all the way to fairy

Chapter 690 The Missing Disciple

Chapter 690 The Missing Disciple

Who is so bold?
Yunli's eyes lit up, and she wanted to go out and have a look.

After getting along for many years, she was wondering why Wei Lin didn't know, she sighed lightly, changed her face, and told her, "Be careful, don't be found out."

"Good Le!"

Dodo hurriedly shouted: "I want it, I want it too!"

Yunli quickly adjusted her cultivation to the early stage of foundation establishment, without turning her head to go outside, "Go to the void to see."

There are many disciples in the foundation building period of the Phantom Palace, and she doesn't pay attention to it. The eighth-level monsters are rare, and people can see the clues at a glance.

Duoduo stomped her feet, reluctantly escaping into the void, Wei Lin couldn't help laughing, and said to An Ran: "If you want to watch the excitement, go and watch it. I'll watch it for you here."

"Then why are you embarrassed?" He said embarrassed, but he was very honest on his feet, turned around and walked out.

Wei Lin rolled his eyes, not surprised at all.Although the monk An Ran was known for his prudence and dignity, when he was in Liang Guo, he also liked to join in the fun.

I still remember that back then, the two of them hid behind the rockery in the imperial garden, secretly poking at the concubines and concubines, euphemistically saying: learning the skills of palace fighting.

As soon as he got out of the smelting furnace, Yunli saw a number of Mirage Palace disciples flying towards the mountain gate. The target was obvious, and there was a lot of activity at the mountain gate.

With a flash of her figure, she followed them to the mountain gate. While on the way, she asked the Mirage Palace disciple beside her: "What happened?"

"I heard that the evil cultivator is here."

Yunli was astonished, someone really was attacking the Phantom Palace!
Before reaching the mountain gate, a familiar female voice was heard from afar, "Beishan is respected by the Phantom Palace, except you, who is so bold as to dare to touch our factions!"

Jing Yan?

Yunli was even more astonished. In today's Canglan Continent, there are only a small number of monks who have not reached perfection in the late Nascent Soul. Jing Yan is already the key person in charge of Hehuan Valley in the middle Nascent Soul.

She came here in person, it's not a small matter!
At this time, a young man with a sword in front of him suddenly braked, and the monk behind him couldn't react in time and bumped into him.

"Duan Xingyi, what are you doing! Can you control the sword?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just learned how to control the sword, and I'm not yet proficient." The young man apologized repeatedly, his body arched slightly, his muscles tensed, like a fully drawn bow, his eyes swept across the sky in front of him from time to time, with a look of surprise on his face.

The position he was looking at was exactly where Dodo was.

Yunli raised her eyebrows slightly, was it a coincidence, or did he really feel it?

Duoduo enters and exits the void like walking on flat ground. The gap in the void she opens is so small that the Nascent Soul monks in the Mirage Palace don't notice it. If this young disciple in the early stage of foundation establishment really feels the power of the void, then his potential is incredible. up.

These thoughts flashed through her mind, and she quickly put them behind her, and passed the crowd to the front of the mountain gate.

At a glance, good guy, not only Hehuan Valley, but also the top sect leaders in Xiexiu have come.

Listening carefully for a while, it turned out that in the past three years, a large number of foundation-building disciples of the evil cultivator disappeared, and the Hehuan Valley female cultivator was the most.

In the Beishan Department, those who dare to directly challenge the four evil sects are the Phantom Palace, so they came to ask for an explanation.

"Stop spitting blood!" Su Ningzhenjun, the new master of the Mirage Palace, blushed with anger.

With her appearance, it was obvious that she would fight. At that moment, a pungent female cultivator took a step forward, her brows stood on end, and she scolded: "Damn! If you want to pick something up, just say it, and make such a lame excuse!

When a villain looks at a gentleman, the more he looks at it, the dirtier he gets. He really thinks that we are like dark flies like you, doing some shitty things! "

As evil cultivators, it is common for them to be spat on by the world, and they have long been immune to it, but as a female cultivator who loves beauty, Jing Yan cannot stand being scolded as a fly.

She smiled on the skin: "Gentleman? Heh, your former head of the right way was a gentleman? He is really a gentleman for allowing his clan sister to take away his fellow disciples and mutilate the disciples of the sect.

There are also many hypocrites in the Mirage Palace. I heard that your previous palace master also knew that you raped and murdered the savior. Pity that female cultivator. I didn’t get her good intentions..."

"Principal Jingyan, be careful!" The gentle and gentle Zhenjun Su Ning looked cold for a moment, and interrupted Jing Yan's words with a loud voice.

Her eyes were fixed, and she seemed to be able to see into each other's heart with a glance, "Are you here to settle grievances? Or to provoke conflicts between good and evil?"

Jing Yan sneered: "Naturally, it's to resolve grievances."

"Then please don't insult my seniors by making rumors."

Jing Yan opened her mouth, wanting to say that there was nothing wrong with it, she was rational after all, and she didn't argue any further.

Yunli glanced at the expressions of the two of them, secretly regretting that she couldn't hear the complete truth.

Hey, these secrets and secrets are much more exciting than the storybook.

The evil cultivator stopped provoking, and Zhenjun Su Ning also clearly responded: "Is there any misunderstanding in this, the waters have been peaceful recently, all factions are recuperating, and we have not arrested anyone.

Besides, in the scourge of witchcraft, the two parties join forces, both sides have a better understanding, and the contradictions are eased. Why do we arrest people? "

The most important thing is that I have seen with my own eyes the cruelty of heaven's punishment. The monks in Canglan have an unprecedented understanding of the rules of heaven.

The evil cultivators are even more honest, and many monks even change their ways and turn to righteousness. At this time, they don't pay attention to evil cultivators at all.

The new suzerain of the ghost sect also said seriously: "It is a fact that a large number of our evil cultivator disciples disappeared. Before coming here, all sects have investigated in detail. The first case of disappearance was three years ago when two female disciples from Hehuan Valley went out on business. not return."

Jing Yan answered: "At that time, they just thought they were in an accident and didn't take it seriously. Who would have thought that dozens of disciples disappeared one after another, both male and female."

As she said that, she glanced at the leaders of the evil sects beside her, "At first, I thought it was some old ghosts targeting me at Hehuan Valley, but after negotiating, I found out that some of their sects also had disciples missing.

So far, I have 350 missing disciples from Hehuan Valley, 130 from Guizong, 87 from Tianzhumen, 54 from Purgatory Valley, and a small number of disciples from other small sects are also missing. "

Zhenjun Su Ning felt his heart skip a beat when he heard that, on such a scale, someone is indeed doing something.

Beihuang Xiexiu and Phantom Palace both belong to the Beishan family. If something happened to the disciple of Xiexiu, what about the disciples of Phantom Palace?
She looked at the pungent nun and asked, "Are there any disciples from my palace who are missing?"

The nun shook her head: "No."

Yunli raised her brows lightly. The new Mirage Palace lord is a wonderful person. On such occasions, public inquiries are bright and calm, which is not only convincing, but also saves a lot of trouble.

Whether the disciples of the Phantom Palace are missing or not can be found out by the evil faction's small tricks. If they don't make it clear at this moment, they will be suspicious and talk about each other later.

However, what is the origin of this troublemaker? He captured a large number of evil cultivator disciples, but let go of the people in the Mirage Palace. Was he deterred by the power of the four major sects?Or do you want to blame the Phantom Palace and stir up grievances between good and evil?Or is it another reason?
(End of this chapter)

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