all the way to fairy

Chapter 675 Ceremony

Chapter 675 Ceremony
Yunli opened her consciousness, her mouth shut in shock, the three of them in white clothes and gold ornaments, under the eyes of everyone, slowly walked through the crowd and walked towards An Ran.

These three people, they all know each other, Dan Yin, senior brother Danyang, and Su Shao.

Tai Yizong, unexpectedly also came!

No, to be precise, someone from the Su family came.

In the face of Zongmen's interests, Yuanying Zhenjun and genius disciples can all be abandoned, so the grievances between the other three sects and them are not to the point of being irreconcilable, and they can be reconciled.

But Tai Yizong can't.

As the head teacher of a sect, Fu Yue died at the hands of his senior brother in full view, this enmity is a great shame and humiliation for any Taiyi sect disciple, and there is absolutely no possibility of resolving it.

Now, real Dan Yin, the new generation leader of the Su family, openly came to the wedding banquet and acknowledged the establishment of the Qingyu faction. What does this mean?

At this moment, everyone clearly realized that the Canglan Continent was about to change.


The distant bell rang, and the auspicious hour had arrived.

On Qingyun Field, the crowd was solemn.

After a while, they felt something in their hearts. Looking to the southeast, they saw two white shadows volleying in the sky against the wind, coming hand in hand on the emerald peak that pierced into the sky.

It was Yunli and Weilin.

There was no bridal sedan chair and no hijab, and the two of them were dressed in warm white dignified dresses embroidered with light golden auspicious cloud patterns, and they all landed in the middle of the square, on the specially reserved ceremonial path.

After landing, the two looked at each other tacitly, with a smile on their lips, then turned their eyes away, looked ahead, and walked side by side under the eyes of everyone.

Under the bright September sun, the soft down feathers on the skirts of the two people's skirts were shining with tiny stars. If you look closely, they are actually made of the down feathers of the Lingyu white ibis.

The Lingyu white ibis is a race second only to the Nether Tiger and the Flowing Fire Lion in the Tianwu Forest. The one who dares to blatantly use their down feathers as clothing decorations should be Yunli.

What surprised everyone even more was the ceremony itself—the most primitive dual cultivation ceremony.

The so-called dual monks originally referred to a couple who walked side by side. There was no so-called marriage or marriage, and both parties were equal.

It's a pity that this is just an idealized state of a Taoist couple. There is inevitably a gap between a pair of Taoist couples in terms of cultivation talent, combat power and family background.

When there is a gap, it is difficult to achieve equality. Many Taoist couples even have one party completely dependent on the other. The original equal dual cultivation ceremony has not fallen, and the dual cultivation ceremony gradually appears the shadow of ordinary marriage.

Yunli's tenth-level cultivation base, Wei Lin has just broken through the late stage of Jindan, the difference in strength is huge, and the status is even more different. The double cultivation ceremony of the two is actually a completely equal primitive ceremony!
At that moment, some monks sighed in a low voice, "Realman Fengjue is peerless in appearance, so affectionate, and talented. If it were me, I would be willing to hold an equal double cultivation ceremony with such a good man."

As soon as this man finished speaking, the handsome female cultivator beside him immediately rolled her eyes, "You can get it, with your talent, you also want to be liked by the real Feng Jue, think about it, no matter how much you chase the real person, it's dangerous At the critical moment, you can only be abandoned."

As he spoke, he paused, and his tone gradually became meaningful, "His deep affection is only for Fairy Yun."

"When you say it like this, we are even more envious. Who doesn't want to have a Taoist partner who is only affectionate for himself, Fairy Yun is so happy."

"Yes, yes, I'm so envious!"

"If you have her status and strength, you can be so happy." The delicate female cultivator didn't take it seriously, and stabbed in a neither soft nor hard way.

Youyou's eyes fell on Yunli's face, and there seemed to be an insinuation in the words, "The bird of all birds, the beast of the upper realm, is willing to surrender his status for a mortal, tsk tsk, Fairy Yun is so affectionate~"

The protracted ending sound has a different meaning, and even the dullest person can hear something wrong.

The crowd froze for a moment, and the people nearby moved away quietly, thinking to themselves: Who is this female nun, who is so blind, sarcastic in front of others at the double cultivation ceremony of others.

The monk's five senses are keen, and Yunli naturally heard what the female cultivator said. She glanced at her and saw that the woman was at the middle stage of foundation establishment, and she was wearing an ordinary cassock.

Meeting her gaze, the female cultivator did not dodge or evade, and her cherry lips parted slightly: "Realist Feng Jue is indeed very charming!"

It was another sentence with a deep meaning, Yunli was suspicious, and asked through voice transmission: "Who is this female cultivator? Her breath seems strange."

"I don't know." Wei Lin took a glance and then looked away. What he was concerned about was another matter.

In the past, everyone always called him Qianjiu, the devil, but now that the situation has changed, everyone tacitly declared that they called him Fengjue, and there was not a single slip of the tongue.

It seems that monks are aware of current affairs in their bones.

Walk through the long Yidao, step on the white jade steps in the sky, and walk to the floating island above the north.

The two turned around and faced the people below. Wei Linsheng, with his spiritual consciousness, exhaled and opened his voice. First, he welcomed everyone to take the time to come and participate in this double cultivation and establishment ceremony. Take care of me.

Everyone was speechless, too modest!

Look at the chief four factions, which small faction has such a big face, can work for almost all the Canglan big faction families?
After a simple opening, the double repair ceremony continued. The two of Yunli worked together to outline a concentric bond. Please publish the mandarin score, report it to the world, and tell the ghosts and gods. , set out the mandarin duck.

In the end, the two each worked out a drop of effort and wrote their names on the mandarin tree.

Yun wrote a stroke, Yunli paused, and changed it to the word 'Shaohaoyue'.

When she wrote the word 'less', Wei Lin's heartstrings tensed, and he subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the blue sky.

The white clouds are long, the blue sky is like washing, and there is no sign of thunder.

It wasn't until the five characters of "Shaohaoyue, Wei Lin" were completed, and the mandarin score was slowly closed, returning to nothingness, that Wei Lin's tense heart relaxed a bit.

Naturally, Yunli couldn't hide his emotional changes. Ever since she revealed that he was her Nirvana catastrophe, he didn't care on the surface, but he was always nervous.

Yunli knew very well that there were other reasons why he proposed to hold the ordinary wedding first, and he was worried about accidents in the double repair ceremony.

She raised her eyes to look at Wei Lin, and said via voice transmission: "There will be no accidents. Mandarin music evolved from Canglan's world rules, and my Nirvana catastrophe is limited by the Ninefold Star Que."

Wei Lin's eyes darkened, so this double cultivation ceremony is actually too many to do.

He glanced at the bustling crowd and sighed secretly. In fact, there were early signs, but he was still hoping in his heart.

Nan Mi did not come, nor did he send Qiu Ye.

From Jinghu's short time with her, it can be seen that for Nan Mi, he is just a part of a transaction, and cannot have an equal dialogue with her, and the kindness and pleasantness towards him are all for Ah Li's sake.

Nan Mi's attitude, to a certain extent, represents the people of Jiu Chong Xing Que. If they want to be treated as equals by them, they must have corresponding strength.

(End of this chapter)

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