As if knowing what he was thinking, Yunli's sound transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "For me, this is our double cultivation ceremony, the only ceremony."

Regardless of the high-level contract vows or grand ceremonies, they are all foreign things. Love is essentially a matter between two people. As long as you find the right person, both parties will be steadfast, and any wedding certificate is just a formality.

Wei Lin turned his head in a daze, the bright sky poured down from her head, the light golden feathers and phoenix crown was warm and radiant, inlaid with misty blue gemstones, which complemented the azure blue sky, setting off her beautiful face in the past holy and solemn.

When she said this, her expression was more serious than ever, and his restless heart suddenly settled down.

He slightly hooked his lips and said softly, "I see."

After the double cultivation ceremony was over, the two came down from the floating island, together with An Ran Mu Yan and others, went to the guest seats to toast to express their gratitude.

The first thing I went to was the Su family's place.

It's not because the Su family is stronger, but because they have a closer relationship with the Su family.

Seeing a few people, Daoist Dan Yin exhaled lightly, and said to Yunli first: "You are right, good and evil cannot be simply divided by sect and race, right and wrong, it depends on how the individual behaves."

Yunli was startled, and just remembered that this was when Fuyue was killed at the foot of Kuocang Mountain, she refuted what Fuguang Zhenjun said.

She smiled, but didn't answer the conversation. How can outsiders explain the kindness and resentment of others clearly, and who is right and who is wrong in the Linsu family, she has no intention of distinguishing.

However, for the benefit of the Qingyu faction, it would be better for the Su family to control the Taiyi sect.

Wei Lin raised his glass and shook it, then smiled slightly: "Your fellow Taoist is a sensible person, we have always been clear about grievances and grievances."

The implication is that the grievances with Fu Yue and Lin Yusheng are only related to the Lin family, not to other members of the Taiyi School.

Dan Yin is relieved, the loss of hundreds of genius disciples, the fooling of thousands of years, this enmity will never end.

However, the Lin family has controlled the Taiyi sect for nearly ten thousand years, and has countless monks attached to it, while the Su family has many alchemists, and the family has no Nascent Soul monks, so they are completely at a disadvantage.

Under such circumstances, there is no harm in making friends with the Qingyu faction.

It doesn't even need the two of Yunli to act, as long as the Qingyu faction expresses its attitude, those who want to help the Lin family have to weigh it carefully.

That's what they're here for.

The reason for Dan Yin's visit became clear, Yunli looked at Daoist Danyang, greeted him with a smile, secretly thinking about what position he should take now, after all, it was Lin Yusheng who took Daoist Danyang as his disciple.

Seeming to see what everyone was thinking, Daoist Danyang smiled wryly: "After I came to Taiyi Sect, the teacher I worshiped was Su Family Fuyu Danzun, and the inheritance of alchemy Tao I learned was also Su Jia Dan Tao."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, that's right, Lin Yusheng is a swordsman, and he doesn't know how to make alchemy at all. Dan Yin's nominal master is Fuyu Zhenjun, but in fact the alchemy he studies is inherited from the Su family.

From the name to the essence, they have nothing to do with the Lin family, and there is no reason to stand in the Lin family.

After finishing the business, she smiled and looked at the spiritual pet bag on his waist: "Xiao Hei, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you've become more sensible."

During the conversation just now, Cang Jie poked his head out of the spirit pet bag from time to time, looked at Yunli and wanted to interrupt, but because everyone was talking about business, he kept holding back.

Yunli couldn't help but feel that the arrogant and willful little chick back then is now sensible.

Cang Jie jumped out of the spiritual pet bag, turned into a young man in black with red lips and white teeth, and respectfully said: "See Your Highness."

"Xiaohei has transformed?" Yunli was surprised, "Why is she still in the pet bag after transforming?"

Facing Cang Jie, Daoist Danyang's mood improved visibly to the naked eye. He rubbed the top of Cang Jie's head lovingly, and said helplessly, "He thinks the human form is not majestic enough."

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched. If I remember correctly, the original Xiao Hei was just a small black chicken the size of a palm. At that time, he had nothing to do with prestige.

Been a great monster for decades, and fell in love with playing majestic, tsk tsk tsk.

After a few more polite words, the group went to other banquets to toast, and An Ran stayed to catch up with her two former senior brothers.

At this moment, Tai Yizong, Fei Qifeng.

Mo Huai, Chu Nan, and Zheng Rui were also drinking. They sat around the round table in the courtyard without speaking, and the air was a bit dull.

After a while, Zheng Rui grabbed Mo Huai's wine glass and said, "Don't drink it, you're drunk."

"Give it to me, I'm not drunk."

After drinking, the blush at the end of Mo Huai's eyes became brighter. He snatched back the wine glass, drank it down, then picked up the jug, filled it up, and drank it down again.

Zheng Rui was startled. These wines are all brewed from special spiritual fruits. Drinking them every day is good for increasing spiritual power and nourishing the body.

But no matter how nourishing it is, it's still wine, and it can't stand his way of drinking.

Zheng Rui shook his head and persuaded: "Why are you bothering? With the friendship between the two of them, getting married is a matter of time."

The bitterness on Mo Huai's lips became more and more bitter. He raised his eyes and looked at the corner of the courtyard not far away. The sun was shining and the shadows of the trees were slanting. Suddenly, he saw the small wooden house under the shade of the trees again.

After drinking the cold wine, the astringency spread from his lips and teeth to his heart. He was extremely uncomfortable. At this special time today, he couldn't help but confided, "She is my savior..."

In an instant, he returned to the purgatory on earth that night. The wailing sound echoed throughout the Fang family compound, and one after another familiar faces fell down. terrible.

In that bloody hell, like a ray of sunshine, she raised her hand and threw an escape talisman to him, giving him a chance to survive.

Zheng Rui was stunned, "So, Master Yun-" He paused and changed his words, "She also participated in the extermination of your Fang family, you..."

For a while, Zheng Rui didn't know what to say, none of them were wrong, they just had opposing positions, which led to today.

He couldn't help but wonder to himself, if there hadn't been any troubles in Sijigu back then, and Yunli, Weilin and Yunli had come to Taiyi School smoothly, would the situation be different today?
However, if she doesn't enter the Canye Pavilion, no one will save Mo Huai...

After thinking about it, I can only scold this fucking fate.

Looking at Mo Huai who was depressed, and thinking about his tragic experience, Zheng Rui couldn't even say words of persuasion.

He let out a deep breath and thought to himself: It's good to be drunk, once you get drunk, your worries will be relieved.

Recently, the Lin and Su families have been fighting fiercely, and the sect is in turmoil. As a direct disciple of the former head teacher, Mo Huai is very busy, and the Lin family is also putting pressure on him to marry Lin Xi.

He looked at Chu Nan again, and asked, "Brother Chu, why do you keep drinking?"

It's reasonable for Mo Huai to drink away his worries, but why is Chu Nan so worried?
Zhenjun Shuyin of Tianxin Pavilion personally led people to Qingyu Mountain to congratulate her. The two factions clearly intended to make friends, and their positions would no longer be antagonistic.

This time, Chu Nan could represent Tianxin Pavilion and go to Qingyu Mountain to congratulate him, but Baba came to Tai Yizong to find Mo Huai for a drink.

Zheng Rui never thought about this point.

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