all the way to fairy

Chapter 693 Missing

Chapter 693 Missing
The sound of flute sobs, like weeping and complaining, like a puff of thin smoke rippling, accompanied by the cool night wind, invades the bottom of people's hearts, reminding people of the sad past for no reason.

An Ran was taken aback. Tonight, the Illusion Palace has a grand banquet for distinguished guests. The lights are bright and the scene is very lively. Which disciple is so ignorant, playing a sad song at this time?
"Little master."

A voice that was almost whispering came from the side. The voice was very soft, very soft, but she immediately recognized it.

The body froze suddenly, An Ran held her breath subconsciously, and slowly turned around to look over, the moonlight was like water, falling gently, and under the sparsely scattered trees, there was a familiar figure from behind.

His figure was tall and straight, and his white clothes were gentle, just like when he stood under the tree and waited for her.

An Ran's eyes were instantly moist, "Little Susu."

Her cheers were like throwing a stone into the lake, and the dense mist cleared away, so there was no one left under the tree.

Just as he suspected that it was an illusion, he saw a white figure floating in the distance, disappearing into the shadows of the dark night.

An Ran was shocked, it was not a dream!
She pushed the door and chased it out, and the maid at the door was staggered by the strong wind.

Without caring about stabilizing her figure, she hurriedly shouted, "Fairy An, where are you going?"

"Please go and inform my head and wife of the head. If there is a situation, come quickly!" After leaving these words, An Ran's figure disappeared into the dark forest.

The maid froze for a moment, and hurried to the banquet hall. She didn't know anything and could only convey An Ran's words concisely.

The senior officials of the Mirage Palace were stunned, someone dared to make trouble in the Mirage Palace!Could it be a mistake?
They went to see the two of Yunli, but found that there were no two of them in the same place.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't help but go to see Zhenjun Su Ning, waiting for her order.

Zhenjun Su Ning's heart sank, and he had a bad premonition, "Go and see."

Yunli chased after An Ran's aura all the way, all the way to the gate of the Phantom Palace, An Ran's aura suddenly stopped somewhere, and there was no sign of her.

Yunli Weilin looked at each other with a bad heart.

Wei Lin was still calm, and said in a deep voice: "Look around, I'll go and ask the disciples of the mountain gate."

Yunli felt at ease, this place is not far from the mountain gate, if something happens, the gatekeepers will be able to see it immediately, the cousin will follow her out without any disguise, the guards will definitely notice.

She opened up her consciousness, and she could perceive thousands of miles around, the wind blowing trees, insects and beasts fighting, passers-by in a hurry, fellow sects who secretly plotted...

But, I don't see An Ran.

At the gate of the mountain, the disciple guarding the gate stood there in a daze, his eyes glazed over.

Wei Lin's heart sank slightly, thinking about the situation, he couldn't ask anything.

Despite giving up hope, he awakened it with a freeze spell.

Facing his question, the disciple guarding the gate looked bewildered, thought for a while, and said, "I saw a red shadow flashing past, and was about to check, when my consciousness suddenly became trance."

An Ran was wearing red clothes today, so he only saw An Ran going out, not even the shadow of the other party.

At this time, Su Ning Zhenjun arrived with the high-level officials of the Mirage Palace. Seeing the dignified Wei Lin, he couldn't help but feel tense, and asked, "Master Feng Jue, how is the situation?"

"An Ran is gone."


Su Ning Zhenjun was almost unable to stand still, so the three of them were left behind. They hosted a banquet as a friendship, but before the banquet was over, they disappeared.

The two sides were in a hostile position before, if they had a lot of ideas, they should not be suspected of setting up a trap by the Mirage Palace.

" did it disappear? How long has it been since she came out after her and we came here?" She looked at the disciple guarding the gate, and the disciple hurriedly answered again.

Su Ning got more and more headaches when she heard it. Was the other party accidentally smashed by An Ran, and when she ran away, she accidentally made the gatekeeper's consciousness delusional; or was this itself a trick against An Ran?

She immediately ordered all the disciples to search extensively. Yunli Weilin didn't say much, and from the place where the breath disappeared, one person was in charge of one direction, and carried out a carpet search.

Time passed, the eastern sky was twilight, and a ray of morning light sprinkled on the earth. Most of the disciples in the Phantom Palace who were still in the palace participated in the search. They searched thousands of miles around, but still found nothing. An Ran seemed to evaporate out of thin air up.

Su Ning Zhenjun's head is getting bigger, it's all luck, first, the disciples of the evil cultivators disappeared one by one, and the Mirage Palace sent batches of disciples to help investigate, but they have not returned yet.

A total of three guests were entertained, and one of them was missing!
Wait, these two things are not done by the same person, right?

Yunli stood on the clouds, looking at the quietly standing pavilions and buildings, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley. In one night, almost all of the Mirage Palace was turned upside down.

Now, there are three possibilities.

One, the other party has a treasure that is similar to space teleportation, and it has been teleported away immediately; two, the other party has the space of Immortal Mansion, and hid in it with An Ran; three, the person is in the Phantom Palace.

"What do you think?" Wei Lin didn't know when Yu Jian flew over, stopped beside her, and asked via voice transmission.

Yunli told him three possibilities, and then analyzed:

The first possibility is the most troublesome, which means that the other party has completely left their range, and basically can only rely on An Ran himself.

But this possibility is unlikely, space teleportation is extremely precious, it is too wasteful to use this kind of treasure to kidnap people.

The second possibility is that Wen Xueluo is very suspicious. After all, she is the only one who clearly owns the space of the Immortal Mansion. Yunli killed Heihua three years ago.

The premise is that Wen Xueluo has to be prepared for the rest of her life not to be discovered by Yunli and the others. She has seen Shaohaoluo's phoenix fire, so she should know that Yunli's fire cannot be tolerated by her fairy house.

It is not in Wen Xueluo's temperament to take such a risk for a spiritual pet who has a different heart for her.

The third possibility is that the Phantom Palace has no special deep hatred with them, and the high-level friendship obviously means that it is unlikely.

However, none of the three can be completely ruled out.

After pondering for a moment, Wei Lin said, "I'll go and touch the inside of the Illusion Palace, and then you can check the place where the breath disappears."

"it is good."

Yunli flew down, and checked the place where the breath disappeared several times, even in the void, but still found nothing.

Suddenly, she saw a huge beehive on the top of the tree next to it, and the queen was a first-order black pearl bee.

She was shocked, this little black bee might have seen it.

She curled her fingers, and the black bead black bee in the hive flew towards her uncontrollably and landed on her fingertips.

Separating a trace of divine thought, it gently penetrated into the Queen Bee's mind, and soon she saw it.

An Ran, who was chasing after her, had lost her target. Standing on the flying sword, she seemed to be looking around with her spiritual sense.

Just at this moment, the space above the head twisted, and a bright white vortex appeared, before she could react, it absorbed her into it.

Then, the vortex also disappeared.

That is, the entrance to the secret realm?
Yunli was stunned. How could such an obvious temptation be the entrance to a secret realm?

(End of this chapter)

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