Chapter 680
After escaping the fatal blow, before he had time to catch his breath, he felt a sharp sword intent attacking him.

It's Fengjue!
Hei Hua had experienced the sharpness and cunning of his sword intent earlier in the fight on Qingyu Mountain, and knew that the two cooperated very tacitly.

Sure enough, in the next second, Lie Lie's saber qi roared over, one after the other with the sword intent, forming a pincer attack.

Hei Hua chose to avoid the Mengzhan Saber without hesitation. Although Feng Jue's sword intent was strong, his cultivation was like a natural moat, and with his physical strength, he could completely resist it.

Yunli is different, she is a divine beast, she has great blood pressure on him, her physical body is also very strong, and her cultivation level is only a small difference.

Facing her, he had almost no advantage at all, so naturally he didn't dare to take it hard.

Hei Hua fully mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and fled backwards regardless, almost bumping into Wei Lin's sword intent.

Click, click...

The sword intent was practiced, piercing through his protective spiritual power without any stagnation, falling on the snake scales, and finally being blocked by the hard scales.

Faced with the rushing Jiao Mang, Wei Lin had no choice but to dodge and let Hei Hua escape.

There is no way to do this. The later the cultivator reaches the later stage, the greater the disparity between each realm.

Heihua's body is completely at the strength of the Transcending Tribulation Stage, which is far beyond the range of monk Canglan's ability. Even if Mo Lijian has the sharpness to break through the Transcending Tribulation Stage cultivator's body, with his current cultivation base, he can't use it.

On the contrary, if he was bumped into by Hei Hua, it would be more dangerous than good.

Before they came, they had already discussed that Ah Li would be the main force in this assassination, and his first task was to isolate Wen Xueluo with the gray fog, so as to prevent Hei Hua from being sent to Yunshu Immortal Mansion, and interfere by the way.

After avoiding the collision of the dragon and python, Wei Lin threw out the spiritual power whip with his backhand and entangled the snake's tail. Before he could exert force to grab it, a strong force came from the spiritual power whip and directly flew him out.

However, this move played a small role in the end, Jiao Mang's escape speed was a little slower.

This little slowness bought time for Yunli, and Huanshiling flashed from behind like a flash of orange lightning, wrapping around the tip of the snake's tail.

As soon as the thin veil touched the snake's body, it seemed to come alive, winding up around the snake's body, and in the blink of an eye, it wrapped around the small half of the tail from the tip of the slender tail.

Hei Hua who was fleeing was frightened, while fleeing desperately, he frantically flicked his tail, trying to shake off Huan Shiling.

It's a pity that Huanshiling and Yunli are in the same mind, so he sways left and right, his body shrinks and grows, and the orange yarn is tightly wrapped around his tail, shrinking like his own snake skin.

After a while, a brute force came from the tail, and Hei Hua's fast-moving snake body froze for a moment, paused in the air for a few seconds, and then he was thrown out like a long whip.

The big trees were cut off by the middle, and fell in disorder on the hillside. Hei Hua also fell to the ground, and the thick snake body smashed an irregular deep groove on the ground.

As soon as Hei Hua touches the ground, he rises up, the whole body flashes suddenly, the wind is strong, the leaves and dust are flying, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

He was about to take advantage of this cover to increase the distance between the two sides, when he suddenly felt that the mountain was pressing down on the top, and a terrifying breath suddenly pressed down from the top of his head, and his spiritual power, blood, and soul froze in an instant.

Looking up, the peach powder scimitar slashed down without fancy, and the peach blossoms fell like rain. Suddenly, there seemed to be layers of mountains looming.

Hei Hua's scalp exploded, his mouth opened wide and he couldn't make a sound. He wanted to escape, but he lost control of his body and couldn't move.

The aura of body protection shattered like ice and snow, and the blade fell on the scales, cutting the hard snake scales lightly...

"Do not--"

The moment the Meng Zhan blade cut through the scales and landed on the flesh and blood, Hei Hua finally cried out, broke free from the restraint again, and controlled his body.

The huge snake body twisted violently, avoiding the seven-inch vital point, the blade fell into the middle tail, and the snake body snapped off.


Hei Hua didn't care about breaking his body, he flew out like an arrow leaving the string and disappeared into the sky.

Yunli didn't go after her, but just called softly, "Duoduo."

Dodo, who was hiding in the void, immediately chased after Hei Hua.

At this time, Wei Lin also chased after him, sweeping away the messy leaves and sand. In the messy woods, lying on the body of a seven or eight meter long snake, Hei Hua was seriously injured.

Wei Lin regained his spirits, the overall situation of the assassination has been decided.

Wen Xueluo was trapped in the gray mist space and couldn't help her. No matter how far Hei Hua escaped, they could rush over in an instant with Duoduo around.

Wen Xueluo also realized this, and shouted anxiously: "Yunli, you can't kill him! He belongs to me. You have already taken away my Heavenly Crystal Yunling Stone Mountain. You can't kill my spiritual pet again. This is what you owe mine!"

Yunli frowned, turned to look at her, and said coldly: "First, I never look at the owner when I beat a dog; second, you don't have much face when you are with me."

Wen Xueluo froze for a moment, and then realized that Yunli was answering what she said earlier.

"Third, the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi Mountain is not yours; fourth, you know exactly how your Yunshu Immortal Mansion came to be in the Absolute Shadow Peak; fifth, we once saved your life.

We never owe you anything, strictly speaking, you are ungrateful! "

Wen Xueluo retorted in a cold voice: "Cultivator's rules, whoever gets the unowned things always counts first. When I arrived, your senior brother didn't get the Dream Burning Heart Lamp. I got it first, and naturally it was mine.

Besides, if I hadn't arrived first, with that female disciple's ruthlessness, your senior brother would have died under her hands long ago.

As for the place of worship in the Weeping Immortal Valley, no one can enter except me, and the Sky Crystal Yunling Stone Mountain is in my pocket. "

Yunli sneered, "If we believe that you have robbed the Immortal Mansion, do you think you can still stand here and talk? Hmph, dozens of grasses have been replaced on the grave."

It was bad luck, they admitted it, but Wen Xueluo was too ungrateful, if Wei Lin hadn't passed the first two tests, how could she get the Dreaming Heart Burning Lamp.

As for the Tianjingyun Lingshi Mountain, even if Huanshiling didn't take it away, Wen Xueluo wouldn't be able to get it.

Wei Lin glanced at him, looked away, and said calmly, "What are you wasting your lips with her?"

If it weren't for the fact that she killed that female disciple and saved him indirectly, he would have killed this kind of person long ago.

Yunli snorted, "If you don't reason with her, she really thinks we are guilty."

Of course, more importantly, they have to wait for Duo Duo to come back, and they are idle now.

Moreover, you must concentrate when fighting. If it is not necessary, it is best not to speak, but some shouts do not go back, and you feel panicked.

Their attitude was firm, but they couldn't break through the gray fog, and Wen Xueluo's normally expressionless face was stained with anxiety.

After a while, Duo Duo came back and said loudly, "He is practicing kung fu in a cave to heal his injuries."

Yunli and Wei Lin immediately entered Ling Nei's world, and Duo Duo teleported to Hei Hua's healing place with her.

Seeing them, Hei Hua despaired, burning his potential and using all his means, making a final struggle.

Yunli stubbornly resisted his strangulation move, exhausted her spiritual power, and finally killed him.

(End of this chapter)

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