all the way to fairy

Chapter 681 Trust

In the nameless valley, Wen Xueluo slumped at the gray mist, but was unable to shake it at all.

Suddenly, the center of the brow burned hot, it was a spiritual pet contract.

Her heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and she quickly condensed her face into the water mirror. She could only see the color of the spiritual pet contract between her eyebrows gradually dimming, and the mysterious lines were gradually disappearing and collapsing.

Hei Hua is dead!He actually died like this!
Wen Xueluo was frightened and angry, Yunli actually killed Hei Hua!
That was the highest realm of the Qingxuan Continent, the Great Demon of the Transcending Tribulation Period, one step away from Ascension to the Immortal Realm, and just died in Canglan!
After the shock, she couldn't help but feel chills running down her spine. Is this the might of a divine beast?

Although Yunli is a divine beast, it was reincarnated and recultivated. Regardless of its cultivation base or physical strength, it was only at the tenth level, but it completely suppressed Heihua, making him powerless to fight back.

As far as the two rounds she saw, Hei Hua never fought back at all, and was always running and hiding.

At this moment, she clearly realized the perversion and cruelty suppressed by the blood of monster beasts, which was an insurmountable gap.

Soon, she couldn't care about these things, Hei Hua died, she lost the strongest protection, and a serious problem was before her eyes.

Now, she is no match for Yunli and the two at all, and she can't do anything about the gray mist, so she can only hide in the Yunshu Immortal Mansion to wreak havoc with them just like back then.

And, the situation is worse than it was then.

Back then, she used the dream-burning lamp to pull all the killers of the Canye Pavilion surrounded outside the Immortal Mansion into the illusion, and escaped calmly.

Now, let alone the fact that the Dreaming Heart Burning Lamp has been destroyed, and there is no illusion to trap the two of them, the gray fog is the big problem, and if it cannot be broken in a day, even if she has thousands of methods, it will be useless.

In anxiety, the three of Yunli came back.

Wen Xueluo's eyes tightened, and she communicated with Yunshu Immortal Mansion to ensure that she could escape as soon as possible in case of any accident.

As the three of them walked in, one could clearly see Yunli's pale complexion, several wounds on her neck, her whole body's aura was weak, and her aura was dim. Come out, I think it's not a small injury.

Wei Lin next to him had also changed his clothes, and there was a big blood stain on his waist, but his aura was stable.

Seeing this, Wen Xueluo's inner fear was reduced a bit, and the blood suppression was not completely irresistible.

"Today's vengeance, I have written down, and in the future I will definitely get it back one by one!" She stared at Yunli, finished speaking coldly, and fled into Yunshu Immortal Mansion.

Yunli let out a 'tss', completely ignoring it, and told Wei Lin to put away the gray fog and return to Qingyu Mountain.

A quarter of an hour later, Lantau Mountain.

"What? You just came back like this?" An Ran couldn't believe her ears, "She threatened her face to face, so you just let her go?"

Yunli spread her hands: "Then why not? Where shall we guard her?"

"No, she wants to kill you for revenge!"

"From her point of view, I killed her strongest pet, which is equivalent to breaking a big arm of her. It is reasonable for her to seek revenge from me."

An Ran is speechless, is this a reasonable question? When facing a person who wants to kill him, shouldn't he act first?

"Don't worry, she can't touch me." Apart from being a little annoying, Wen Xueluo didn't cause any substantial harm to them, not enough to kill her.

Besides, since she is a heroic spirit after all, she has to be more lenient with her for the sake of her ancestors instead of the monk's face and the Buddha's face.

Unable to convince her, An Ran looked at Wei Lin: "You think so too?"

"Wen Xueluo is not a threat, it's not worth wasting time for her." Wei Lin looked indifferent.

An Ran was completely speechless, "Have you two drifted away?"

Who is Wen Xueluo?After the heroic spirit who was blessed by the heavenly dao, the heavenly dao changed her ways to send her a fairy mansion and a spiritual pet. How could such a person not be threatened?
Yunli saw her worry, and said with a smile: "You have to have confidence, we are also growing. No one will always be lucky. She relies too much on external things, and she can't be successful. The only thing a monk can rely on is his own strength."

An Ran was about to say something, but Dodo suddenly interjected worriedly: "Then sister has to practice martial arts?"

Everyone froze for a moment, and suddenly realized that Mu Yan had almost zero fighting experience, and even Ji Ruochen was better than her.

Mu Yan herself was also stunned. She once wanted to learn some martial arts and tried it in Jiuliyuan, but after she came out, she forgot about it.

It is normal for an alchemist to be weak in combat power, and there are almost no ones like her who have no combat experience at all.

With the precedent of An Ran, she has always been aware of the importance of combat power, but she never thought about practicing martial arts. What she thinks about every day is not practicing martial arts, but alchemy and serving Lingzhi.

The reason is, peace of mind.

She raised her eyes to look at Yunli, and suddenly realized that she subconsciously trusted Yunli extremely.

Because she believed that that person would stand in front of her at any time, she dared to learn alchemy unscrupulously in this cruel world of monks and completely gave up martial arts.

Because she believed that that person would never hurt her, she dared to entrust her entire family and life to her.

And Ah Li has never failed her trust.

Mu Yan raised her eyes to look at Yunli, smiled, and said softly: "With my martial arts talent, I can't spend all my energy on it as well as Ah Li. It's better to use all my energy on the alchemy that I am good at."

Duoduo was puzzled: "Why do you want to compare with Sister Yun when you learn martial arts? Many people can't beat her."

Yunli also realized Mu Yan's trust in her, she was very happy and proud.Glad to have her wholehearted trust, and proud of myself for living up to her trust.

In addition to the joy, there was a strange sense of relief in my heart.

Yunli raised her hand and pinched Duoduo's fair and tender face, and said with a smile: "What your sister means is that people I can beat can't threaten her naturally, and people I can't beat can't beat people even after she learns martial arts." .”

Dodo was a little confused by her, and repeated her words softly, understanding each sentence.

Yunli and Mu Yan looked at each other with a smile, everything was kept silent.

At this time, others also understood.

Looking at the two people who looked at each other and smiled, Jingxu and Ji Ruochen were moved, and the monk was indifferent. Even a biological father and son rarely trust one person wholeheartedly, and Mu Yan dared to trust one person wholeheartedly!
An Ran was in a daze. She asked herself, she dared not give up her wealth and life to others, even if that person was her cousin who grew up with her since she was a child, but Ayan dared to trust her.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she was the outsider.

Wei Lin, however, was thoughtful. He had noticed a long time ago that Ah Li trusted Mu Yan very much, but he did not expect that Mu Yan subconsciously also trusted Ah Li extremely.

And Ah Li is obviously not someone who can talk easily, Mu Yan is that special case.

Was their first acquaintance really on a spirit ship?

Yunli looked at the crowd, and said: "Strength doesn't just refer to combat power, alchemy is Ah Yan's strength. With her current attainments in alchemy, she is a respected and protected talent in any force."

This point, we all agree.

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