all the way to fairy

Chapter 668 Decision

Chapter 668 Decision
Yunli was silent, judging from their contact, Xiao Zhen was simple and upright, not like a villain with a backstab.

And at that time, he didn't know their identities, and the extermination of the witches was saving the Xiao family, so he had absolutely no reason to play tricks, but the problem was indeed the arrow that lured the enemy.

The Xiao family had a very good attitude, they opened the door to convenience, and allowed Yunli and Li to come in and search inside and out, and the Xiao family also followed them for questioning, keeping their posture very low.

Yunli and Yunli were not polite, they searched every corner of Xiao Zhen's residence several times, but found no objects or aura related to the underworld; the interrogators also showed nothing unusual.

They had expected this result a long time ago. Xiao Zhen himself was not there, nor was the bow and arrow he used back then, so the hope of finding clues was naturally slim.

But no matter how vague it is, this matter has to be investigated. If this secret person is not found out, it will be difficult to sleep or eat.

The Xiao family couldn't find any clues, so the two could only go back to Qingyu Mountain first. Seeing her depressed, Wei Lin comforted her: "The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge, and we will find that person one day."

"Then we probably have to wait for us to go to the Qingxuan Starfield to find Xiao Zhen, it will take a long time." Yunli was depressed, knowing that there was an enemy but not knowing who the opponent was, she was too aggrieved.

"In the past we didn't know about the existence of Styx, so we were careless. From now on, she won't be so easy to get." Wei Lin didn't care much about the villain in the dark.

What he cares about is the Styx girl, that is the number one object of attention, and if this root cause is solved, the villain who is used by her will not be feared.

He let out a long breath, and said seriously: "Now, let's settle the lifelong matter first."

Yunli blinked her eyes, yes, it's agreed to get married first!
This has to be done quickly, for three lives, each life will end without a cure due to various factors, this time, they must get married smoothly!

Glancing at the people around her with bright eyebrows and slightly curved mouth, the depression in her heart was swept away, and her heart was sweet.

Huanshi Ling had a flash of inspiration and covered his feet: "Let me fly."

"Puff." Wei Lin couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

Yunli realized later that her impatience was too obvious, as if she hated marriage.

Her face instantly became hot, and Qiqi Ai Ai wanted to save her: "I...that..."

The corners of Wei Lin's lips curled slightly, and her eyes were full of her helpless and cute expression. Before she could come up with a reasonable reason, he put away his flying sword in a serious manner, and conscientiously performed the wind travel technique: "Okay, I will assist."

In the end, he gave her a look of "you don't need to say, I understand everything".

Yunli felt that her face was going to burn, so she pulled his sleeve to cover her face, but when she was done, she felt that this move was too much to cover up, so she flew over to put down his sleeve, stroked her still hair, pretending to be He said calmly: "The wind is so strong that my sleeves are blowing on my face."

Wei Lin's eyes teased, but his mouth was very cooperative: "Well, the wind is really strong."

Yunli tried her best to ignore his teasing gaze, racked her brains, and finally came up with a reasonable excuse: "I'm worried about Zhenjun Ruoshui, ahem, his ascension is not easy, and I don't know if Ayan and the others can handle it. "

Wei Lin's ten fingers quickly typed out the Taoist formula: "Well, you don't hate to marry, but I hate to marry, and I don't want to wait for a moment."

"Ah—brother, you are so annoying—"

"Hey, don't be shy, take good care of Yuya, I'm about to fall..."

Seven days later, Lantau Mountain.

When they fell to the top of Qiliang Peak, Yunli almost thought that they had entered the wrong house. The flat ground where they usually practice swords and knives in front of the mountain was full of huge stones and wood.

The Linglong House of An Ran and Mu Yan is not far away, but they are nowhere to be seen.

With a sweep of consciousness, they found that they were sitting on the Qingshu Peak next door, where Ruoshui's master and apprentice were, and they were sitting around a round table, as if they were discussing something.

"What are you doing? How is Zhenjun Ruoshui going through the catastrophe?" With a flash, the two came to Qingshu Peak and asked curiously.

Seeing them, several people were overjoyed and got up quickly, "You are back!"

An Ran asked, "How is it? Has the matter of the seal been resolved?"

"Solved." Yunli nodded.

Hearing this, An Ran and the others felt relieved, and said with a smile: "Zhenjun has ascended smoothly, and said that he will go up first to help us find the way."

"That's good." Yunli smiled, and asked again, "What are you doing with so many yellow thick stones, dolomite, and empty green iron pine?"

"Aren't you two going to get married? The ceremony of double cultivation can't be held on an empty mountain. We're thinking about building a palace."

Yunli immediately became energetic, "I want to hold it in the air, let's make a floating peak!"

"Good idea!" An Ran's eyes lit up, "Floating peaks and waterfalls, misty clouds, surrounded by rays of light, this is the palace of our ascetics. Take my aunt and the others over and make them happy."

Yunli was stunned, do you want to bring mother and the others over?

"Why, you didn't plan to pick them up?" Sensing her expression, An Ran was surprised.

"We used to be surrounded by strong enemies, and we were not strong enough to let them appear in the public eye. Now it doesn't matter. It's a pity if there are no elders around such a big event as marriage."

As she spoke, she paused, looked at Yunli with probing eyes: "You don't want your aunt and uncle to marry you?"

Yunli was silent, of course she thought, those are the loving parents she had longed for for hundreds of lives and finally got.

But they are just mortals, their lives are fragile, and a little monk who has just drawn his breath into his body can easily hurt them. No matter how powerful she is, no matter how powerful she is, she can't guarantee that she will be safe.

As long as the one-in-ten-thousandth danger comes true, even if she crushes the murderer to ashes afterwards, she will regret it too late.

Besides, when Cang Lan comes, parents will definitely know that she is a phoenix, a demon clan, not exactly their daughter.

They will be sad, and they will be sad too.

In this matter, she wanted to be selfish.

Mu Yan glanced at her, and suddenly said: "The road is long, and it is necessary to cut the world, and it is not a thing to blindly keep in touch with the common people."

Yunli is silent and knows this truth, but she has longed for the affection of her parents for many lifetimes, and when she got it in this life, she is unwilling to give it up easily.

She hoped that they could enjoy their old age in peace and die, when the fate of the world will be cut off.

"We can hold two ceremonies." In the silence, Wei Lin suddenly suggested, "Go back to Liang Kingdom first, hold the ordinary ceremony as the younger generation of the Yunwei family, and then hold the double cultivation ceremony on Qingyu Mountain."


Yunli was a little dazed, saying that getting married is a once-in-a-lifetime event, would it be unlucky to have two weddings?
"Don't you want to grow up like an ordinary child? Getting married is something that ordinary people have to experience in their lifetime."

Yunli's heart was moved, and she made a decision immediately.

Next, the two returned to the Liang Kingdom and informed their parents of this decision, and the Yun and Wei families readily agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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