all the way to fairy

Chapter 677 Taking Vitality

Chu Nan has troubles that he can't tell. Originally, his life was good. He was a disciple of a famous family, respected by his teacher, and loved by his elder brother. Suddenly, a pair of biological parents appeared.

And his respected and beloved elder brother became his subordinate who protected him, his friend like his own sister, and his father-killing enemy.

Mo Huai is depressed, but he can still find someone to confide in. His aggrieved, no one can tell, and he has to try his best to hide it, otherwise, he will lose his teachers and friends.

As the sun sets, the evening falls, the guests disperse, and Qingyu Mountain regains its tranquility.

After sending the last guest away, Yunli returned to Qiliang Peak, happily opened the presents, and worked hard for more than a month to build Qingyunchang and set up banquets. Wasn't the original purpose of receiving congratulatory gifts?

Because many sects participated in the pursuit and killing of the two people before, in order to seek friendship, all sects and sects gave extremely generous gifts this time.

The demon cultivators of the Tianwu Forest were surprisingly consistent in their thinking, and they all gave away spiritual plants, of various varieties, and even two spirulina-absorbing chrysanthemums!

What Tianxin Pavilion sent was also their special product, a few bottles of pills, and in addition, they also thoughtfully sent three copies of Jieyingdan ingredients.

Wei Lin is already at the late stage of Golden Core, and An Ran, Mu Yan, and Jingxu are all at the middle stage of Golden Core, and the birth of a baby is just around the corner.

The matter of childbirth is very important. If it is not a last resort, monks will not easily use the knot poppy pill refined by outsiders. Tianxin Pavilion sent materials instead of finished knots. It can be said to be very considerate.

The congratulatory gifts from other sects were also varied, Yunli was dazzled and smiled.

Until she unwrapped Chu Nan's gift, her mood was a little condensed, the world is impermanent, and sometimes the communication between people does not depend on themselves.

Opening the brocade box, inside was actually a set of music scores for the lower grades of the heavens, called "The Crane and the Autumn Moon".

Yunli was in a complicated mood. After getting Ziyunqing and Shu Yuming, they always wanted to practice Taoist tactics, but they couldn't find a suitable one. Unexpectedly, Chu Nan remembered it all the time.

Wei Lin stretched his arms around her slender waist, looked down at the formula in her hand, and said softly: "Good song, I have some free time, I will teach you fingering first."

Yunli suppressed the heaviness in her heart, and shook her head: "Take the Heaven's Punishment vital energy to train your body first, and you can practice the Qu Jue anytime."

The extremely yin fate soul is in danger, and they can't just rely on spiritual energy to nourish the body. They have discussed it for a long time. Apart from normal cultivation, Wei Lin has to train his body, forge his muscles and bones, and strive to adapt to the fate soul as soon as possible.

Heaven's Punishment Vitality is an excellent elixir for body training, it can promptly repair the body damage caused by body training.

Wei Lin laughed: "Physical training should be done step by step, learn fingering first, so that you won't be unable to squeeze out this little time."

When Yunli thought about it, she regarded it as an adjustment after refining.

The lights in the room were shining brightly, adding a bit of twilight to her fair little face. Wei Lin couldn't help his heart fluttering when the beauty was in his arms. blacken."

Yunli tilted her head and looked at the window, the night was misty, with gray clouds hiding the moon, and before she knew it, it was almost the second watch.

She let out an "oh", her eyes still fell on the formula in her hand.

Wei Lin had no choice but to express: "It's time for us to rest."


Yunli was stunned for a moment, blushed suddenly, and stammered, "Isn't this a bit early?"

"It's getting late." Wei Lin raised his hand, and naturally took away the score in her hand, put it on the table, got up and carried her to the inner room.

Yunli exclaimed, put her arms around his neck, and buried her head in his arms shyly...

Silent all night, the next morning.

Several people gathered together, ready to take the Heaven's Punishment vitality.

Life is hard to come by, no matter how generous you are, Wei Lin only gave Ji Ruochen and Jingxu one drop, and kept the rest for their own use.

The two of them didn't make any effort to obtain the vitality of God's punishment, they were very embarrassed, if it was anything else, they would definitely refuse.However, the vitality of God's Punishment is related to the future ascension, so it's hard not to be tempted, and I can only secretly remember this kindness.

Although there is only one drop, the energy contained in it is huge, and the strength of the body must be greatly improved after refining.

After several people were convinced, Yunli raised her voice and said, "You refine it first, and I will protect you."

She has a strong physique and is constantly tempered by the Nirvana Heavenly Fire. The life force of Heaven's Punishment has little effect on her, so she will not waste it.

Two hours later, Wei Lin was the first to finish his exercises, and Yunli hurriedly asked, "How do you feel?"

Wei Lin clenched his fist. It was different from the last time he repeated the broken arm. That time all the energy was used to shape the arm, and the feeling was not obvious.

This time, he clearly melted strands of energy into his body, as if there was inexhaustible power in his body!

This is just a preliminary refinement, if you want to completely turn energy into body nutrition, you have to practice repeatedly.

After him, Mu Yan and An Ran finished refining one after another, their eyes sparkling, and they obviously felt the magical effect of the vitality of heaven's punishment.

An Ran couldn't wait to punch the Shui Cang banyan tree beside her, rattling, rattling, the huge canopy shook for a moment, and broke in the middle.

An Ran was dumbfounded, she didn't use any spiritual power for this punch, it was all strength.

She turned her head and looked at Yunli, thoughtfully: "Is this the feeling of being born with supernatural power? It's really good! Now I feel that I can smash a hole in the sky!"

Yunli was speechless, just sighed, let's see what she does!
"It turns out I'm not the only one who thinks so." Mu Yan murmured.

Yunli raised her eyebrows: "That's naturally your illusion."

An Ran and the others also knew that with their current physical strength, it was impossible to pierce the sky, but this feeling was really strange.

After thinking for a moment, Wei Lin asked, "Is it because of the rules of heaven and earth?"

Yunli nodded: "Heaven's Punishment vitality is the ascension benefit that descends after the void is shattered. It is a thing of the upper world, and its own rank has exceeded the limit of the world here, so you will have that illusion."

An Ran blinked, and said, "Doesn't that mean that if there is enough chance of divine punishment, this world can be smashed?"

"That's the theory, but," Yunli paused, "you will explode and die, you can't eat too much, you can slowly refine it drop by drop."

While speaking, the situation suddenly changed in the direction of the mountain gate, and a large number of thunderstorms gathered.

"Ye Xue? Has she successfully formed a pill?" Yunli was surprised, three days is fast enough!
"Go and see."

After all, they formed alchemy within the range of their Qingyu faction, so they had to be careful.

When they came to the mountain gate, the formation formed by Qian Xiaoyan had been damaged. She stood a few meters away, looking at Fengyun Center anxiously.

Ye Xue's alchemy and lightning calamity went smoothly, but within half an hour, the calamity thunder dissipated and the wind settled down.

"Thank you fellow daoists!" Ye Xue walked out slowly, bowing to them solemnly.

After forming the alchemy, Ye Xue's demeanor changed drastically. She was no longer gloomy as before, and her whole body was full of lightness.

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