Chapter 669

Especially Princess Zhaoren and the Qin family, they exchanged small handkerchiefs, and before Yunli Weilin was born, they planned to be in-laws.

The daughter and son are born, and the relationship is very harmonious. It seems that the hope is about to come true. Who would have thought that the two of them would leave home to practice Taoism, and the hope would be dashed.

Now that the two of Yunli are going to hold an ordinary wedding, how could they not agree.

The two elders moved quickly, and in just a few days, a news spread all over the capital that a girl from the main family of the Yun family and a boy from the side branch of the Wei family had fallen in love with each other and were planning to get married.

After Princess Zhaoren and the old Matriarch Qin found out, they were very interested and planned to manage their marriage personally, and the date was set on September [-]th.

Yun and Wei are both very popular dignitaries in the Liang Kingdom, and the marriage between the two parties can be described as a sensation.

For a while, everyone in Kyoto was discussing the marriage.

At the same time, Cultivator Cang Lan, who was busy everywhere, congratulating the great abilities of various factions on his ascension, received two messages:
One is that the remnants of the Remnant Night Pavilion hiding in Qingyu Mountain plan to establish a sect on the mountain and establish the Qingyu School; the other is that Fenghuang Yunli and the devil Qianjiu are going to hold a double cultivation ceremony.

The Cultivation Ceremony and the Double Cultivation Ceremony were held on September [-]th at Lantau Mountain, and practitioners from all over the world were invited to celebrate together.

Regarding the second point, the Canglan cultivators were not surprised, so they sighed for their thick skin. After all, they were enemies with all forces on the surface.

For the first point, everyone was very surprised, and after the accident, they were shocked.

Establishing a mountain and setting up a sect sounds lofty, but in fact, as long as they are willing, the monks who establish the foundation can create a sect, and there are countless small sects in the Canglan Continent.

However, Yunli Qianjiu is a traitor of Canye Pavilion, and Anran Muyan is a traitor of Taiyi Sect. Other sects may be on the sidelines. Killer, countless people died under his hands.

Their daring to set up a faction means that they dare to face the family and other enemies head-on, and there is no need to hide and run for their lives.

The devil back then grew up during the hunt.

On Lantau Island, several people are busy.

Originally, Yunli just wanted to take advantage of the Double Cultivation Ceremony to send out wedding invitations and receive a wave of congratulatory gifts. When writing the wedding invitations, she subconsciously wanted to add power to the name, so she improvised to establish a sect. The venue for the event is done.

The construction of houses can be perfunctory, and the elder peak master can ignore it, but there is still a faction leader. As the only tenth rank among the few, Yunli is expected by everyone.

Just as she was about to agree, she suddenly remembered that Song Ziyong was not Ling Zhou, and killing him would mean destroying the entire Song family.

Nan Mi wanted to return to the power of the Ninefold Star Tower. Could it be that she wanted to kill Song Zicheng, not just to avenge Lingzhou, but also to take advantage of the situation and replace the Song family?
Wei Lin thinks that she is worrying too much. From the words of Nan Mi and Qiu Ye, it is not difficult to see that the Feng Clan is powerful and the Goddess Palace is in decline.

How could the Feng family help the Song family to take advantage of it?
That's the reason, but for some reason, Yunli always felt that something was weird, and under doubts, she changed her mind.

The Lantau faction can't be casual, it has to be a big deal!
Not only must it be established in the Canglan Continent, but after going to Qingxuan and Jiuzhong Xingque, the Qingyu faction must also be established.

In view of the fact that she will forget everything after the Nirvana catastrophe, the important task of strengthening the Qingyu faction falls on Wei Lin and the others, and Wei Lin also assumes the position of head.

Since it is a sect that will span three interfaces in the future, the building facilities cannot be perfunctory.

Time is tight right now, and it is impossible to do it in one step. After discussing with several people, they decided to get the facade up first.

After making a round of inspection, they removed the outermost Forbidden Spirit Formation in the Lantau Mountains and flattened several peaks, making it a place to welcome foreign guests and hold grand ceremonies.

The facade of the Cultivation School is majestic and grand, and Wei Lin decided to refer to the style of the entrance to the Secret Realm of Guixu.

In the busy time, time flies, and it is the end of August in a blink of an eye.

On this day, the few people who had exhausted their spiritual energy were recovering from meditation, and Duo Duo came out of the void, "Sister Yun, Brother Wei, the wedding clothes are embroidered, and the two grandmas want you to go back and try the wedding clothes."

Even after hearing her call it many times, Yunli still couldn't help complaining, what kind of grandma, in terms of age, Duoduo is older than the ancestors of the Yun and Wei two families who made a fortune, judging from the two of them in terms of seniority, they should be called aunt right.

She shook her head, stood up, entered Ling's space with Wei Lin, and Duo Duo teleported to Liang Guo with Huanshi Ling.

"Sister Li, come here." Seeing her, Princess Zhaoren immediately narrowed her eyes with a smile.

Yunli walked over, Jiaojiao leaned against her, stretched out her hand, and let her hold her.These days, they come here frequently and see each other often, but the elders still feel that they cannot see each other, and every time they meet, they must hold them for a long time and refuse to let go.

After a while, Princess Zhaoren patted the back of her hand tremblingly, and nuzzled at the wedding dress held by the maid, "Go and try it."

Entering the inner room, with the help of the maid, put on the wedding dress, which is red gold brocade, embroidered with colorful phoenixes, which is luxurious and majestic; the cuffs of the skirt are embroidered with exquisite dark patterns of lotus flowers, trimmed with gold thread, and the tassels are full, which looks dignified Solemn.

The men's wedding dress should be simpler. Wei Lin changed it first and went out. Princess Zhaoren and the Qin family were dragging her to look at it in 360 degrees, when she heard the maid's smiling and joking voice, "The bride is here."

He turned his head and stared dumbfounded. Her feet were on the red lotus, she was dressed in red and her hands were plain. The red color made her skin as white as jade, and her gaze was charming and charming.

"Pfft, the bride is so beautiful, our groom's soul has been taken away!" Qin's joking words brought Wei Lin back to his thoughts, his face was flushed red with embarrassment.

Princess Zhaoren couldn't help laughing, and Qin's smile was even more hearty, "I didn't expect you, a bastard, to have a shy day, and you are so thick-skinned that you can boil donkey-hide gelatin."

Seeing that Wei Lin was about to feel ashamed, Yunli stepped forward a few steps, stood beside him, tilted her head, and asked the elder with a smile, "Does it look good?"

The familiar situation made the two elders feel in a trance for a moment. The young Yunli especially liked to tilt her head.

But she has a characteristic, for others, her head must be facing outward, if Wei Lin is by her side, then her head must be tilted towards him, without exception.

Back then, the two elders discovered this pattern by accident, so they tacitly let it go and play with each other.

How can Princess Zhaoren, the daughter who was raised by one hand, not know her intentions, and jokingly said: "You fell in love before you got married, hey, it's really a girl who is extroverted."

Yunli stepped forward and held her by the corner of her clothes, and said coquettishly, "Mother."

This attitude naturally caused the second elder to laugh again, Yunli was so ashamed that the tips of her ears turned red, she pursed her lips and pretended to be calm.

In the blink of an eye, he glanced at the golden dragon embroidery on Wei Linxi's clothes, and couldn't help frowning.

 PS: Let me tell you something, it’s too rushed, I plan to give up the plot of Qingxuan Starfield; and the plot of Cang Lan is basically finished, so I want to pull the timeline to Jiuzhong Xingque, and the plot of Nascent Soul Stage ...

(End of this chapter)

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