all the way to fairy

Chapter 679 I'm here to kill you

Chapter 679 I'm here to kill you
Mu Yan was speechless: "How can an artifact that can seal a world be damaged so easily?"

"I'll just try." Yunli poked Yiyedi, puzzled, how did Yiyedi react just now?
After thinking for a moment, Mu Yan guessed: "Could it be that the god is in danger?"

Yun Lixuan was startled, it is very possible!

A flute has an owner, and anyone who can cause it to respond, except itself, is its owner.

Xuan Er, she became worried. Across the plane, causing such a big reaction from Yiye Di, this must be a life-and-death crisis!
As soon as the words came out, Mu Yan felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly made up for it: "Uh, I was just guessing, don't worry, didn't that Yuren Lingzhou say that your master is in the Dao Ancestor Realm, and the Nine Layers of Stars is the most... "

Before finishing speaking, Duoduo jumped out of the void and shouted: "I found him! Sister Yun, I found him!"

Yunli exhaled lightly, no matter whether her guess is true or not, the only thing she can do right now is to step up her cultivation and return to Ninefold Star Palace as soon as possible.

She put away the flute, stood up, and said, "I'll call you Brother Wei."

After speaking, he went back to their small courtyard, touched the restraint in the room, and after a while, Wei Lin finished his training and came out.

Yunli took off the Huanshi Ling and handed it to Duo Duo, and wanted to enter the space inside the Ling with Wei Lin.

Mu Yan held her back anxiously: "Do you really want to kill him now? Why don't you wait, as the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, after you have been promoted to the eleventh rank, wouldn't it be sure to avenge senior Yingmeng?" "

Although Ah Li and Hei Hua are only one level behind in cultivation, Hei Hua is in the stage of crossing the catastrophe. Due to the burden of Wen Xueluo, his cultivation has only dropped to the eleventh level. His physical strength, experience and skills are all solid crossing robbery period.

"Hey, it's just an ugly little snake." Yunli flashed into the world of Ayane with a face full of disdain.

The corner of Mu Yan's mouth twitched, who's little snake has an eleventh-level cultivation.

Yunli Weilin insisted on going, but she had no choice but to tell Duoduo: "Look at them, if there is any danger, take them into the void."

Duoduo curled her lips, picked up the Huanshi Ling, said "I think Sister Yun is much more dangerous than him" and escaped into the void.

In the nameless valley, the slopes on both sides are lined with green trees, the bottom of the valley is covered with green grass, and a shallow stream winds down from the center.

Wen Xueluo was meditating on a big rock by the stream, and not far away, Hei Hua was lying on the grass, using her arms as a pillow, leisurely looking at the blue sky and white clouds above her head.

Suddenly, he felt a burst of space fluctuations, and the power of the void seemed to leak around him.

With a jolt, he jumped up, and saw a piece of familiar orange gauze floating out of the void, it was Phoenix Yunli!
Thinking of the unpleasant experience on Qingyu Mountain last time, Hei Hua's heart shuddered, the visitor was not kind.

Suddenly, I saw the Huanshi Ling suddenly lit up, shooting towards him like a spirit snake, following the flying of the silk, two figures flew out of it, it was Yunli Weilin.

Hei Hua was shocked and blurted out: "Space!"

This turned out to be a space!
After coming out of Ling Nei's world, Wei Lin immediately turned around and rushed towards Wen Xueluo, gray mist drifted out from his fingertips, covering Wen Xueluo in an instant.

Wen Xueluo was shocked, and with a thought, she had already communicated with the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, and the next moment she arrived in the Immortal Mansion.

No, Yunli and Yunli are well aware of the characteristics of Yunshu Immortal Mansion, and they will not do useless work.

What are those gray fogs?
Most importantly, what is their purpose?
Thinking of Heihua who stayed outside, she felt bad and hurried out of Yunshu Immortal Mansion. The gray mist was still in place, swimming and lingering around her. After Wei Lin completed the last magic formula, the gray mist was in place. , and the rings are interlocked, sealing her firmly.

And Yunli turned her back to Heihua, with the Dream Slashing Saber in her hand lingling coldly.

Wen Xueluo's heart sank. Their target was indeed Heihua. She urged the spirit pet contract to try to bring Heihua into Yunshu Immortal Mansion, but the spirit pet contract was indifferent, as if she and Heihua were separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.

These gray fogs were really aimed at her.

She asked in a deep voice, "What do you two want to do?"

Yunli ignored him, looked at Heihua, and said calmly, "I'm here to kill you."

Hei Hua's heart sank to the bottom, her eyes were quiet, her tone was flat, not as murderous as last time.

But for some reason, this kind of her made him feel even more dangerous, trembling from the depths of his soul, he couldn't help but want to crawl to the ground.

It's just that she has been promoted from the eighth level to the tenth level, and it's already terrifying. How strong is her blood?

He tried his best to resist the feeling of wanting to surrender, and created a black awn defense in front of him.

At this moment, Yunli moved.

At this moment, Heihua felt that the world was slowing down. He saw Yunli pointing her toes and jumping up. Her figure pulled out afterimages and outlined an arc-shaped parabolic trajectory. At the highest point, her figure stopped, holding a dream Cut off the head with the peach powder machete.

Under the brilliant light of the saber, the spiritual power of his body froze, and there was an illusion that the space was frozen for a moment.

But in just a moment, the spiritual power of his body was covered with cracks like glass and smashed into pieces.

Feng Rui's attack landed on his body, and a deep blood groove appeared on his shoulder, which was still widening and deepening.

At the critical moment, Hei Hua finally broke free from the 'mud', he let out a strange cry, his whole body was filled with light, and his spiritual power gushed out like a sea wave, finally dispelling the attack of this saber.

After breaking free, he didn't dare to stop at all. With a roar, he changed back to his original shape. His thick snake body was arched, his tight muscles were stretched, and his scales were full of inspiration, ready to fight.

Wen Xueluo was stunned, she hadn't expected that Heihua, who was at the eleventh level, was no match for Yunli at all, and could hurt him deeply with just one move.

No, Hei Hua can't die now!
Wen Xueluo took out her dharma sword and slashed at the gray mist fiercely. There was no point of force where the blade landed. The sword seemed to be chopping in the air, but the gray mist really stopped her.

What magic weapon is this?
The situation was critical, Wen Xueluo didn't care about it, she raised her voice and tried to communicate: "You can't kill him, he is my spiritual pet, and it depends on the owner to beat a dog."

Yunli still ignored it, looking at the ferocious and twisted snake body in front of her, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes, she turned over with Zanmeng in her hand.

Hei Hua let out a hysterical roar, and the snake body quickly swam out to avoid the falling blade.

At the same time, the snake's tail moved across, rolling up bursts of spiritual storms, and lashing towards Yunli fiercely.

Yunli snorted coldly, her figure was like lightning, and when the tail of the snake was about to hit her, she flew away. The violent storm of spiritual power did not restrict her actions in the slightest, but instead provided her with cover.

When Hei Hua felt her presence again, she had already appeared within seven inches of him, the Lingling saber aura pierced his bones with sharpness, and even the hard snake scales felt a bit of coolness.

Heihua neighed in horror, the snake twisted wildly, and finally narrowly escaped by seven inches, and the Zhanmeng Saber brushed across the snake's belly.

(End of this chapter)

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