that light also has shadows.

He closed his eyes lightly, took a deep breath, and opened his eyes slowly after a long time: "I understand. Finally, can you promise me a request?"

Hey, Yunli sighed silently, indebtedness is troublesome, there are so many things to do, it's better to pay him seriously.

She said patiently, "Say."

"Can you call me by my name once?"


This weird request made Yunli feel bad, the shark obviously has a deep affection for her like this, she won't owe another person a debt of love, right?

She glanced at Wei Lin, only to see that his brows were slightly frowned, he was thinking about something, and he didn't notice her guilty conscience.

She cleared her throat and asked, "cough cough, what's your name?"

"Ling Zhou." The merman raised his fingertips slightly, and the water was rippling, slowly outlining the two words.

"Lingzhou," Yunli repeated in a low voice, "it's a nice name, I remember it."

Lingzhou's silent blue eyes were like shining bright stars.

Yunli became more and more suspicious, what happened to Ling Zhou before, but just remembering his name, which made him so happy?
Amid her doubts, Lingzhou's face gradually calmed down, suppressing all emotions, and said softly: "His crisis can't just seal his soul, his body also needs protection.

We mermen are good at weaving, and the merman weaves are unparalleled in flexibility. You might as well stay here for a few days, and leave after I finish weaving the merman. "

Hearing the word crocodile, Yunli's inheritance was activated, and the message of crocodile automatically appeared in his mind. The crocodile is the softest thing in the world, but it has the strongest defense, it is invulnerable to water and fire, and it is insoluble by all laws.

"Really?" She was excited, "Are you willing to give us silk?"

The mermaid silk is the most precious treasure of the mermaid clan. It is said that a mermaid can only weave one batch in a lifetime, and very few of them are handed down. Whenever they appear in the world, they will attract competition from various forces.

In the face of ghost resentment last time, if there was a shark, the brother would never hang his life on the line.

In addition, in the future, the crisis will be greatly reduced when dealing with the Ascension Thunder Tribulation!

Lingzhou nodded, since it was her wish to make him immortal, then he would try his best to help.

Yunli was overwhelmed with surprises, and secretly condemned herself for treating a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart, because she thought that Lingzhou was troublesome because of her favor.

After answering only two questions, he was willing to give the silk!Or help your rival!
This pattern, this character, is really good!
"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" The surprise came too suddenly, Yunli was so excited that she was incoherent, she patted her chest and assured, "From now on, you will be our benefactor, whoever is against you is against us! Anyone who deserves us, just look for us!"

(End of this chapter)

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