Chapter 672
As she said that, the woman grabbed a handful of dried fruits and sprinkled them on the top of the two of them, singing on her lips: "Scattering the tent, the curtain is deep and surrounded by candle shadows, and the beauty is lush and long-lasting, and the painting hall is full of spring breeze every day." To the west of the tent, brocade belts and tassels hang from the four corners. When you uncover it, you can see the face of the moon, but the immortal man catches the branches. Spread the tent to the south..."

During the six years in the Liang Kingdom, Yunli attended many wedding banquets with Princess Zhaoren. She was already very familiar with the song of spreading tents, but no matter how she listened to it, she felt that there was an inexplicable obscenity behind the song. It felt like her cheeks were on fire.

However, the woman had a serious face, as if she was reciting some kind of tribute to heaven, and the fruit fell from the top of her head and rolled onto the bed, with an indescribable sense of grandeur.

After spreading the bill, drinking the wine, and giving the wedding ceremony, Wei Lin went out to toast, and the people in the room gradually dispersed, leaving only An Ran and Mu Yan, and Duo Duo didn't know where to go crazy.

Yunli took off the phoenix crown, washed off her makeup, and discussed with them: "Tomorrow we will go back in the morning, and tonight you find an excuse to test the spiritual roots of the children in several families. If there are any, bring them back tomorrow."

Since it is necessary to establish a sect, it is inevitable to recruit a large number of disciples, and the family must always be given priority.

"You still have the time to think about these things!" An Ran was speechless, and immediately, she reacted and asked suspiciously: "You are not afraid that we will listen to the corner, so you deliberately dismiss us?"

Yunli: "..."

She pointed at herself, "As far as my cultivation is concerned, I'm still afraid of you eavesdropping?"

An Ran choked, the fact is true, both the bride and the groom are better than them, it is difficult to eavesdrop!

"The Double Cultivation Ceremony hasn't been held yet, what kind of room is the cave, quickly test the spiritual root." Yunli urged.

The process of ordinary wedding celebrations is too grand and solemn, which makes people get involved unconsciously and pay more attention to it. After she reminded, An Ran realized that this is just a formality, to satisfy the regret of parents and relatives who cannot participate in the double cultivation ceremony.

She tapped her forehead in frustration, and went out with Mu Yan to meet Ji Ruochen and Jingxu.

The night is getting darker, and the bright and clear light is falling, covering the earth with a layer of light gauze.

The door of the new house was pushed open, and Wei Lin came back.

Yunli was surprised: "So fast?"

Surprised for a second, she realized that the noise at the wedding banquet was mostly caused by her peers. Wei Lin was completely unfamiliar with the young boys of the Wei family, so those children naturally didn't want to make trouble with him.

Wei Lin raised his hand and performed a dust removal technique, the smell of alcohol immediately dissipated from his body, he said: "It's late at night, go to sleep."

Saying that, he took off his coat and walked towards Xi's bed.

Yunli blinked her eyes and asked puzzledly, "You don't practice?"

"Who is practicing at night with flowers and candles in the bridal chamber." Wei Lin rolled his eyes, and with a hook of his long arm, he took her into his arms.

"Festival night in the bridal chamber?" Realizing what he wanted to do, Yunli blushed with embarrassment, "The double cultivation ceremony hasn't been held yet."

"I thought about it for a while. When it comes to getting married, the witness of parents and relatives is the most important thing. It can be done as soon as someone tells you. The double cultivation ceremony is just a formality. Today is the official marriage."

Yunli thought about it seriously, the people they valued, Mu Yan, cousin, and parents all witnessed the wedding.

Among the monks in the Canglan Continent, Chu Nan, Zheng Rui and others who had a little friendship, now have opposing positions. If they don't meet each other, it's because of their previous friendship. It is impossible to participate in the double cultivation ceremony.

Thinking about it this way, today's ordinary wedding should indeed be a formal ceremony, and the bridal chamber is naturally logical...

She glanced at the bright red bed under her, her heart suddenly beat violently, and a long and warm breath came from her ears.

She raised her eyes, Wei Lin's face was close in front of her eyes, his Adam's apple slipped unconsciously, and there seemed to be flames flickering in the deep phoenix eyes, which clearly reflected her at a loss.

Yunli's breathing became disordered, and she stammered, "I, I, I'm not ready yet."

Accompanied by a deep "no need to prepare", a warm kiss fell on her lips, and a cool hand passed through her hair, holding the back of her head.

The shallow temptation gradually deepened, and in the deep and shallow intertwined lips and teeth, the breath heated up rapidly, and it was extremely hot...


The crisp voice was particularly loud in the silent room, and Yunli finally pulled away from that extreme state.

"There's something." Panting, she pushed Wei Lin on her body, "I'm holding something down."

"Where is it?" Wei Lin paused, his voice was extremely hoarse, as if he was slightly drunk after drinking, huge beads of sweat dripped from his nose.

Yunli raised her waist slightly, and felt a few hard things from under her left waist. She smiled, "It turned out to be a longan."

Don't think about it, the girl who made the bed must have missed one because she didn't pay attention.

The candlelight was flickering, shining in through the red veil, she was trapped in the red brocade quilt, her forehead was soaked with sweat, her almond eyes were half-closed, the mist in her eyes contained a trace of misty and charming water, and her lips were slightly parted. , The lips are delicate and charming.

Her breathing was chaotic, sometimes short and sometimes long, and the sweet breath lingered between her nostrils, with a different kind of temptation.

Wei Lin's eyes darkened, and he threw out the longan that was obstructing her fingertips, made another trick, cleaned the bed, sank down, and continued with the work just now.

The dragon and phoenix candles burned quietly, and the wax oil, like tears, slid down the red candles and condensed on the candlesticks. The lotus flower hook on the big red wedding tent shook again...

Time passed slowly, and the meager skylight came in through the window, making the room hazy.

This point is when Wei Lin usually practiced his sword, but today, he was reluctant to get up.

Breathing shallowly around him, Yunli was wrapped in a quilt and lay in his arms, only a small fair face was exposed outside the quilt, her eyebrows were stretched, and she was sleeping soundly.

Looking down at her peaceful sleeping face, Wei Lin felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. After three lifetimes, he finally married her back home.

He gently kissed her between the eyebrows, tightened his arms, and hugged her a little tighter.

After a while, Yunli's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Wei Lin smiled lightly: "Good morning."

As soon as Yunli opened her eyes, she met a pair of familiar eyes. She was stunned for a moment, and almost blurted out: "Why haven't you practiced sword yet?"

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, and said meaningfully: "I was urged to practice kung fu last night, and today I am urged to practice swords. Could it be that Ah Li thinks that I am not physically strong enough?"

"Cough cough cough... I don't have one!"

Yunli almost bit off her tongue, she didn't understand why the upright senior brother had changed overnight.

He coaxed her over and over again last night, spent most of the night, got up early in the morning, and said nasty things to her again, where did that serious senior brother go?

In her mind, her thoughts drifted back to last night, she suddenly felt her face burning up, she couldn't help but grabbed the quilt and shrank back into it.

A pleasant low smile came from above her head, and Yunli felt a little ashamed, why was she so cowardly.

(End of this chapter)

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