Chapter 691
After pondering for a moment, Su Ning Zhenjun solemnly said: "This matter is related to the safety of the Beishan system, and I will thoroughly investigate it to the end."

Her attitude was sincere, and Jing Yan and the others breathed a sigh of relief. It couldn't be better that this matter was not done by the Phantom Palace. The strength of evil cultivators is far inferior to that of righteous ones. No.

With Zhenjun Su Ning's promise, Xiexiu went back home to continue to track down his disciple's disappearance, and Yunli also returned to Qingyu.

I thought that the Phantom Palace would intervene, and the matter would soon come to light. I didn't want the disciple of the evil cultivator to still be missing, and there was no sign of the person behind it.

Under such circumstances, many people in the evil faction began to suspect the Phantom Palace again, and the righteous monks also went to the Northern Wilderness to practice, but no one disappeared. Even if there were occasional deaths, it was possible to find out who did it. relation.

The Mirage Palace was so busy that they sent batch after batch of disciples, but they never got any results.

This matter has attracted the attention of the whole continent, but because the missing are all evil cultivators, and this matter is an internal matter of the Beishan Clan, all sects and sects only paid lip service to them, and did not send anyone to help.

A year passed in the blink of an eye, and things still hadn't made any progress.

In the sword furnace, with the last tempering formula integrated into the body of the sword, the transformation of Mo Lijian was completed.

This time, Wei Lin snatched the car and was familiar with the road, and before the robbery thunder fell, he held his sword and entered the thunder protection formation of the Mirage Palace.

"It turned out to be a heaven-level Taoist weapon!"

Looking at Wei Lin in the formation, the several refiners were envious. For more than a year, Mo Lijian's tempering and transformation were all completed under their noses, and they also put forward many suggestions for improvement during the period.

They had anticipated that Li Li could become a Dao weapon, but they still couldn't help being envious when they saw it with their own eyes.

After the envy passed, he was frightened. His combat power was strong enough before, and he could fight a battle in the Nascent Soul stage. Now that the natal magical weapon has advanced to a Taoist weapon, what kind of terrifying combat power is it?

With Mo Lijian's rank, it would inevitably trigger Lei Jie after the transformation. Considering Wei Lin's bad luck, Yunli had already pinched him a few days ago.

She was beaming with joy: "With so many good materials poured into it, shouldn't it become a Dao weapon?"

Mo Li was already full of spirituality, and the golden liquid transformed by Lingyu was integrated into it. It is not unusual for her to advance to Taoism.

Hearing this, An Ran resented: "I also use good materials in my photos."

Her photo was completed two months ago, and finally stopped at the top-grade treasure of heaven, one step away from the Tao.

Yunli was speechless for a second, and comforted: "Weapons are spiritual, you need to nourish and nourish them, and if you have enough spirituality, you can break away from the shackles of materials."

All the people in Zhaoying Palace were speechless. In Canglan Continent, magic artifacts of heaven rank are already hard to come by, let alone her Zhaoying sword, which is already a treasure of heaven rank, they are too late to envy them.

Facing everyone's resentment, An Ran was a little embarrassed. The Zhaoying Sword had a spirit, which was far superior to most magic swords. She was already very satisfied. These resentful words were just casual insults to her cousin.

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, the first thunder fell, and Yunli couldn't help becoming nervous, staring at the protective formation.

Su Ning Zhenjun comforted softly: "Don't worry, the protective formation I sent is an ancient formation passed down from ancient times. It is specially used for magic weapons to endure calamities. For tens of thousands of years, it has resisted innumerable calamities from thunder."

Yunli smiled at her: "I accept your good words."

Logically speaking, the tribulation and thunder caused by Mo Li would not be targeted by the Dao of Heaven, but everything is not afraid of [-], just in case.

In her worry, the protective array instantly resisted the three tribulation thunders without any moths.

Yunli has a new understanding of the background of the big faction. The Ye family in Nanling City is second only to the Phantom Palace in terms of refining weapons. Their protective formation can only withstand a thunder disaster. This difference is not at 01:30 .

Soon, Wei Lin walked over with a sword in hand, and after a brief exchange of greetings with Su Ning and other high-level officials of the Mirage Palace, he politely thanked the masters: "Thanks to you, I don't hesitate to give pointers."

Several masters waved their hands again and again: "Where is it, the head of Fengjue has unique insights. The smelting, casting, and quenching are all done by hand. We old guys have no face to take credit for it."

"The masters are humble, your experience is beyond the reach of me."

Yunli watched them come and go modestly, and couldn't help admiring Wei Lin. Since he became the head of the sect, his senior brother has become more skillful in interpersonal communication. I don't know if he was influenced by the second century Yun.

After being humble with several master craftsmen, Wei Lin began to exchange polite manners with Zhenjun Su Ning, discussing the rewards for using the melting furnace and the protective array.

Su Ning Zhenjun had a gentle smile on his face, and kindly expressed that the two factions are friends, and talking about money hurts peace.

Wei Lin would not take advantage of this kind of cheapness in terms of money. Favor debts are harder to repay than money.

You refused and I insisted, after a few back and forth, the two finally negotiated the price, and then Wei Lin began to say goodbye: "I have bothered you for a long time, we should leave."

Su Ning Zhenjun first tried his best to persuade them to stay, and then offered to let them practice, Wei Lin did not refuse, since the two factions want to make friends, it is inevitable that you will come and go.

The practice banquet was scheduled for the next night, and Zhenjun Su Ning thoughtfully prepared a guest house for them to rest.

When the disciple leading the way left, Yunli was about to ask about the specific power of Mo Li after the upgrade, when he turned around, he saw that Wei Lin was already wielding Mo Li's sword in his hand.

He was as fast as a ghost, pulling out afterimages, and suddenly, the afterimages merged into one, he stopped moving, holding a long sword, standing like a pine, and slashing out with a sword, like thunder, the sword light burst out out.

Yunli's complexion changed slightly, and when she looked up, a crack in the void was slowly disappearing in midair.

"This is?" An Ran was so startled that her mouth could not be closed from ear to ear, the power of the sword cut through the void!

Yunli could see clearly that he first used those extremely fast swords to attack one place repeatedly, causing the void to be weak, and then he induced a ray of void power to flow into the edge of the sword, and slashed out together with the sword intent attack. Void Crack!
Suddenly, she remembered what Wei Lin said earlier, "Is this what you think?"

Wei Lin nodded, taking ferocious broth, it is difficult to use the power of the void directly like Ah Li, but it can enhance the sense of the power of the void.

Then, if the power of the void is induced to fall on the sword, the power will definitely increase greatly.

Over the past year, in his spare time, he has been thinking about and perfecting this idea. The biggest obstacle to realizing it is that the sword must be able to withstand the power of the void.

This problem was well resolved after Li Lijian was upgraded to a Dao weapon.

"This is your own swordsmanship, let's give it a name." Yunli admired it immensely.

Wei Lin thought for a while, then said softly, "Yinxu."

Yunli: "..."

This name is really straightforward.

"You are really... against the sky." An Ran was still in shock, and she had also eaten ferocious broth, so why didn't she feel anything.

(End of this chapter)

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