all the way to fairy

Chapter 659 Mermaid

Chapter 659 Merman (4)

Ling Zhou swam a little to the side, exposed the cave door, and stretched out his hand: "Please come in."

As he swam, under the wide robe, a beautiful fish tail loomed, and the scales of the fish were arranged tightly.

The fish scales shone with a moist luster, and when swimming, it seemed like a band of light was flowing, which was extremely beautiful.

The eyes of Yunli and Li were attracted by it uncontrollably, and she admired it sincerely: "It's so beautiful."

Ling Zhou froze for a moment, then said in a low voice, "Beauty is the original sin."

The beauty of the mermaid race, with its cold temperament, can easily arouse others' desire to conquer and possess, and there are such peerless things as the mermaid. There are not many people in the world who can resist this temptation.

In that catastrophe of desire, the mermaids were wiped out, and now the remaining mermaids are playthings raised by others.

Yunli does not agree with his point of view, "Beauty is a gift, but greed is the original sin."

Ling Zhou was stunned for a moment, then smiled softly, saying goodbye for so many years, even though her cultivation level is low now, she is still so radiant.

Entering the cave, there is a unique cave inside, strange stones everywhere, gurgling water as warm as spring, and around the corners, there are pearls of various colors exuding strange brilliance from time to time, embellishing the cave like a fairy tale world.

Ling Zhou led them through rockery and strange rocks, and came to an open hall, paved with white jade, with pearls shining on the roof, carved railings and painted buildings, completely different from the previous rough cave style.

Ling Zhou made a trick and pumped out the water in the hall, leaving only shallow water flowing in the groove on the ground.

"You live here for the time being these days, weaving gauze for at least three days, and at most seven days."

When Yunli heard that it would take several days, she wanted him to weave first, and they went up to find Nan Mi to repair the seal before coming down, but she didn't have the nerve to mention it in the face of Ling Zhou's earnest gaze.

After arranging them, Lingzhou left.

Yunli dispelled the spiritual power cover, looked around the hall, took out a cup and put it in the groove on the floor, and said, "Look, senior brother, is this place very suitable for playing music and flowing cups!"

Wei Lin stared at the criss-cross grooves on the ground, and frowned slightly: "This looks like a formation, a bit like a spirit-gathering formation, but I didn't feel the spiritual energy."

"He is an immortal from the Nine Layers of Stars, and spiritual energy is useless to him. This should be a formation that gathers immortal energy. Of course you can't feel it now." As he said that, Yunli thought, and tried to operate the Hongchen Kungfu.

Hong Chen is the top skill of the Feng Clan, so it can naturally absorb the immortal energy, but I don't know if there is no immortal energy here, or because her cultivation base is low now, Hong Chen has not sensed the existence of immortal energy.

Suddenly, the Huanshi Ling on his wrist moved, and then a touch of joy came from the silk. Yun Li was in a bad mood, and before he could stop it, the Huanshi Ling flew out, entangled in the mid-air of a white lotus platform On the ground, a steady stream of mellow power poured into Aya.

"do not--"

She screamed in shock, but it was already too late, Huanshi Ling had a flash of inspiration, and the energy in the lotus platform was absorbed, instantly reduced to powder, floating down, and a dark blue pearl blooming on it rolled down.

Huanshiling is like a greedy child who has tasted the sweetness. After absorbing the energy of the lotus platform, she wants to absorb other things.

Yunli hurriedly stopped, and it took a long time to calm down Huan Shiling. She reached out to catch the powder falling from the lotus platform, and she wanted to cry without tears: "What should I do? He kindly gave us shark silk, but I gave them something. destroyed."

Wei Lin was also a little speechless, ever since the Immortal Weeping Valley absorbed the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi, Huan Shiling had activated the devouring attribute, and would not let go of any good things she encountered.

He regained his composure, picked up the dark blue pearl that fell into the water, and comforted him with a forced calmness: "It's okay, that lotus stand is just a utensil in full bloom, presumably it's not his favorite thing, it should be converted into property and compensated to him."

After a pause, he added: "Record the accounts first."

"That's the only way to go." Yunli held up the Huanshi Ling, feeling extremely helpless, "You are really my ancestor."

Wei Lin looked around, stepped forward, and put the dark blue pearl in his hand on the long case on the east side. When he moved his hand away, he caught a glimpse of something moving inside the pearl out of the corner of his eye.

He let out a soft 'huh', and subconsciously looked at it carefully. The dark blue inside the pearl became deeper and deeper, like an invisible vortex, sweeping his consciousness.

In the next second, there was an endless ocean in front of him, and a large group of white clouds floated where the sea and the sky met, and the billowing waves rushed in, drowning him in an instant.

In his mind, he was about to condense out the aura shield, but found that there was no water, and he didn't feel any suffocation from being flooded.

"what happened?"

Yunli's question came from behind him, he turned his head, the raging sea disappeared, and he was still standing in front of the long desk in the hall.

Not an illusion.

He briefly explained what he saw and felt, and Yunli was also very curious. This hall is obviously a place for Lingzhou to entertain guests, and it is unreasonable to create an illusion in the place where guests are received.

Like Wei Lin staring at the dark blue beads and entering Wangyang World, Yunli was shocked, isn't this a 3D movie!
Seeing her expression, Wei Lin asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Yunli flicked the bead, "How should I put it, this is equivalent to a picture stone, but it is of a higher order than the picture stone. The picture it retains is three-dimensional and looks more real."

Wei Lin lowered his eyes to look at the beads, and Wangyang World appeared before his eyes again. He looked carefully for a while, and found that the trajectory of a wave was exactly the same as what he saw before, and it was indeed a memory.

"This artifact is a bit like a low-profile version of an illusion."


Yunli was startled, her eyes lit up suddenly, what is the sense of reality, isn't it just the five senses!

3D movies are only aimed at sight and hearing, and they are already full of reality. If she can transform the world for the five senses, when she sees colors, shapes, hears sounds, smells, touches, and tastes, who would dare to say that is fake? of?
Now, her phantom is still at the level of vision. At a glance, even senior brothers who know the phantom can't tell the truth from the fake, but once they touch it, the real and the fake are immediately apparent.

In the final analysis, it is a matter of touch.

The leaves have a woody smell, and taste. As for hearing, it is difficult for an object to have hearing. It has to be connected with other things. When the wind blows the leaves, it must be added to the wind. In this way, the sand must also be raised...

Thinking of this, a sentence popped out of Yunli's mind, the world is a universally connected whole.

After being stunned for a moment, she smiled. She never thought that the knowledge of philosophy she learned in high school could guide her career in cultivating immortals!
The world is material, matter is moving, and movement is regular. These three philosophies seem to be able to guide her great cause of changing the world!
In an instant, those distant memories suddenly came alive, and she suddenly felt that philosophy made sense.

She shook her head, pulled back her wild horse-like thoughts, looked at the dark blue pearl in front of her, and became entangled.

(End of this chapter)

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