all the way to fairy

Chapter 694 Ghost Secret Realm

Besides, how can a secret realm be opened for only a short moment and only for one person to enter?
She immediately went to Wei Lin to report the situation, and sent someone to go to Su Ning Zhenjun.

Wei Lin was suspicious: "Are you sure that's the entrance to the secret realm?"

From the small courtyard of the guest room to the gate of the mountain, there are several mountains stretching. An Ran chased so far, and the disciples of the mountain gate were delusional.

Yunli couldn't believe it either, the vortex-shaped entrance was indeed exactly the same as when the secret realm was opened, and no one appeared from the beginning to the end. Of course, it can't be ruled out that the Black Pearl Black Bee's cultivation is too low, and there are people, but it didn't notice it.

After thinking about it, Wei Lin said, "Wait for the people from the Illusion Palace to come over, let's discuss it together."

If it is really a secret realm, it has appeared before. The Illusion Palace has been passed down for tens of thousands of years and has a profound foundation. Some of them may know about it.

Sure enough, after listening to Yunli's description, an old man with white hair and beard touched his chin, hesitantly said: "I seem to have read a record somewhere, there is a secret realm that is erratic, and the time and place of appearance are irregular It can be said that it is often turned on and off immediately, and few people find it.”

Yunli's eyes lit up, and she urged: "Quickly think about where you saw it? What's the name of the secret place, and what information do you have?"

The old man knocked on his head, searched hard, and finally found it from his long-standing memory, "It's a secret ghost realm!"

More than 700 years ago, after the establishment of the foundation, he went to the northern wilderness to practice. In the letter of an evil disciple, he saw a bunch of names of secret realms. He knew most of them. Only a few had never heard of them. Out of curiosity, he looked for someone Inquire, among them is this ghost secret realm.

"Ghost Secret Realm? Is there any other information? How to enter? What's going on inside?" Yunli asked.

The old man shook his head in embarrassment, "The ghost secret realm is erratic and elusive. Only the disciples of the ghost sect can use the artifacts and techniques in it. Back then, the old man didn't pay attention anymore."

Seeing the disappointment on Yunli's face, Wei Lin comforted him: "Only they can use the manuscripts of the ghost sect's disciples. The ghost sect should know about this secret realm. Ask them."

Yunli took a deep breath. If she really experienced in the secret realm, with her cousin's current strength and temperament, it would be no problem to hold on for a while, and she might be plotting against her.

Several people rushed to the agreed meeting place while sending a message to Guizong Sect Master.

Three hours later, the two sides met.

Things are still not making much progress. The ghost secret realm is indeed owned by the ghost sect, but because the time and place of its appearance are too elusive, there are not many artifacts produced in it that ghost sect disciples can use.

In addition, after the world was banned, the secret realm never appeared again, and this secret realm has been abandoned by the ghost sect.

Yunli stared at Ghost Helmet with deep eyes: "Since this is the secret realm you belong to, there must be a way to enter it."

Ghost Helmet looked embarrassed, "This environment is erratic, and if you want to open it, you must use formations to stabilize the entrance, which consumes countless resources."

Yunli didn't answer the call, but it was worth the cost to pick up her cousin.

Su Ning Zhenjun said: "The disciples of your school who disappeared before, will they also be involved in the secret ghost realm?"

Ghost helmet has already thought about this question. In the records, there are indeed disciples who were taken into the secret realm for no reason. This is how the ghost secret realm was discovered at the beginning. The question is, why only the disciples of evil cultivators were involved this time?

After thinking for a moment, he hesitated and said, "Could it be wrong? That's not the ghost secret realm. According to our faction's records, although the location of the ghost secret realm is uncertain, it only appears in the northwest of the Northern Wilderness."

Yunli was silent. The Phantom Palace is located in the southern part of the Northern Wilderness, the location is too far off, and An Ran mentioned the situation before his disappearance. Obviously someone set up a trap.

But this is the only clue so far, they can only continue to investigate.

Suddenly, a startling rainbow shot from the sky, and a steward of the Phantom Palace hurriedly jumped off the flying sword, "Palace Master, the ghost realm has appeared again, and some disciples have been involved!"

Several people got up abruptly, and they were not vague about their affairs, and slipped a qi-training ninth-level disciple behind him to the front, "Yang Xu, tell me what you saw."

The disciple responded, and reported carefully: "Today, some senior brothers and I went to Qingyang City to buy pills. When we were approaching the gate of the city, suddenly the hairs stood on end, and then I saw a whirlpool appear above the heads of several senior brothers. In the blink of an eye, the senior brother was sucked away."

Speaking of this matter, Yang Xu couldn't help but be afraid. Fortunately, he walked slowly, otherwise he would also be swept away.

Wei Lin looked at Gui Helmet: "Ghost Sovereign?"

Ghost Helmet hesitated: "Listen to this situation, it really looks like a ghost secret realm, but why did it appear near the Illusion Palace?"

Wei Lin: "It appeared in the northwest of the Northern Wilderness. It was recorded 3 years ago. Since its location is not fixed, it is not uncommon to change places."

After finishing speaking, he clasped his fists at Guigui and Su Ning again: "I am short on manpower in Qingyu, so please help me."

Su Ning Zhenjun said politely: "It should."

Not to mention that An Ran disappeared in the Mirage Palace. They are obliged to help find him. Now that Mirage Palace also has disciples involved, how can Mirage Palace do nothing.

Since it is really a secret ghost realm, the evil cultivator who disappeared before may also have something to do with it. Naturally, Guizong couldn't just stand by and said, "Sect Master Feng Jue, please be polite."

Ghost Helmet ordered people to go back to the Zongmen to summon people, to get back the method of estimating the location in the past, and the array card that fixed the entrance, and at the same time ordered people to notify Hehuan Valley, Sky Spider Gate, Purgatory Valley and other evil sects.

Since the disciples of all factions are missing, it is natural to work together to find someone.

After thinking about it, Yunli also sent a letter back to Qingyu, asking Mu Yan to bring Duoduo to come. The ghost secret realm is erratic, and even if it appears, it may be too late to go there. At this time, Duoduo is needed.

Also in the Northern Wilderness, the evil cultivators arrived quickly, and the ghost helmet took out four small array cards: "This is the array card that fixes the entrance to the secret realm, as long as the moment the entrance appears, activate it immediately and throw it over, it will be It can temporarily block the entrance and disappear.

The follow-up must also continue to inject spiritual power. The problem is that this is equivalent to supporting the entire secret realm, requiring a huge amount of spiritual power, and Nascent Soul cultivator can't hold it. "

Su Ning Zhenjun said in a deep voice: "Spiritual power is a trivial matter, as long as the first wave is supported, it can be supported later by formations, spirit stones, utensils, and the number of people.

The key is that there are only four formation cards. If the range of the secret realm appears too wide, the person holding the token may not be able to catch up in time. "

Wei Lin rubbed his brows, "It's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God to make things happen. Try to calculate the position as accurately as possible, and the rest can only be left to chance."

Several factions of formation masters worked together to roughly estimate the range based on the location where the ghost secret realm appeared twice.

Then divide the disciples of each faction into teams, and each is responsible for a certain area. In addition to considering cultivation, the most important thing for the token holders is speed, so they must be fast.

After discussion, it was decided that Yunli, Wei Linji and Mirage Palace, two Nascent Soul monks who were good at speed, would each hold one and share the four directions.

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