all the way to fairy

Chapter 662 Mermaid

Chapter 662 Merman (7)

"Me too, knowing that he is a stubborn one, I still let you go down and provoke him." Nan Mi paused, holding his forehead with self-blame, "What the hell am I doing?"

Yunli was stunned, "Pull out all the shark scales?!"

Shark scales are the most reliable defense endowed by nature to mermans. Even if they survived after the scales were pulled out, without the protection of the scales, they would be easily injured and killed.

For her sake, Lingzhou even gave up his life!

Yunli was greatly shocked, and then noticed another piece of information——If you are injured, you will definitely die!
Hey, no, he adores himself, and his senior brother can be regarded as his rival in love. It's a bit strange to sacrifice his life for a rival in love.

Moreover, even if there is no shark silk, the senior brother will not be in danger in a short time, why Lingzhou is so resolute to die?

Thinking of this, she fixedly looked at Nan Mi, and asked in a deep voice, "Why did he want to die? I want to know all the reasons."

"What's the matter?" Nan Mi's eyes were filled with anger, and his lips curled up in a mocking arc, as if he was about to spit out sharp words in the next second.

She closed her eyes, as if she was trying her best to endure those hot emotions, and when she opened her eyes again, her face had managed to regain her composure.

"Forget it, the love and miss for so long, we should let the other party know." Nan Mi turned around, looked at the setting sun that was gradually setting in the west, let out a long breath, and said sadly.

"I got to know him later than you. He told me your stories. At that time, he was indifferent and self-confident, and had some achievements in illusion. He is no longer the illegitimate son of the Dragon Emperor that everyone can bully."

"The illegitimate son of the Dragon Emperor?" Yunli was startled, she didn't feel any dragon aura from Ling Zhou.

"Yes, his mother is a mermaid, and his father is a dragon emperor, but his bloodline is completely biased towards the mermaid race, without any dragon characteristics.

For the immortals of Jiuzhong Xingque, the mermaids are just beautiful playthings and materials for making merman silk. The identity of the dragon son prevents him from being reduced to goods like other tribesmen.

But his situation is still difficult. He is regarded as a disgrace to the Dragon Clan. If the Dragon Emperor did not recognize him as his son, he would have been executed long ago.

It's okay for adults, no matter how disgusted he is, due to the power of the Dragon King, he can only cast a cold eye, the younger generation is different.

The dragon clan respects strength, pays attention to the weak and the strong, and does not prohibit the younger generations from fighting. Ling Zhou was bullied by them since he was a child, and it is normal for him to be covered in bruises. "

Nan Mi spread her hands, and there was a deep blue pearl lying on the palm, which was Lingzhou's. She said shyly: "His life is almost dark, and the most precious and beautiful memories are kept in it." , I think he'd really like you to relive the memories."

Yunli's heart was heavy, she looked up at Wei Lin, and nodded slowly, "Okay."

Nan Mi made a trick, the dark blue pearl jumped slightly, and a soft dark blue light overflowed, covering several people.

The sky is tired and the clouds are calm, the sky is clear, the sun, the coast, the sandy beach, everything is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

In the corner of the scroll, something bad is happening.

"Trash! You can't even beat a reptile. It's really embarrassing to our Dragon Clan!" A child who looked seven or eight years old and had dragon horns on his forehead was full of anger, and kicked the little boy next to him hard.

The little boy was about five or six years old, his fair face was bruised and purple, and blood was still bleeding from the right brow bone.

He fell to the ground, curled up and panting in pain, but none of the children around him stepped forward to help, and instead spit on him.

"Bah! Just him, a lowly commodity, is also worthy to represent the face of our Dragon Clan?"

"I really don't know what His Majesty thinks, even letting him enter the academy, or dragging such a waste as our Dragon Clan, how can our scores improve?"

"That's right, this college competition not only failed to suppress the Phoenix Clan, but also almost allowed the White Tiger Clan to suppress us..."

The juniors of the dragon clan became more and more angry, and someone suggested: "I think he just has too little experience, so we need to learn more from him!"

Everyone understood and surrounded the little boy, all kinds of attacks rained down on him, bright red blood flowed out from under him, and the beautiful long smoke-gray hair wrapped in blood was trampled into the mud...

The little boy curled up his body skillfully, using the exercises to protect the vital points. In the past, he always carried it like this.

Today, however, he couldn't take it anymore.

He hadn't had time to deal with the serious injury he suffered in the academy competition yesterday, and today they hit him extraordinarily hard, he almost couldn't hold on anymore.

The little boy clenched his teeth tightly, his consciousness still inevitably blurred, and his defenses relaxed accordingly.


When his life was hanging by a thread, a clear drink exploded in his ears, and the little boy's vague consciousness became clearer. He struggled to open his eyes, and a cloud of bright orange-gold flooded into his vision.

Immediately, the people around him were shaken away, and the group of bright clouds became clear. It was a little girl who was much younger than him. She was dressed in a gorgeous orange-gold dress, and her beautiful little face was full of seriousness.

"It's wrong for you to bully the small with the big and bully the few with the many!"

"Feng Shiliu?"

Lingzhou heard the voice of his clan brother's bewilderment, and then realized that the one standing in front of him was Shaohaoyao, the princess of the Feng clan, but she was a little different today.

A look of doubt flashed in the little girl's beautiful almond eyes, and she said righteously: "You are dragons, right? The dragons are the chief of a hundred scales, and this little mermaid is your subject, how can you bully him!"

The eyes of a group of dragon sons and daughters turned red with anger, and the leader shouted loudly: "Feng Shiliu, don't bully people too much!"

"I'm not bullying. I'm reasoning with you. What you're doing is wrong."

"You—" the leader, Long Zi, was half dead with anger, clenched his fists and then let go, "Hurry up, this is our Dragon Clan's business, don't meddle in other people's business."

The little girl corrected unhappily: "I'm called a chivalrous man! The Little Mermaid is so small, it's wrong for you to fight him with a group of people."

An irritable dragon immediately raised his fist to beat her up, but was held down by his partner.

"Calm down, calm down, she is here, Feng Shiwu must be nearby too, it would be bad to stir up conflicts between the two clans..."

You came and I exchanged a few rounds of talking, and let the dragons and dragons coerce and lure, but the little girl refused to leave, thinking that they were bullying, and finally a group of dragons and dragons left angrily.

The little girl turned around and comforted her with a bright smile: "Don't be afraid, I have already chased them away."

Ling Zhou struggled to get up, but fell back to the ground again, seeing this, the little girl hurriedly supported him, "Don't move around, you are still injured."

"Much... Princess Xie Yao."

"Princess Yao?" The little girl's delicate eyebrows twitched into a ball, "You mistook me, my name is..."

(End of this chapter)

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