all the way to fairy

Chapter 678 Reaction

Yunli shrugged: "You don't need to thank us, we didn't do anything, if you want to thank you, you can thank your apprentice. These few days, she has been guarding you every step of the way."

"You should be thankful." Ye Xue looked sincere, "Your attitude is the best blessing."

Most of the time, the superiors do not need to do it themselves to kill people. There are so many monks who come to Qingyu Mountain to congratulate her. As long as they show a little bit of malice towards her, the fawning ones will rush to get rid of her.

She is so big and she is advancing at the gate of Qingyu Mountain. If I ask the monks who are not curious, the alchemy can be formed smoothly. It must be their attitude.

Ye Xue glanced at the vigorous and powerful three characters of Qingyu School on the mountain gate, and tightly pursed the corners of her lips. After a long time, she seemed to make up her mind and asked, "Can we join the Qingyu School?"

Yunli raised her eyebrows, it seemed that she was really relieved, the former Ye Xue was full of anger towards her, and wished she could get rid of it quickly.

Speaking of which, both Ye Xue and Qian Xiaoyan are very predestined with them. Because of Wei Lin, Ye Xue's plan was revealed, and she ran away from the Ye family. Later, she got silk and helped Yunli find the fragments of the fantasy silk; Qian Xiaoyan's mother The female was brought into Fenshui City by them and got involved in witchcraft.

To a certain extent, the fate of the master and apprentice changed because of them, and also because they were destined to become master and apprentice.

Thinking of this, Yunli said: "I have no objection, what about you?"

Wei Lin showed hesitation, "Your Lingsi..."

Hearing this, Ye Xue hesitated. The silk is a part of the fantasy silk, and it should be returned to the other party, but this silk is made of special material and has a psychedelic effect. It is her greatest help, so just hand it over...

But Yunli didn't care: "I said before, give it to her."

After a pause, he added, "Since she got it, it's her chance."

Ye Xue's ability to form alchemy within a hundred years old shows that she has good talent; she has possessed Mother Gu for decades, but she is concerned about innocent people, and has not let it out to harm others for a long time. Her character is also good, and she is a person with a bottom line.

The talent and character are not bad, Yunli, the only one with whom she has grievances, doesn't mind, Wei Lin and the others naturally have nothing to say, and immediately agree with Ye Xue's master and apprentice to join the Qingyu School.

In the days that followed, everyone devoted themselves to hard work, and Yunli, who was always lazy, was also more diligent than ever. She raced against time to practice, and she gradually gave up on sleeping at night, and practiced Yuanshen instead.

The days are slowly passing by practicing kung fu, playing music, practicing silk, and practicing swords. At the flick of your fingers, another year of grass grows and warblers fly.

On this day, at the beginning of the daylight, Yunli came out of the fantasy silk with her head downcast holding a green leaf.

In the small courtyard next door, Mu Yan was tending a plant of Frost Cloud Flower. Seeing her expression, she understood, and she still asked with concern, "Did it fail again?"

"Hey, don't mention it." Yunli was very upset, "I haven't even transformed a head, let alone a complete bug."

After continuous efforts, a small lawn of about five or six square meters has been transformed into her fantasy world. There is a tall and tall tree in the middle. The leaves and grass are swaying under the breeze, full of vitality.

It can be said that she is already very familiar with transforming sand, grass and trees, but unfortunately, there is no progress in higher-level life, and she has exhausted her spiritual sense, and she has not succeeded in transforming a small bug.

Holding up the phantom leaf in her hand, she complained angrily: "I have transformed into a towering tree, a small bug, why is it so difficult? It's been so long, and I haven't even touched the threshold!"

Mu Yan comforted: "Everything is difficult at the beginning. No matter how small a bug is, it is still an animal. It is not at the same biological level as vegetation. If you work harder, you will be fine if you break through this barrier."

"That's the reason, but I don't have a clue." Yunli tugged at her hair irritably, stepped into her yard a few steps, squatted down beside her, and casually threw the transformed green leaf beside Frost Cloud Flower .

This phantom leaf is exactly the leaf of the Frost Cloud Flower, and it is not obtrusive at all when it is thrown beside it. Even Mu Yan, a professional alchemist, would have been hard to tell apart if she hadn't seen her throwing the phantom leaf in with her own eyes. True or false.

Mu Yan picked up the phantom leaf and cheered her up: "You have to eat one bite at a time. You have practiced phantom leaves for 80 years, how long has it been since you learned phantom insects? Don't worry, take your time, you will succeed one day."

As she said that, she paused, and looked up at Yunli: "Something's wrong, you're so anxious these days."

Yunli froze, the restlessness on her face disappeared.

She was indeed in a hurry, although she had no memory, but from Nan Mi's words, it was not difficult to guess that Guixu was very important to the Feng Clan, and she was obviously the one that the Clan placed high hopes on.

The master has protected her with a flute for more than 3 years, and even changed the rules of reincarnation to eliminate the cause and effect for her that blocked the monk's ascension.

Yunli took out a flute and held it in her hand, her heart was endlessly heavy. If she couldn't go back in time, would Master be very disappointed?

"This is really Jianmu Shenye? Can I take a look?" Mu Yan was very excited. Although as a friend, she should comfort her at this time, but she was really curious!
As an alchemist, an alchemist who aspires to be famous in the Nine Layers of Stars, the idea of ​​watching Shenye is really hard to get rid of!
"Well, let's see."

Yunli handed it to her casually, and said: "It has been made into a magic weapon, and it may have lost the special characteristics of Lingzhi—"

The last 'sex' got stuck in her throat, her eyes widened in disbelief!
"I'm going, what's going on?"

The moment Mu Yan took Yiyedi, Yiyedi actually moved, and a soft divine light lit up.

She moved closer and raised her eyes in surprise: "What did you do just now?"

After peeling off the flute leaf and opening the seal of Donglu, it will not respond any more, unless it is burned with Nirvana fire, it will emit divine light to defend itself.

Nan Mi also said that Yiye Di was the property of her master Jiuxi God, why would she react to A Yan.

"I didn't do anything."

Mu Yan was also in a daze, she just took it casually, she didn't use her spiritual power, and she didn't release her consciousness to check.

While the two looked at each other, Yiyedi's divine light suddenly disappeared and returned to its original state.

Yunli snatched a leaf flute, shook it vigorously, and urged it with spiritual power, but there was still no response.

She handed the flute to Mu Yan again: "You try again."

Mu Yan took it, this time, there was no divine light.

"What's going on?" Yunli was suspicious again, "Try your spiritual power and consciousness."

Mu Yan tested it according to her words, Shen Ye was quiet, her spiritual power and consciousness seemed to sink into the sea, and could not make any ripples.

If both of them hadn't seen it just now, Yunli would have suspected that the previous divine light was her illusion.

"No, what's the situation?"

Next, the two tried various methods, but none of them could make Yiye Di respond at all.

"Could it be damaged?" Yunli murmured in a low voice, and summoned the Nirvana Skyfire with her backhand, and the Yiye flute emitted a bright green light instantly.

"It's not bad."

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