Yunli agrees, isn't she trying to defy the sky? As a person who can use the power of the void, she only knows how to create in the void, and has never thought of creating her own moves.

Facing the praise of the two, Wei Lin did not raise his tail. He looked down at Mo Lijian, lost in thought, as if he was reminiscing about the sword just now.

Yunli and An Ran shut up silently and did not bother him.

At this time, the senior officials of the Mirage Palace rushed over, with a look of surprise on their faces. When they saw the three people in the courtyard, even if they wanted to ask, Yunli hurriedly motioned them not to speak.

That sword, most of the attack fell into the void, and did not cause a particularly large momentum, only a group of high-ranking monks felt it.

These people, all of them have rich experience, they can already understand Wei Lin's state at a glance, disturbing him at such a time is tantamount to enmity.

Looking at Yunli at the side, no one dared to put themselves in danger.

After a cup of tea, Wei Lin raised his sword again, and with the same quick sword moves, he drew a ray of void power and slashed out.

The difference is that this time, along with the sword attack, there are still a few gray mist.

No, it should be said that the gray mist is a little faster than the sword intent attack, and it arrives at the target and the various sides of the gray mist town first. After his attack arrives, a small gray fog space is formed.

There was a loud bang, and the world shook for a while, and then, a black hole the size of a bowl appeared in midair, and majestic void energy poured out.

Yunli was dumbfounded, this time, she also saw clearly.

The gray mist briefly solidified into a separate space, and the sword intent with the power of the void was released in a small area, and bounced repeatedly, so that the attack power could be used to the maximum, without wasting a single bit.

If it is used to attack the enemy, who can withstand it!

She turned her head in a daze, and murmured: "Is your speed of drawing inferences from one instance too fast?"

Even Wei Lin couldn't help being a little proud of such a victory, he raised his eyebrows lightly: "The inspiration has come, there is no way."

Yunli was so impressed that this was obviously a fusion move, or a fusion move that could be changed flexibly.

Space Imprisonment prevents the enemy from escaping and ensures the maximum effect of the attack. Yin Xu guarantees the attack power. If there are other powerful attack moves in the future, it can also cooperate with Space Imprisonment.

In other words, the spatial confinement formed by the gray mist is a basic move, which can be used to practice complex secret skills on the basis of it.

Wei Lin casually held a sword flower in his hand, and raised his voice, "This move is called Zhenbafang."

Through the few words of the two, combined with what they saw with their own eyes, the senior management of the Mirage Palace made a wild guess, and everyone was shocked. Is this damn human?

He was originally one of the best sword cultivators in Cang Lan. He was invincible at the same level, and he was also capable of fighting against a monk who was a level higher than him.

Now that he started to create his own sword move, it is still such a peerless ultimate move, even a Nascent Soul cultivator who is a big realm higher than him, I am afraid that he will hate the sword.

What's even more irritating is that he is not only excellent in swordsmanship, but also has a small reputation in formations, and he also has unique insights in refining weapons.

He was afraid that he did not come to the Phantom Palace to transform the natal sword, but to attack them.

In the evening of the next day, the pearls were shining brightly, and there were several cups of spirit wine in the hall, and An Ran was slightly drunk.

After dealing with a wave of Mirage Palace people who came to toast, she sat lazily, resting her left hand on the desk, resting her chin, looking at Yunli Weilin who was surrounded by everyone, she was full of emotions for a while.

Who would have thought that in just a few decades, the Cangye Pavilion killer who was once shouted and beaten by everyone in Canglan Zhengdao has now become a guest of Mirage Palace.

Those fearful days and those cautious exchanges are long gone. Now Qingyu is small in scale, but its weight in Canglan is not weaker than the four deep factions.

Strength is really a good thing.

"Fairy An Ran, I respect you." Several elite disciples of the Mirage Palace came to toast.

Halfway through the banquet, she was not the only one who was drunk, and many disciples of the Phantom Palace were also drunk, and their usual cautious words and deeds were temporarily forgotten. Come down and learn..."

There were also those who were still sober, and when they heard the words, they hurriedly bumped into the speaker, raised their voices, and covered up the drunken chatter of the reckless, "Fairy, who cultivates both alchemy and martial arts, is so good at alchemy, I didn't expect that her sword skills are far superior to ordinary people, she is indeed a role model for my generation and also."

After drinking, it's inevitable that you can't talk in your head, An Ran didn't care, and drank the wine they toasted.

The toasters came round after round, and her eyes blurred as she drank. The maid who was serving next to her saw her and said softly, "Fairy An, you are drunk, let me help you out to wake up."

Her voice was gentle and far away. An Ran slowly raised her eyes and stared at her blankly, only to find that her face had changed into several, dangling around.

She blinked, trying to see the girl's appearance clearly, but when she opened it, she saw the maid walking over, talking to Yunli, and pointing at herself.

Yunli looked at An Ran, whose cheeks were flushed, his eyes were blurred, and his eyes were completely out of focus. He was a little surprised, why was he still drunk?

She leaned close to Wei Lin, whispered a few words, and helped An Ran to the guest room. An Ran, who was drunk, was very obedient, and let her support her with her head tilted.

"I'm happy, really happy," she murmured softly.

Yunli rolled her eyes and got drunk when she was happy. No one dared to say anything if she didn't drink because of her cultivation status.

Fortunately, she will not refuse anyone who comes all night.

Arriving at the guest room, he helped her lie on the bed, and put a restraint on her. Yunli was about to go out, when she suddenly heard a soft murmur, "It's just a pity, he's gone."

Yunli paused, and looked up. Her eyes were closed, and there was a clear trace of tears at the corner of her eyes.

This him, of course, refers to Su Xu.

If Su Xu was still alive, now he and his cousin would no longer be in conflict, and would no longer be in an embarrassing situation. They should have infinite possibilities.

And at the beginning, if he hadn't returned to save Lin Chen, Su Xu wouldn't have died.

His death was really not worth it.

After a long time, Yunli sighed and said softly, "We will be here, always."

After finishing speaking, she floated out of the house, explained a few words to the maid standing at the door, and returned to the banquet.

In the guest room, An Ran opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling in a daze. The wind blew all the way from the main hall to the guest room, and the drunkenness had dissipated a lot.

The figure in my heart didn't dissipate with the drunkenness, but became clearer, as if engraved in my mind.

Guilt was like a raging wave, drowning her in an instant.

If she had been braver back then, trusted him more, and told him the truth, would the result be different now?
If she hadn't vented her anger back then, he wouldn't have been so sad.

An Ran sat up, rubbed her stuffy chest, got up and walked to the courtyard, staring at the bright moon hanging high in a trance.

The night wind was blowing, the leaves were rustling, and a flute sound came from outside the courtyard.

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