all the way to fairy

Chapter 682 Roast Meat

Chapter 682 Roast Meat
There are three thousand avenues, each of which is different. Theoretically speaking, each choice can be used as a path, such as the alchemy, talisman array, piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, medicine and tea.

But in the cruel competition, those Taos that cannot be turned into direct combat power will gradually decline in the end and disappear in the long river of time.

Because alchemy is directly related to the cultivation of monks, it is the only non-martial path that has not declined. Even so, it is difficult to find a pure alchemist now.

Among the people present, only Ji Ruochen could fully understand Mu Yan's determination and happiness. He said enviously, "I also want to devote all my energy to the medical profession, and I want to become Canglan's number one spiritual doctor!"

Wei Lin said calmly: "You are loyal to Qingyu for a day, and Qingyu will protect you for a day."

"That's right!" Yunli echoed her voice, "With us here, don't worry about studying your medical skills!"

"Is this a promise?" Ji Ruochen's eyes looked expectant, Wei Lin made a promise, and what he promised would be fulfilled, he dared to believe his promise.

Wei Lin nodded and solemnly promised: "Of course."

With the decline of medicine, there are very few spiritual doctors. On the way of practice, there is a trustworthy spiritual doctor, and the safety factor is greatly improved.

Yunli was in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Next, I'll heal my wounds first, Duoduo, you go to Taiyi School to find Mo Huai's whereabouts."

"What do you want him for?" Wei Lin was surprised.


On the top of Xiongying Ridge, if Ah You hadn't protected him in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

She said it so lightly and so naturally, as if what she was going to kill was just an irrelevant stranger.

"Are you really going to kill him?" An Ran couldn't bear it. She was also very angry when Mo Huai took advantage of others. At that time, she even wanted to poke him a few times, but after her emotions calmed down, she could understand him again.

How could he not avenge the murder of his father?

Wei Xiaosan's talent and strength are stronger than Mo Huai's, so he has no possibility of fighting fairly, taking advantage of others' danger is almost his only chance.

From Mo Huai's standpoint, revenge is not wrong.

Moreover, it was too cruel for Mo Huai that his cousin wanted to kill him.

"Why not? He wants revenge, and we naturally have to fight back. We can't just stand and let him fight, right?"


"No but." Yunli interrupted her, "He won't give up on avenging his family, and we won't suffer death obediently. We have opposing positions, and we can't be kind."

An Ran was silent. No matter how many tragedies and regrets, it all starts from a standpoint.

At this time, Wei Lin said, "I will settle the grievances between him and me, so don't interfere."

Yunli thought for a while, then nodded, "That's fine."

A few days later, Yunli was injured and left the customs, and learned that Mo Huai was not found.

She was very puzzled: "At this time, shouldn't he be in Taiyi School?"

The Lin and Su families broke up, and the fight is raging now. As Fu Yue's direct disciple, Mo Huai is a great help to the Lin family. At this time, why is he not in the Taiyi sect?
Duoduo shook her head: "I've searched Tai Yizong and Tianyun City, but there is no trace of him. I heard from the Lin family that he hasn't shown up for several days."

Yunli was puzzled, could it be that he didn't want to get involved in the grievances between the two families and went out to hide?
No one could be found, revenge had to be temporarily put on hold, and they returned to a full and peaceful life.

Today, the sun is sunny and the breeze is blowing.

Yunli squatted in the grass, a red-brown ant crawled on the blade of grass in front of her.

While carefully releasing her consciousness to inspect the shape and internal structure of the ants, she used her spiritual power to transform the ants.

Creatures are complex, with the head being the most important. After practicing for so long, the progress is still not obvious. She is considering whether to give up some details, and first transform the shape of the whole ant, and then slowly refine it and go deep into the interior.

"Sister Yun!"

A surprise sound came from behind suddenly, and Yunli, who was paying full attention, was startled, her hands shook, and the ants on the grass jumped away in fright, and the half-transformed phantom insects also collapsed.

This startled brat, she sighed, turned her head and asked, "Did you find Mo Huai?"

Duo Duo, who rushed over excitedly, froze for a moment, and replied sullenly: "No."

Yunli didn't care either, there was no rush, she would find him sooner or later, she asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

Duo Duo's depression dissipated instantly, and excitedly took out a piece of meat, "Can you help me barbecue?"

"Barbecue? Me?" Yunli said angrily with an expression of your brain gone, "If your sister is free, she will go to your elder sister An and elder brother Wei."

Wei Lin, who is an excellent cook, and two alchemists who are skilled in fire control, don't look for her, but she is not good at cooking.

"My sister is not cooked well, let me come to you to try." Duo Duo pouted, feeling aggrieved.

"Uncooked?" Yunli was surprised. Now that Ah Yan can refine the heavenly elixir, what meat can't she roast?

"Show me."

Duoduo obediently handed her the palm-sized meat, and said: "My sister's Qingxin Liulihuo can't cook it well, so I asked me to come to you."

Yunli became more and more curious. She took the meat and looked at it carefully. She saw that this piece of meat was red and white in color, well-proportioned, bright in luster, and firm in texture. After pressing, the depression quickly recovered, with excellent elasticity.

Well, a good piece of fresh meat!

However, she didn't understand what kind of monster meat it was. Thinking about the monster meat she had seen, the details didn't seem to match.

Qingxin Liuli is not cooked by fire, and ordinary fire spirits are naturally not good, so she immediately summoned the fire of Nirvana.


After a puff of green smoke, small bags bulged in the middle of the meat, and oil beads came out one after another, accumulating bigger and bigger, rolling down along the neat texture, and the meat curled at the edge, turning into a faint light brown , a little burnt.

The strong smell of meat penetrated straight into the nose, Duo Duo's eyes lit up, and she rubbed her little hands expectantly: "Wow, it smells so good!"

Yunli licked her lips, the meat looked really delicious, as soon as she smelled the aroma, her mouth salivated unconsciously, wanting to eat it!
"What kind of meat is this? Where did you come from—"

Before the last word 'that' was uttered, the Nirvana Heavenly Fire suddenly burst into a spark, and the faint blue smoke on the meat turned into thick smoke, and then turned into yellow smoke in an instant, and then the whole piece of meat was burned into nothingness.

Yunli: "..."

The summer wind blew slowly, taking away the remaining burnt smell in the air, only the oil stains left on the fingertips of the two people showed that the piece of meat had once existed.

She raised her head embarrassingly, only to see that Duoduo was about to cry with her mouth puckered.

Before Dodo burst into tears, she spoke up to save her: "Uh, that, where did you get it? Let's get some more."

Upon hearing this, Duoduo's tears rolled down the ground: "It's so far away, I only cut this piece in 23 days."

"Cut it off?" Yunli cheered up. What does this mean, is there a whole monster?
"Quick! Take me to have a look!"

Huanshiling flicked out, and in the blink of an eye, she was nowhere to be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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