all the way to fairy

Chapter 683 Void Behemoth

After a while, Yunli received Duo Duo's reminder to leave Ling Nei's world, and her body suddenly became heavy, as if she was carrying a thousand mountains on her back. Before she even had time to react, she was crushed to the ground.

The part of her body that was in contact with the ground seemed to be pierced by thousands of steel needles, and the blood was pouring, and she became a bloody person in an instant.

Fortunately, with the constant burning pain of Nirvana Heavenly Fire, these pierced steel needles had little effect on her.

"I'll go! What the hell?"

She moved, trying to get up, but found that it was very difficult to lift a finger.

She let out a low cry, exerted all her strength, and raised her head little by little against the pressure, only to realize that those so-called steel needles were actually the hairs of unknown monsters!
She raised her head and scanned her surroundings. Not far away, there was a huge pillar rising from the ground. From her position, she could only see a curved surface of the pillar, but not how thick it was.

"Sister Yun, are you okay?"

Duoduo's worried voice came from the side, Yunli tilted her head, and Duoduo was lying on a hairless, blood-red place, which seemed to be the wound of a monster.

After Yunli shook her head to indicate that there was no problem, Duoduo took out a Bi Ling knife, brushed off a layer of blood scab with difficulty, inserted the Bi Ling knife into the flesh of the monster with all her strength, and then moved the blade little by little. cut meat.

After cutting for a while, she was so tired that she lay down, her little face was bloodied and dirty from the monster's exposed wound.

Yunli's eyelids twitched, no wonder she said it took 23 days to cut a piece of meat.

They found a treasure.

If there is no guess, this is a dead giant void beast, and the pressure should be the coercion left by the giant beast.

The coercion remaining after death is so tyrannical, one can imagine how powerful this giant beast was when it was alive.

This level of monster meat is great!
The void behemoth is also a monster, and it is also suppressed by the blood of monsters. Yunli stimulates the Nirvana Sky Fire, causing it to explode in the body, turning into a little scarlet and scattering blood, entering the state of boiling blood, and maximizing the effect of the phoenix blood .

The pressure on the top of the mountain suddenly eased, and she climbed up easily, but the edge and the top of the big column not far away were still invisible, and she didn't know which part of the monster it was.

"Eh? Sister Yun, you've stood up!" Duoduo was overwhelmed with surprise.

Yunli nodded, "Lie on your stomach, don't cut it, I'll come later, I can have as much as I want, I'll go and see first, how big is this monster."

She can move freely, and her flesh is guaranteed. Duoduo will not go to slowly cut her flesh again, and she will lie at the wound of the monster and wait for her with peace of mind.

Yunli walked in the opposite direction of the big column, and stopped to look up at the big column from time to time. After two quarters of an hour, she walked to the edge of the position, but she didn't see where the top of the big column was. I can see clearly, it's as thick as about twenty people hugging each other.

She touched her chin. In the void, she couldn't fly. She had to be attached to the body of the monster when she stood and walked. Then she could only climb up the big column. Perhaps at a certain position, she could see the whole picture of the monster.

Thinking of this, she wanted to go back, and when she turned her eyes, she glanced not far away, and there were four bumps on the edge of the staggered, which combined with her standing position, wasn't it just the shape of enlarged claws!
She suddenly realized that the position they were in was the instep of a monster beast, and the big column was the leg of the monster beast!
This is too big!

It took another quarter of an hour before she returned to the previous position, pulled out the Meng Zhan Dao, cut off a pile of meat and put it into the ring, "Let's go back first, remember the location, and come back next time."

She was very interested in the void creature, and wanted to climb up that leg and see the whole picture, but they didn't tell anyone when they came out, and they had to go back first.

Looking at the pieces of monster meat cut off by her, Duo Duo's eyes glowed green, wishing he could eat it right away, there was no one who disagreed.

Back on Qingyu Mountain, Yunli immediately called Wei Lin and the others, and told them about the Void Beast.

Wei Lin thought about it, "The coercion of the giant beast can be used to train the body?"

"That's void!"

Huge coercion, supplemented by elixir and vitality, is indeed an excellent place for body training, but even with Yunli's physical strength, he can't stay in the void for a long time, let alone Wei Lin.

Wei Lin raised his sleeves, and the brilliance in the sleeves was faint: "You forgot, I have shark hair."

Looking at Jiaoxiao, Lingzhou's face can't help appearing in front of his eyes, Yunli's eyes dimmed slightly, Xuan'er suppressed that heavy point, and said loudly: "You can try it!"

She secretly exhaled and analyzed carefully: "Coercion has a range. The closer you are to the void behemoth, the stronger the coercion. We can try to find a position that you can accept first, and then move forward a little bit."

An Ran took out a photo stone and gave it to her: "Record a whole picture for us."

They don't have sharks, gray fog, and can't be in the void environment, but they also want to see what kind of creatures living in the void exist.

Yunli raised her eyebrows slightly: "I guarantee that you can see the complete Void Behemoth in 360 degrees!"

Mu Yan smiled slightly: "I'm going to prepare the elixir for repairing the body."

Ji Ruochen raised his hand, and a thin needle with condensed spiritual power appeared at his fingertips. He looked at Wei Lin, eager to try, "Last time I saw you reborn from a broken arm. I already have some ideas about the secret method of the human body's vitality potential, do you want to give it a try?"

Wei Lin's spine shivered, he had some clues, isn't he still in the experiment, he was being used as a guinea pig.

He immediately refused: "No need, the vitality of heaven's punishment is quite good."

Ji Ruochen was quite sorry, and wanted to persuade him again, so scared that Wei Lin raised his voice to urge Douduo to take them to the void.

"Why don't you grill the meat first?"

Duoduo listened patiently to their business, thought that after the business was over, she would be able to eat barbecue, but unexpectedly, she urged her to go to the void again, and she was a little unhappy immediately.

Mu Yan patted her on the shoulder, and said softly: "Duoduo, it's not that we don't want to roast you, the question is, who will roast it?"

Duoduo looked at her, and then at Yunli, Wei Lin, and An Ran. She was dumbfounded, and she felt aggrieved: "Then when will I be able to eat meat?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Yunli, and Yunli suddenly felt a lot of pressure. If it was an ordinary fire, she would be confident that she could control it well after practicing.

The problem is, that is Nirvana Heavenly Flame, an existence that can burn the whole world up. She really doesn't have the confidence to use it to barbecue.

Mu Yan rubbed Duoduo's hair, and jokingly said, "It depends on when you, Sister Yun, will be able to skillfully control Tianhuo."

Duoduo turned her head, looked eagerly at Yunli, and begged earnestly: "Sister Yun, you need to learn it earlier."

"Uh, this..."

Under Duoduo's eager eyes, the words of refusal stuck in Yunli's throat, she held her forehead, and reluctantly compromised: "I will try my best."

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