Chapter 670
"Can you change the embroidery pattern? Embroidering dragons is not good."

"Not in a good mood?"

Princess Zhaoren and the Qin family were stunned. The dragon is a symbol of the emperor, representing power and wealth. Ordinary people can only wear clothes and accessories with dragon patterns on the day they get married. Why is it so bad?

Yunli looked disgusted: "Dragon people are greedy and lustful, especially those who have evolved from snakes to dragons step by step. They are even more greedy and lustful. It is unlucky to use it on the only wedding dress in a lifetime."

The two elders looked at each other, what else is there to say?
"Let's embroider a phoenix. There is an old saying: a phoenix has six images and nine buds. Those with six images have a head like the sky, eyes like the sun, back like the moon, wings like the wind, feet like the ground, and a tail like the weft..."

The second elder was taken aback by what she said, and retorted subconsciously: "A male dragon and a female phoenix, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, and your wedding dress is embroidered with a phoenix."

"The male is a phoenix, the female is a phoenix, his embroidered phoenix, my embroidered phoenix will be fine."

Seeing her fighting for reason, Wei Lin nodded: "That's fine."

It is a mortal saying that the dragon and the phoenix bring prosperity. In Jiuzhongxing Que, the dragon and the phoenix are two races, and they cooperate and compete with each other.

Ah Li is from the Phoenix clan, and it was really hard for her to accept the dragon clan elements in her wedding.

The two mothers still have concerns, "Everyone knows that phoenixes are divided into males and females, but the difference in appearance between phoenixes and phoenixes is unknown."

Yunli raised her eyebrows slightly: "I know this. Generally speaking, phoenix birds are taller and bigger, and phoenix birds have short beaks but not sharp ones. I will draw the patterns!"

Speaking of this, the mothers no longer insisted and let her go. Anyway, the phoenix also symbolizes wealth and power, and the meaning is similar.

After trying on the wedding dress, matching the hairpin and ring jewelry, and being dragged to familiarize themselves with the marriage process, the two hurried back to Qingyu Mountain.

It is easy to build a square, but the key is to join the formation. Among them, Wei Lin has the best attainments in formation, and he has to preside over the overall situation.

Simply, with Duo Duo here, it is very convenient to come and go. If there is something to do here, they will be here soon.

Time passed between going back and forth, and soon, on the evening of September [-]th, Yunli and his party all arrived in Liang Guo, An Ran Mu Yan accompanied her to live in the Princess Mansion, Ji Ruochen, Jing Xu and Wei Lin went to Wei's house.

An Ran strolled to the dressing table, picked up the pale yellow wreath on the table, and said with emotion: "After so many years, the decoration of Tonghua Courtyard has not changed at all."

Yunli slowly raised her hand, her fingertips lightly slid across Yu Xilian's screen, but it hasn't changed, she still maintains the appearance she had when she left home.

"What are you doing standing up? Sit down?"

Princess Zhaoren's voice sounded, and the three of them turned around, only to see her leaning on crutches, and with the help of a maid, Zhan Weiwei stepped into the threshold, followed by several little maids carrying food boxes.

Yunli hurried over, and the maid supporting her backed away winkingly, allowing her to take over.

After the maids set up snacks and left, Yunli called out softly, "Mother."

Princess Zhaoren stroked her hair lovingly: "In a blink of an eye, my mother's sister Li is going to get married."

An Ran covered her mouth and smiled: "It's been a while, my cousin is 89 years old."

She hugged her mother's arm and turned her head to An Ran: "What's wrong with being 89 years old, this fairy is as beautiful as a flower, in her prime!"

Ascetics have a long lifespan, and an 89-year-old tenth-level monk is considered extremely young, but Yunli has been a person for a long time, and this age always makes her feel like an old lady.

Princess Zhaoren smiled cheerfully: "Yes, yes, my sister Li is the prettiest, but you didn't grow up with your mother. In my heart, you are still that six-year-old girl."

After speaking, her tone became lower and sad.

Looking at her gray-haired mother, Yunli also feels depressed. Both her parents are over 100 years old, and even with health pills, their lifespan will soon come to an end.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting sadder, An Ran leaned over, hugged Princess Zhaoren's arm, and said coquettishly, "My aunt is biased, is my cousin the prettiest?"

Princess Zhaoren was amused, "Our little princess is still so spoiled, you are beautiful, too!"

Patting An Ran's hand affectionately, she raised her eyes and smiled at Mu Yan: "I haven't thanked the girl personally for what happened back then."

Mu Yan waved her hand, "You're too polite, it's nothing more than a little effort."

"What are you talking about?" An Ran was curious, "Ayan has known you before."

Yunli smiled and told about the events of that year. When he mentioned that year, those long-standing memories suddenly came alive, and he talked about other interesting things about his childhood. Only then did Yunli know that his mother and the Qin family had secretly matched them up. .

Yunli couldn't help exclaiming: "Mother, don't you worry that in the future, childhood sweethearts will love bamboo horses, and bamboo horses will fall in love with other people's green plums?"

It's a good thing that they are in love with each other. If there is an accident in the middle like that kind of bloody Mary Su Wen, her configuration is a proper vicious female partner!

Princess Zhaoren laughed: "Brother Lin, my mother has cared for you since I was a child. Before you were born, he begged for a long time, and the old master, the old lady, agreed to go to Xijun.

After school that night, I followed your brother to the house to have a look at you, and when I got home, I told my elder brother that I couldn't leave.

After that, he followed you every day, wherever the nanny hugged him, the little baby was sleeping most of the time, watching your brother for a long time felt boring, but he saw the sky follow..."

Yunli remembered this matter, she was amazed for a long time to see her senior brother every time she woke up, and because of this, the person she was most familiar with when she was young was him.

She pursed her lips, her heart was extremely sweet, her childhood sweetheart was probably the most beautiful emotion in the world, and she was never absent from all stages of life.

She turned her head slightly, and couldn't help but glance at the red wedding dress hanging on the shelf at the end of the bed. After tomorrow's wedding, the regrets of previous lives will be fulfilled.

Amidst the laughter, the night is getting thicker.

Anran Muyan got up to leave, Yunli served Princess Zhaoren to rest, and she lay down beside her.

Feeling the warm arms embracing her, looking at the face so close, Yunli thought of her identity as a demon cultivator again, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"Go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow."

Princess Zhaoren patted her on the back naturally, as if she was coaxing her to sleep when she was a child, Yunli's nose was sore seeing it.

She didn't know if she was the despicable thief who stole other people's identities and happiness.

After a long, long time, she finally made up her mind, and said with difficulty: "Mother, in fact, I... am Phoenix..."

She closed her eyes, and with a sudden heart, she told the whole story about the reincarnation of the wounded.

The air was quiet for an instant, and the room was so quiet that a needle could be heard falling. She clenched her fists tightly, waiting for Princess Zhaoren's verdict.

But there was a chuckle: "It turns out that my sister Li is the reincarnation of a fairy."

Yunli froze, raised her eyes suddenly, looked into her mother's eyes, "Don't you think I stole your daughter's identity?"

(End of this chapter)

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