all the way to fairy

Chapter 660 Mermaid

Chapter 660 Merman (5)

Immortal's 3D movies should be different from those on Earth, maybe it's more helpful to practice illusion, I really want to watch it.

But this is not the earth, and the 3D movies stored in the pearl are not for entertainment. Lingzhou also specially used an exquisite lotus flower platform to hold the pearl, which means that it is most likely his precious image.

Watching without permission is invading someone's privacy, not to mention, Huan Shiling ruined someone's Lotus Terrace, it's already enough to be sorry.

Yunli sighed, and reluctantly put down Mingzhu.

She had never felt that three days were so long. When Ling Zhou's figure appeared in the hall again, she was so excited that she greeted her in two or three steps, "How is it? Have you finished the weaving?"

Ling Zhou didn't speak, just raised his arms lightly, and a nearly transparent light silk appeared in the hall, as thin as a cicada's wing, as light as nothing, under the light of the pearl, it shone with fine luster.

He handed the shark silk to Wei Lin: "After recognizing the owner, it will be turned into clothes according to the owner's wishes."

Yunli became more and more excited, and raised her voice to urge: "Senior brother, quickly imprint your spiritual consciousness and try it on."

Then he turned his head and asked about the details: "Is the defensive power of the shark related to the cultivation of the user? With my senior brother's spiritual power, how strong an attack can the shark resist?"

Xu Shi worked tirelessly weaving silk for days, Ling Zhou's complexion was a little pale, his forehead was dripping with sweat, he raised his hand to wipe it, and said: "Naturally, no matter how powerful the silk is, it is still a dead thing, it needs to be moved by the user.

Generally speaking, it can block attacks that are two levels higher than the user's. If one day he can unleash the full power of the shark, he will be able to block the next blow even in the face of Daozu!Of course, after this blow, the shark was also destroyed. "

Wei Lin took the shark silk, and when he heard this, his heart moved, and he asked, "Ancestor Dao?"

"The highest level of cultivation in Ninefold Star Palace, the master of Yuedian is the perfection of Taoist Ancestor Realm."

"Wow!" Yunli's eyes lit up, Jiu Chong Xing Que's powerful blow could block it, and she was afraid that Styx would fail!

Wei Lin bowed solemnly to Ling Zhou, "It's useless to say thank you too much, if you have troubles in the future, I will report them!"

There was a trace of sadness on Ling Zhou's lips, and he said bitterly: "Just don't let her down."

Wei Lin's lips moved, and he didn't say anything else. His love for her doesn't need the kindness of others to guarantee him. With Ling Zhou's help, he will definitely return it in the future.

Wei Lin was branded with his spiritual consciousness, and forced out his heart to recognize the master. The crocodile moved, swam around him twice, and turned into a light gauze to cover the outer layer of the cassock.

The shining luster on it dimmed, and only a faint brilliance was revealed in his gestures and movements. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to find that there was a layer of silk on the outer layer of the vestment.

Yunli signaled Wei Lin to activate the shark silk, and she tried to punch him, but the fist edge had not yet touched, the shark silk was full of light, and circles of spiritual light rippled away from the position where the fist edge was about to fall.

With the aura rippling, Yunli clearly felt that her attacks had been resolved one by one, and when her fist finally touched, the attacks had been completely resolved.

What's even more peculiar is that she didn't receive any counterattack.

She suddenly understood why Shark Shark was called the strongest defense in the world. Ordinary defensive objects are to withstand attacks, but Shark Shark uses softness to overcome rigidity, and uses its softness to defuse attacks.

In this way, not only the defense is improved, but also it is not easy to damage!
She took the crocodile silk on Wei Lin's body and caressed it, and she was greatly relieved. With this treasure, even if he went to the Nine Layers of Stars in the future, the safety of the senior brother would be somewhat guaranteed.

Yunli suppressed the surging emotion in her heart, raised her eyes to sincerely thank Lingzhou, but seeing his eyes fixed on the dark blue pearl on the long case, she was momentarily embarrassed.

"Well, I didn't do it on purpose, my magic weapon was a little out of control, and it sucked your lotus flower platform. Cough cough, keep the account, I will return to the Ninefold Star Que to compensate you."

While she was talking, she observed Ling Zhou's expression, seeing that he still hadn't looked away, with a sad and lonely expression, she couldn't help but thump in her heart, could it be that not only the pearl is his favorite thing, but also the lotus platform in full bloom?

She explained awkwardly, avoiding the important and lightening: "We just picked up your beads, accidentally glanced at the beginning, and didn't peek at the specific content."

Lingzhou calmed down, and said softly: "Yuedian was joking, it's just a small object, what can I say if I pay or not?"

As he said that, his eyes turned and fell on Yunli's wrist, "I almost forgot the important thing, two hundred light-years to the west of Qingxuan Star Territory, and in the void southeast of Canglan Continent, there is a fragment of the Illusory World Ribbon. "

Yunli was overjoyed, her favorability towards Lingzhou was gradually rising, she was simply a noble person, anxious about what they were anxious about, thinking about what they wanted, she was worried that she could not find other fragments.

However, the fragment near Canglan Continent should be the one they found earlier.

After thanking Ling Zhou, the two left Jinghu.

"Why have you been here for so long?" As soon as he got ashore, he received a complaint from Nan Mi.

The trip was fruitful, and Yunli was in a good mood, she didn't care about her, and beamed with joy: "It didn't take long, it's only been three days."

"How? What did he say?" Nan Mi asked again, with a slightly nervous voice.

Wei Lin's eyebrows twitched slightly, keenly aware of her strangeness, thinking of the ease with which the Lingzhou draws out the Styx River, a thought faintly flashed in his mind.

It's not that Nan Mi can't draw the water from the Styx River, she deliberately lured them into the Mirror Lake.

Yunli was still immersed in joy, didn't notice these things, and replied excitedly: "He helped, not only that..."

"Yaoxiao!" Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Nan Mi's sharp voice.

Yunli paused for a moment, and later realized that something was wrong with Nan Mi, and in an instant, she also remembered what Ling Zhou said was a matter of little effort.

Just about to question her, Nan Mi questioned her one step ahead: "How did you get here? did you get here?"

At first, she spoke very fast, but later, her voice trembled so badly that she could barely make a sentence. The usual calmness and calmness on her face disappeared, replaced by fear.

"Sent by Lingzhou."

Yunli was baffled, with their current strength, they could still grab it by force, "Did you trick us into going down on purpose?"

Nan Mi ignored her questioning, his complexion became paler, his whole body was a little shaky, and he asked himself: "These three days, is he weaving gauze?"

Yunli nodded, and in the next second, the blood on Nan Mi's face disappeared completely, and he said "crazy", and jumped into the lake.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, then jumped into Jinghu Lake, but was bounced away by an invisible barrier.

what happened?It was clearly not there before.

She had a sullen face, Nan Mi was so anxious, how could she care about other things, this barrier was probably set up by Ling Zhou.

But why?

Everyone on the front foot said goodbye with smiles and Yanyan, but the master locked the door on the back foot!
An ominous premonition arose in Yunli's heart, she turned her head to look at Qiuye, and asked, "What is the relationship between Lingzhou and me?"

(End of this chapter)

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