After an overnight investigation by the four of An Ran, there were no children with spiritual roots in the several families, and there were no visiting guests either.

Immortal fate is rare, even for those small monk families, it is difficult to have children with spiritual roots in succession, let alone mortals, few people are not disappointed.

At noon, Yunli and his party bid farewell to their family and returned to Qingyu Mountain. There were two unexpected people standing at the gate of the mountain—Ye Xue and Qian Xiaoyan, master and apprentice.

"Why are you here? Congratulations?" Yunli frowned in surprise.

Looking at Huanshiling who had returned to her wrist, Ye Xue had a complicated expression: "Are you really a fairy in the Eastern Continent?"

Yunli raised her eyebrows, noncommittal. After Donglu came to this world, this matter is no longer a secret. Everyone probably knows about Canglan now.

Seeing her acquiescence, Ye Xue asked again: "Before the Huanshi Ling was broken, was it your natal magic weapon?"

"Yes." Yunli nodded, and responded simply, this time is different from the past, and now there is no need to hide it.

"I see."

Ye Xue exhaled lightly, the clothes all over her body suddenly became calm and automatic, and the nearby spiritual energy gathered continuously, scrambling to penetrate into her body.

"Epiphany?" Yunli's eyes widened.

This situation is very similar to the situation of Wei Lin's epiphany back then, isn't it said that epiphany is hard to come by?
What you just said is very meaningful?
"No, it's an advanced stage. She's about to form a pill." Wei Lin took a few steps back, "It should be that the heart knot has been untied and the realm has been loosened."

Yunli was stunned for a moment, and Xuaner understood that back then, Ye Xue believed that she had robbed her of her space, and she had always been the one who was abandoned and robbed.

In fact, the opposite is true.

She was not a person who was plundered or abandoned, but was very lucky to get Lingsi, so she was blessed by other people's magic weapon.

This is unique luck, her great opportunity.

The knot in her heart was untied, and she had entered the late stage of foundation establishment for many years, and the formation of alchemy was naturally a matter of course.

Yun Li said to Qian Xiaoyan who was still in shock: "What are you doing in a daze, protect your master."

Qian Xiaoyan woke up like a dream, hurriedly took out the magic circle restraint, arranged it around Ye Xue's body, took out the spirit stone, and placed it beside Ye Xue, just in case the spirit energy was not enough.

After doing all this, she looked at them nervously, and explained weakly: "Master just wanted to ask you this question, not to block the door."

Qian Xiaoyan was very disturbed. Tomorrow they were going to establish a sect and invite monks from all over the world to congratulate them, but the master was forming alchemy in front of the mountain gate.

This point, Yunli is naturally very clear, judging from the previous contact, Ye Xue is a very rational person, no matter how dissatisfied she is, she would not dare to come to Qingyu Mountain to make trouble.

She walked around the magic circle and walked towards the mountain gate without looking back: "Tomorrow there will be a lot of people, if you don't want to affect your master's alchemy, then protect the law well."

Wei Lin and the others also bypassed the formation and followed into the mountain gate.

"Will someone really come tomorrow?" Ji Ruochen expressed doubts. It was the last day, except for this pair of master and apprentice, there was no sign of anyone from Qingyu Mountain.

"Of course." Yunli didn't think about it.

Today is different from the past, with the ascension of monks after the Yuan Dynasty, the death of death, in today's Canglan Continent, she can be regarded as the number one master.

There is also a senior brother who is about to become the second master, and all the demon cultivators are standing behind him, who in the world dare not give them face.

Except for those who have blood and deep hatred, there are definitely not a few monks who want to take the opportunity to make friends with them.

If they don't come now, they are naturally looking at each other, hoping that others will take this step first.

She is not blindly confident. In her mind, there are many people gathered in the small town under Qingyu Mountain.

Ji Ruochen didn't have enough consciousness, he didn't know where her self-confidence came from, he looked back down the mountain, he still had doubts on his face.

Thousands of miles away, Jinwu Town.

"Hui'er, do we really want to be the first to go to congratulate?" Xu Hongbin, the master of Xuanyu Sect, pinched his white beard, showing hesitation.

The situation cannot be controlled, and it is inevitable to make friends with Yunli Qianjiu, but after all, they were hostile before, so it is really difficult to congratulate him while licking his face, and he has to be the first to go, Xu Hongbin can't bear this face.

Ye Zheyan's kindness and revenge have already turned against Yunli Qianjiu. This time, the Ye family didn't even receive an invitation. It is conceivable that they have been excluded from the Qingyu faction's friendship list.

After getting the news, Xu Linghui immediately went back to the Xuanyu Gate, and persuaded Xu Hongbin to establish diplomatic relations with the Qingyu faction, and it was best to be the first to go to congratulate her.

"Being good friends with them is inevitable. Let's take the lead to congratulate them, and we are also selling their favor." Xu Linghui said casually, and she had already explained all kinds of interests to her grandfather clearly.

As a granddaughter, she knows what kind of person Xu Hongbin is. Although he cares about face, he cares more about the interests of Xuanyu Sect.

It's not that he didn't want to go, but that when things came to an end, the hypocrisy of the head of the sect committed a crime.

A few words of persuasion, and a step up, he will go down by himself.

Face is worth a few dollars, and making good friends with Canglan's top masters is the most important thing.

Sure enough, Xu Hongbin heaved a long sigh: "Hey, my old face, I'm afraid I will lose it all tomorrow."

In the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of dawn fell on the earth, the protection of Qingyu Mountain rang.

Yunli turned her head and raised an eyebrow at Ji Ruochen: "Isn't someone here?"

After a pause, she said again: "Why don't you open the door, there will be surprises."

Ji Ruochen put away his surprise, half-believing and went to greet the guests.

Looking at his leaving back, An Ran asked curiously, "What surprise?"

Yunli shrugged: "For him, what surprises can there be? Xu Linghui is here."

"Xu Linghui?" An Ran was surprised, "I don't remember sending invitations to the Ye Family."

Long before the opening of Donglu, Xu Linghui successfully married into the Ye family and became Ye Chuchen's Taoist companion. Now she is considered the Ye family.

"He came with the Xuanyu Sect." Yunli discovered Xu Linghui's whereabouts yesterday, and she had to admit that Xu Linghui was very talented in understanding current affairs.

Whether she is tough or compromising, she can always make the most favorable decision in any situation.

It's just that sometimes, being too knowledgeable about current affairs is unavoidable.

"Are we going to greet them?" Mu Yan asked. For other sects, there are not only disciples guarding the gate, but also disciples who specialize in welcoming guests along the way into the sect.

They are few in number, and all trivial matters such as welcoming guests and checking invitations are avoided. Today, the gate of the mountain is wide open, and anyone who comes to congratulate is welcome, regardless of whether they have invitations or not.

As for those who seek revenge and cause trouble, according to Yunli, they killed them.

Wei Lin looked in the direction of the mountain gate, "Going to Qingyunchang, for Ji Ruochen's sake, I have to give Xuanyumen a little favor."

Qingyunchang is the facade they built to welcome guests, which means straight up to Qingyun.

As soon as they arrived at Qingyunchang, they saw Ji Ruochen leading Xu Linghui's group towards here.

There was a smile on the corner of Xu Linghui's mouth, and the expression on his face was just right, neither too flattering nor too alienated.

Ji Ruochen's expression was very forced.

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