all the way to fairy

Chapter 689 Broth

Chapter 689 Broth
Yunli also felt that barbecue is too unrealistic. After thinking about it, she took out a saucepan: "It's okay, let's cook meat!"

In order to prevent waste, ordinary monster meat is still used as the material for training hands. The metal texture that has been honed over time is indeed more heat-resistant than meat, but it is not much better. Also turned into nothingness.

Yunli didn't believe in evil, so she took the alchemy furnace made by Ning Wujue as a stew pot. The material from the upper realm must be able to withstand high temperatures.

However, it still didn't last long.

Back then when they were refining the panacea, they only needed to use Crimson Flame when melting the pill, and the temperature of Crimson Flame at that time was much lower than it is now.

Now, she really doesn't know what kind of container can withstand the fire of Nirvana.

Seeing all the melted lumps on the ground, Duoduo said softly, "Is my sister's Zijin Feifeng stove okay?"

Yunli rolled her eyes, "What are you thinking, that is your sister's alchemy furnace."

The Zijin Feifeng Furnace is a product of the Ninefold Star Tower, and under her intentional control, it is possible to withstand the fire of Nirvana.

The problem is, that is Ah Yan's best alchemy furnace, the Ninefold Star Que that I have been using all the time, how can it be used to stew meat.

No, Mu Yan took it out without hesitation when she heard about it, and said: "This alchemy furnace is too high-grade, and with my strength, I can't use it in a short time."

Yun Li was dumbfounded: "Don't you alchemists value the alchemy furnace very much, and what kind of alchemy is there, it needs to be warmed for a long time, the longer the better."

Mu Yan raised her eyebrows slightly: "Alchemy is a skill, and experience is the most important thing. The alchemy furnace is just a foreign object. Once you are proficient, any alchemy furnace can be used."

When Yunli thought about it, it made sense.

So he happily took over the Zijin Feifeng stove, and with a few knives, he cut a large piece of ferocious meat into thin and even slices, and threw it into the pill stove.

To be cautious, she still tested with a trace of Nirvana Heaven Fire first, one breath, two breaths, a cup of tea, and the pill furnace was not damaged at all.

She was relieved, and controlled the sliver of heavenly fire, and stewed it slowly. After two hours, the tangy smell of meat wafted out, and the smell made her index finger move.

Dodo squatted beside her, holding an empty bowl, swallowed hard, and asked, "Is it cooked?"

Yunli lifted the lid, and the milky white broth rolled and gurgled, and the thin slices of meat sank and floated.

"Should have to endure more."

After another quarter of an hour, the soup was rich and the meat slices were soft and rotten. Yun Lifang turned off the fire.

Dodo stood up excitedly and handed the bowl to her.

Also a foodie, Yunli understood her mood very well, and quickly served her a large bowl.

At this time, she suddenly thought that the cultivation base of Jiong is very high, and the flesh contains a lot of spiritual power. With Duo Duo's current cultivation base, if he eats too much rashly, he will explode and die.

She hastily stretched out her hand to stop her: "Taste a sip of the broth first."

Duo Duo pursed her mouth, put down her chopsticks aggrievedly, picked up the spoon and took a sip of the broth.

After waiting for a while, there was no abnormal reaction, Yunli stopped blocking, "you can eat."

She turned her head to call Mu Yan, and thought about going to the Mirage Palace for a while and sending it to Wei Linanran.

At this time, Dodo suddenly cried out, squatting down in pain, and within less than a breath, the spiritual power all over her body violently.

Yunli took a closer look, good guy, in the blink of an eye, she had already eaten less than half of the bowl.

She hurriedly raised her hand, pulled up Duo Duo who was about to roll, and said anxiously: "Hurry up and practice your skills, sort out your spiritual power."

At the same time, she paid all her attention to her situation, intending to help if something went wrong.

"What's wrong with Dodo?" Mu Yan who heard her call and rushed over was anxious when she saw this situation.

"There is too much spiritual power in the ferocious flesh, she has eaten too much."

At this moment, Mu Yan has already checked Duoduo's status, "No, there is too much spiritual power, she can't absorb it, she has to release the excess spiritual power."

"Wait, let me come!"

The moment she was about to strike, Ji Ruochen ran out from nowhere, held a spiritual needle, squeezed Mu Yan away, and blasted Duo Duo into a hedgehog with his fingers flying.

"Come on, follow my spirit acupuncture..."

Looking at the excited Ji Ruochen, Yunli was speechless.

Brother, at least you should ask the other party for permission.

Don't you think your life will be long if you give someone an injection without saying anything?

With the help of his spiritual needle, after a short time, Dodo felt less pain, and the violent spiritual power in her body seemed to find a vent, and flowed smoothly towards the demon core.

Half an hour later, Yunli gave Ji Ruochen a thumbs up, seeing the lively and freshly baked eighth-level cultivation base, "Admiration, admiration!"

Facing the violent spiritual power, what they can do is to help Dodo release the excess spiritual power. What Ji Ruochen did was to squeeze her spiritual power in the shortest possible time.

Ji Ruochen nodded in satisfaction: "It's also because of her strong physique, if it's an ordinary person, it won't be so easy."

"That's because you are amazing! Others can't do it." Yunli was not stingy in praising those who are capable, and then handed him a bowl of broth, "Come, drink the soup."

With Duo Duo's precedent, Ji Ruochen didn't dare to drink indiscriminately, and cautiously sipped a few drops. The rich spiritual power spread in his body, and he immediately sat down and absorbed it.

With a few drops of broth, the richness of spiritual power is no less than that of top-grade spirit stones.

With his estimation standard, he knows how much other people drink.

Looking at the big pot of broth, Yunli sighed, "Sometimes, even good things are given to you, and you need to be able to bear them."

In Dodo's sad eyes, she took two bowls of broth to the Mirage Palace to find Wei Lin'anran.

With the experience of body training in the void, Wei Lin can absorb much more spiritual power than others at one time, only slightly less than Duo Duo.

After Yun Gong absorbed the last bit of spiritual power, he stood up and looked up at the sky: "I seem to feel the power of the void."

Yunli was surprised, half a bowl of broth, wouldn't it be enough?
Wei Linfeng's eyes were shining brightly, he looked at the sky, then at Li Lijian in the furnace, and said, "I have an idea."

"what idea?"

"It's hard to say now, I only have a vague idea."

If he didn't say anything, he had his own reasons, of course Yunli would not force her to ask, she shrugged and prepared to go back to Qingyu.

Wei Lin had learned weapon refining before, and this time he recast Mo Li almost all by himself, the refining master of Mirage Palace only occasionally helped to check the situation.

Right now, the refiner is not here, and there are only a few of them on this floor.

If Duoduo's teleportation can not be exposed, try not to expose it as much as possible. It is not good for people in the Mirage Palace to know her arrival. If she stays for a long time, it will be bad if she bumps into it.

She greeted Duo Duo and was about to go back when the smelting furnace vibrated suddenly.

"What's going on?" She turned her head to look at the Li Li sword in the furnace, lying quietly, not messing with anything.

Wei Lin raised his head and looked up, and said, "It's outside, the protective array of the Mirage Palace."

Yunli had a question mark on her face, and the protection was shaking. Could it be that someone is attacking the Phantom Palace?
(End of this chapter)

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