all the way to fairy

Chapter 661 Mermaid

Chapter 661 Merman (6)

Qiu Ye shook her head: "I don't know."

Yunli couldn't believe it: "Why don't you know anything? Aren't you Nan Mi's bodyguard?"

"Little Immortal was 6000 years ago. She just came to serve you. Before that, Aunt Qiaoyun was the one who followed you." Qiuye was wronged. She was a little maid, and she could still inquire about things that the master didn't want her to know.

On the other side, under the Mirror Lake.

As soon as Nan Mi got down, he saw Ling Zhou collapsed at the door, his light blue clothes turned into blood, and the blood oozing from his skin, dyed the surrounding waters blood red.

"Ling Zhou!" She hurriedly called out, dodged over, and stretched out her trembling hand to help him up.

As soon as the palms touched, Lingzhou groaned in pain, slowly opened his eyes, and said angrily, "Why are you here, I didn't want to say goodbye to you in this way, I'm sorry."

"You're crazy! You're dying!" Nan Mi's fingertips trembled violently, and he gently supported him with immortal power.

Following her movements, Lingzhou's robes moved slightly, revealing a bloody fish tail, and all the beautiful shark scales on it disappeared.

Nan Mi was stunned, she thought she had only pulled out some shark scales, but unexpectedly, he pulled out all the shark scales from his whole body.

Mermaids are beautiful and not good at fighting, and they only have hard scales to protect their bodies. The defense power of sharks comes from shark scales.

The so-called shark silk is made by grinding shark scales into powder, twisting them into silk threads, and shark scales are hard, so they must be soaked in shark blood before they can be ground.

Therefore, shark silk is known as shark scales as materials, and blood as a guide.

In ancient times, every mermaid meant the life of a mermaid. With the decline of the mermaid clan, there are very few mermaids now, and the mermaid is even more precious.

The later shark silk is just a small amount of shark scales twisted into silk threads, mixed with other silk threads to weave.

She thought that the shark silk on the little monk was just mixed with some shark scale silk thread, but she didn't expect that it was all woven with shark scale silk thread.

All kinds of emotions surged into his heart, Nan Mi opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say for a while.

After a while, he could only utter a few words: "Why?"

With the continuous support of Nan Mi's immortal power, Ling Zhou regained some strength, and he squeezed out a weak smile: "There is not much time left, I am satisfied to see her before I die, and I have no regrets. "

He said that he had no regrets, but his expression became lonely, "Before, I felt that what separated me from her was the difference in identity; after knowing what she did for him, I thought it was her heart; only now did I realize that it was My cowardice."

There was bitterness on his lips, "You know, she said that she chose that mortal because that person not only liked her who was strong, but also liked her who was timid and fearful.

Only then did I know that she, who was invincible before, would also be afraid.We chase light and seek warmth, but we forget that light also has shadows, which are also waiting for people to illuminate them.

You said, if I had taken the initiative back then, approached her with the cheek not to be afraid of others' words, would our ending have been different? "

"She's so good, she's worth your torture? Worth your life?" Nan Mi's eyes were sore, she didn't understand why he would treat someone who didn't care about him at all, and didn't even know his name People are desperate.

Lingzhou smiled, and said softly: "She said she would remember me."

"She can't remember at all, you know, she is going through calamity!" Nan Mi was furious, a promise that would never be fulfilled, and made him spend his life.

Lingzhou's eyes darkened, yes, she has gone through calamities, and after she succeeds, everything related to it will be forgotten.

She has paid so much, in the final analysis, just to continue the fate with that person, hoping that after she forgets, that person will not give up, ascend to the Ninefold Star Tower, and renew the fate.

Lingzhou's heart throbbed with pain, he turned his head with difficulty, looked at the dark blue pearl in his palm, and muttered to himself: "As long as she ever thought about remembering me, she would..."

His voice gradually lowered, before he finished speaking, he was silent, his body gradually became blurred and transparent, and finally turned into a little bit of blue light, which dissipated away, leaving only the dark blue pearl that he held tightly in the palm of his hand , rolled to the ground.

Nan Mi stretched out his hand, but it was in vain. The moment his fingertips touched the blue glow, the blue glow turned into flying sand, disappearing invisible.

She closed her eyes in mourning, two lines of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, and murmured in a low voice: "Why don't you understand, you take yourself too lightly, what she wants is an equal lover, not humbled into the dust looker."

Lanmang floated up, passed through the lake, and came to the surface of the lake.

Yunli and the others were constantly trying to face the mirror lake, and suddenly saw a bunch of blue lights floating out, some of them disappeared as soon as they came out of the lake, and some of them floated into the sky.

She was stunned, how similar these blue lights were to those pale pink and nearly white peach petals in the illusion.

"Immortal, immortal death?! Could it be the owner of Mirror Lake!"

Qiu Ye's exclamation rang in her ears, Yunli's mind exploded with a bang, and she turned her head suddenly: "What did you say?"

"This is the soul of the immortal who has passed away and returned to chaos, and the floating blue light is the immortal essence of the immortal." Qiu Ye was worried in his heart, and the saintess valued the owner of the mirror lake very much, and often came to see him.

It's even worse in recent years. Except for necessary things, he almost stays here. His soul has returned to chaos, and my lord must be so sad.

Immortal dies...

Yunli murmured silently, it turned out that those floating peach petals were left by someone.

She stretched out her hand and grasped a blank space in vain. Suddenly, she remembered the sadness and powerlessness in the illusion.

"You mean, Ling Zhou is dead?" Wei Lin asked in surprise, pulling her back from her thoughts.

She was startled suddenly, and immediately couldn't believe it: "How is it possible! He was fine when we left, and after all this time, there are still people looking for him..."

While speaking, Lingzhou's pale face appeared in her mind, her voice stopped abruptly, Lenovo Nanmi saw Jiaoxiao's gaffe, and guessed a little bit in his heart.

Could it be that the weaving of silk yarn requires the price of life?

Like ripples on the surface of a mirror lake, Nan Mi came out.

Yunli stepped forward and asked nervously: "Ling Zhou..."

"Dead." Nan Mi's voice was flat, like ashes.

She turned her head slowly, stared at Yunli for a while, and sneered and vented her anger: "Yuedian is such a charm, it can make a mermaid willingly sacrifice his life for a rival in love."

Yunli thumped in her heart, and hurriedly asked: "Life? Shall weave it with life?"

"Do you know why shark skin is known as the strongest defense?" Nan Mi's eyes were flushed, "Shark scales are used as material, and shark's blood is used as a guide."

"What, what?" Yunli was shocked, "Shark scales, shark blood?"

"Adding a little Shark Scale Shark Blood to an ordinary magic weapon will greatly enhance its defense. For you, he pulled out all the scales from his whole body, and he was still injured. His life was already hanging by a thread."

(End of this chapter)

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