all the way to fairy

Chapter 671 Marriage

Chapter 671 Marriage
After the words fell, the back was patted lightly, "What are you talking about, you are mother's daughter."

Seeing that she was still in a daze, Princess Zhaoren smiled, "Mother doesn't understand what raising a soul is reincarnated. Mother only knows that you were the one I gave birth to in October, and you were the one who raised me carefully. You are me." daughter."

Yunli was startled, for mother, it was that simple.

The problem that had troubled her for a long time, worried her for a long time, and almost became her inner demon, was resolved in this way.

The silver moon hangs high, and the cold moonlight shines through the window, shedding a clear light all over the place.

In the Duke's mansion next door, Wei Lin rarely practiced. He stood in front of the window, staring at the silver moon in the sky in a trance.

This ordinary wedding is not only to fulfill Ali's dream of being an ordinary girl, but also to fulfill the wishes of Lu Fei, Ji Yun and Pei Sheng.

Since he was her robbery, Wei Lin was not sure whether the double cultivation ceremony as a monk would go smoothly, so he simply had an ordinary wedding first, but it was regrettable for the third generation.

When I was in a daze, I found that the door of the parents' courtyard next door was opened, and the old couple held the lamp and walked slowly towards this side, supporting each other.

"Father, mother." Wei Lin hastily greeted her.

Mrs. Qin took his hand and babbled: "If you become a family, you will be a real adult. From now on, you and Ali will support each other..."

In the tone, there is a hint of confession.

"Mother, how is your health these days?" Wei Lin's heart tightened, and he subconsciously checked the body of the second elder.

Qin waved his hand: "There are your health pills, it's good."

After a pause, he smiled proudly: "Who doesn't envy our family in the entire Liang country!"

Over the past hundred years, Liang Guo has produced many fairies, who seldom come back after leaving home, and even when they return home, they are very indifferent, leaving a few health pills and a few pieces of spiritual jade as alms, and they will never come back again.

Only a few of them faced their parents with the same intimacy as in the past, so that people would not be separated.

Wei Lin understood the meaning of her words, there is a difference between immortals and ordinary people, most of the monks who come from ordinary backgrounds will cut off the fate of the world, give Lingyu and Yangsheng pills, and repay the favor of fertility, there is no need to come back.

But they practice the law of nature and follow the path of sentient beings, and they don't want to cut off the fate of the world.After a hundred years from his future parents, this mortal relationship will naturally be broken.

Hearing Qin's rambling until midnight, Wei Lin managed to persuade her to go back to rest.

Before dawn the next day, Yunli was picked up and twisted to make up her face. The one who combed her hair was a fair-faced, kind woman with a round face.

She looked at Yunli, smiled and boasted: "This girl looks really iconic, like a fairy girl, no wonder the eldest princess wants to handle the marriage in person, who doesn't like such a beautiful girl."

The daughter is praised, and the mother is naturally happy, and the corners of Princess Zhaoren's eyes and brows are full of joy, "I'm sorry."

"The eldest princess is very polite. It is a blessing for a court lady to comb the hair of such a beautiful bride." Mrs. Xu smiled and took the comb from the maidservant, "This hair is really nice, like satin."

She brushed Yunli's hair softly with her fingers, and said sincerely: "There are quite a few bridal hair combed by my ministers, none of them can compare with this girl Yun's hair..."

After complimenting her hair, she began to boast about her complexion, temperament, and facial features. Even though Yunli had a thick skin, she felt a little embarrassed by her compliments.

She looked at herself in the mirror. The red wedding dress was like clouds, and her cheeks were pink and glowing against the background. Her long hair was pulled up little by little, and her makeup was slowly taking shape...

The corners of her lips curled up uncontrollably, like a dream, so unreal.

Time passed slowly, her makeup was gradually completed, her fair cheeks were as clear as jade, and her beautiful apricot eyes seemed to be soaked in water, so clear that everyone in the room could see them fascinated.

An Ran was amazed: "It's clearly a face I'm used to, why do you think it's more beautiful today?"

One sentence made everyone laugh, and Mrs. Xu smiled and replied: "This girl is not worthy of others. When you find the right husband, you will know why the bride is the most beautiful."

Ruyi Langjun...

An Ran's smile froze for a moment, and everyone didn't notice it, but Yunli and Mu Yan noticed it, and looked at her at the same time, with worried eyes.

Sensing the concerned eyes of the two, An Ran smiled, gave the two a look of nothing, and hugged Princess Zhaoren's arm to act coquettishly.

While talking and laughing, there was the faint sound of gongs and drums from far and near, followed by the sound of firecrackers. Yunli's five senses were keen, and she could even smell the dry, pungent smell of gunpowder between her nostrils.

"Here, the groom is here, here to pick up the bride!" Duo Duo ran in beamingly, shouting as she ran.

Yunli subconsciously turned her head to look outside, causing a roar of laughter.

Someone smiled and joked, "It seems our bride can't wait!"

Only then did she react, her face flushed instantly, and she turned her head away shyly.

At this time, Yun Huaijin also came in, and the parting was imminent, Princess Zhaoren caressed her cheek lovingly, her voice was slightly choked, "In the future, we will interact with brother Lin..."

As he spoke, the desire to cry in his voice was so strong that he choked up and couldn't make a sentence.

"I know." Yunli gently held her withered hand and said earnestly, "We will be fine."

As she spoke, she got up from the stool, knelt down facing the two elders, and solemnly kowtowed three times to them.

Somewhere, she had the feeling that 'Yunli' was leaving her, and she was slowly returning to Shaohaoyue.

Tears rolled down her eyes, no matter how reluctant she was, she couldn't be Yunli forever, she was Shaohaoyue of Feng Clan after all.

After kowtowing, she stood up, and before she could wipe her tears, the red hijab fell off, leaving only a patch of red in sight.

Surrounded by everyone, Yunli got up and went out, and just outside the door, she saw Wei Lin in red walking slowly.

A layer of hijab couldn't hide her sight, she clearly saw Wei Lin's appearance today, he rarely wore red clothes, she felt amazed when he tried on the wedding clothes that day.

Different from the indifferent and casual man in blue, he in red has a vigorous beauty, which is even more thrilling against the red sky.

A few words came to Yunli's mind: Lang Yan is unique, unparalleled in the world.

The hijab couldn't block Yunli's line of sight, and naturally it couldn't block Wei Lin's either. He also clearly saw Yunli under the red hijab, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

As newcomers, the two are the focus of today, his reaction was naturally noticed by everyone, and it was another joke.

There were many rules in the wedding, and in the end, even though Yunli and Yunli were monks, they were tortured enough. When they finally sat on the wedding bed, she secretly let out a sigh that it was finally over.

Before she could finish her breath, her eyes suddenly became a little brighter. It turned out that Wei Lin had already lifted her hijab. She didn't feel anything at all, but her cheeks blushed from the compliments and jokes around her.

As soon as she was shy, the people around her joked more vigorously, a woman pushed Wei Lin: "Sit closer, we are husband and wife, there is nothing to be shy about."

(End of this chapter)

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