all the way to fairy

Chapter 663 Mermaid

Chapter 663 Merman (8)

"Yueyue—" a cry came from the sky.

The little girl immediately turned her head and responded loudly: "Here! Huahua, I am here!"

After a while, a little girl flew from the sky, and as soon as Fu landed, she complained: "Why did you run so far, I almost couldn't find you."

Seeing the face of the person coming, Yunli was stunned. This was the little girl in her nightmare. She was almost [-]% similar in appearance to her when she was a child. The biggest difference was that there was a light pink petal in the corner of the left eye of the little girl, which made her The small face showed a bit of charm.

The aura around her is also very strange, she is clearly the body of a flower and plant elf, but there is a bit of the aura of the Phoenix clan faintly.

"Hey, who is this?" Nan Mi's puzzled voice came from beside, Yun Li was even more surprised, Nan Mi didn't even know!

As the Holy Maiden of the Goddess Palace, she should pay close attention to all races with the Goddess Palace to regain control of the power of the Ninefold Star Tower.

A flower and plant elf whose appearance is highly similar to the two princesses of the Feng family should attract her attention.

Also, why didn't I seem to know the group of children from the Dragon Clan? They didn't seem to know me either, and completely regarded myself as Shaohao Yao.

"You don't know her?" Yunli asked.

"At this time, I don't even know you." After a pause, Nan Mi added, "Actually, at this time, Jiu Chong Xing Que doesn't even know that there is a little princess like you in the Feng Clan.

You only appeared in the eyes of everyone when you were 12 years old.Unexpectedly, Ling Zhou knew about your existence so early on, but he was so strict that even the Dragon Emperor never told him. "

"12 years old?" Yunli was stunned and understood something, maybe not only outsiders didn't know her existence, but also some people in the Feng clan didn't know, such as Shaohao Luo.

"Yes, the statement given by the Fengzu is that you were born with insufficient eggs and almost died when you were born. The Fengzu didn't know if you could be saved, so they simply didn't announce your existence until you recovered from your illness at 12 years old. The identity of the seventeenth princess appeared in the public eye."

"Egg, egg?" Yunli stammered, getting used to the life of a human being, and suddenly became an egg-laying bird. After so long, she still can't adapt.

"You and Shaohao Yao are two yolk eggs."

Yunli: "..."

Wei Lin: "..."

She collected herself and continued to watch intently, only to see her young self scratching her head: "I am anxious to be a hero. Look, this little mermaid is pretty, right? Hehe, I saved it!"

The bright smile, the proud appearance, confused the young Ling Zhou, Chi asked: "Aren't you Princess Yao?"

"My name is Yueyue, and her name is Huahua."

Later, the little girl looked at Lingzhou curiously, and was very surprised, "Why did he suffer such a serious injury?"

Speaking of this matter, Shaohaoyue immediately filled with righteous indignation: "I was beaten by someone, Huahua, you don't know, the Dragon Clan is too bad!
A group of dragons bullied the little mermaid, and all of them had higher cultivation levels than the little mermaid!But they really have horns on their heads, they are quite pretty, that is..."

The two little girls immediately started a heated discussion, chattering a lot, completely forgetting that there was a seriously injured Ling Zhou next to them.

That appearance, that expression is completely like a bumpkin entering the city, and it really looks like he lived in the deep mountains and old forests to recuperate since childhood.

After a while, the little girl called Huahua suddenly remembered the business and urged: "We have to go back. If the gods find out that we sneaked out, it will be miserable."

Shaohaoyue nodded as if waking up from a dream, "Let's go!"

"Wait," Ling Zhou gasped, and called out to them enduring the pain, "Where is your home, how can I repay you in the future?"

"Repay?" Shaohaoyue froze for a moment, then waved his hand, "No need! I don't ask for anything in return, but you can come and play with us when you have time."

She turned around and pointed to the sky, "Hey, we live on Tianyu Mountain on the other side of the sea."

After a pause, he took out another small jade bottle and stuffed it to Ling Zhou: "Oh, by the way, this is for you, it will heal your wound quickly!"

Saying that, the two of them disappeared from the spot with celestial light shining all over their bodies.

Ling Zhou stared blankly at the jade bottle in his hand, and murmured softly for a while, "Clear dew cleanses life."

"Qinglu Disheng! It turned out to be Qinglu Disheng!" Qiu Ye beside him couldn't help but exclaimed.

Yunli was curious: "What happened to Qinglu Disheng?"

"This is the most powerful holy medicine for healing in Nine Layers of Stars. Its effect is comparable to the vitality of heaven's punishment. It only takes one drop, no matter how severe the injury is, as long as there is still a breath, it can be saved.

The difference is that the most special thing about Heaven's Punishment vitality is to reshape the body, while Qinglu Cleansing Life can repair hidden injuries and stimulate potential, so it is actually more used to change aptitude than to heal injuries. "

Yunli was silent, although Ling Zhou was worthy of the clear dew, but standing at that point in the past, I have to say that I was a bit prodigal when I was young.

Looking at Yunli, Nan Mi fell into deep thought.

At this time, the video paused, and it was frozen in the scene of the young Ling Zhou holding the clear dew and washing himself in a daze.

After waiting for a long time for the memories to continue, Yunli looked at Nanmi strangely: "No more?"

Nan Mi blinked his eyes, as if he came back to his senses, there was a flash of obscurity in his eyes, Xuan Er sighed lightly: "I have always wondered why he, who is often bullied, is so devoted to you, who is tyrannical and arrogant, so he The first time I met you was you who were so innocent to the point of being silly."

Although the grace of life-saving will make people have filters, it is not enough to close your eyes and like a person who you fear and hate.

All Ling Zhou got from childhood were cold eyes and white eyes, and what he felt were lustful eyes. When he suddenly encountered the simplest rescue and purest appreciation that had no purpose for him, no wonder he would never forget it.

What's more, he who has been bullied but unable to resist, what he needs most is a righteous person like the one in the storybook to save him, and she happened to be this kind of person when she was young.

Her character back then and the timing of her appearance were just right, no wonder she could always occupy Lingzhou's heart.

Yunli became displeased: "Who are you calling stupid? That's...that's called um, human beings are inherently kind."

Nan Mi gave her a blank look, ignored her excuse, and exhaled: "Keep watching."

Following her formula, the Sunshine Coast disappeared, and in the next second, Yunli and the others were in a wide square, where a group of boys and girls were gathering.

The teenagers have strange appearances, including dragons with long horns on their heads, feathers with wings on their backs, tigers, turtles, leopards, foxes and other races.

Yunli's heart moved, her eyes swept across the crowd, and she quickly found her own face, a young girl with a golden hairpin, her eyes were cold, even though she was in the crowd, she had a sense of being alone on the top of a snow-capped mountain.

On her right stood a young girl with firm eyes, and on her left was a gentle young man, judging from her aura, both belonged to the Phoenix family.

(End of this chapter)

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