all the way to fairy

Chapter 695 The Eerie Silence

Chapter 695 The Eerie Silence

In the next few days, the Ghost Secret Realm did not appear, and everyone couldn't help wondering if there was a problem with the calculation, and it might have appeared elsewhere.

On this day, Yunli patiently patrolled the clouds as usual, and suddenly there was a strange fluctuation in her perception, which was the entrance to the secret realm of ghosts!

She quickly determined the specific location, and in her consciousness, the white vortex was looming and slowly forming.

Below, a few patrolling monks of the Illusion Palace were sitting and resting, with their heads together, as if talking about something.

"Get out of the way!"

Yunli blended her spiritual thoughts into her voice, and shouted a warning to several people. At the same time, like lightning, she stepped on Huanshiling and shot toward that position.

While she was warning, one of the teenagers suddenly jumped aside, as if sensing danger.

No, halfway through the jump, the Jindanqi team leader next to him stopped him, and asked with a strange face: "Duan Xingyi, what do you want to do?"

Before the words fell, Yunli's warning sounded in his ears, and the leader of the Jindan team was shocked suddenly. Looking up, the white whirlpool had completely formed, and several people were absorbed in it in an instant.

Seeing that the vortex was about to disappear, and she still had some distance, Yunli hurriedly tossed out her cards, trying to buy some time.

However, it was too late.

As soon as the array card arrived nearby, the entrance to the ghost secret realm had completely disappeared.

"Damn!" Yunli exploded with anger.

Half an hour later, the entrance appeared in the area under the charge of the senior monk Nascent Soul of the Phantom Palace.

Faced with this situation, Wei Lin led a group of formation mages to continue to calculate, further narrowing down the area where the entrance appeared.

Now, Yunli gained confidence, gearing up and waiting for the entrance to appear in the area she was in charge of.

The entrance seemed to have a self-awareness, and the next few times it appeared, it was not within the scope of her responsibility. The others were not as fast as her, and they failed to stop the entrance before it disappeared.

Just when Yunli was furious, Mu Yan arrived with Duoduo, and Jingxu was also with her.

"How's the situation?" Before the flying sword landed, Mu Yan asked anxiously.

Yunli looked at Duo Duo eagerly, if there were no outsiders around, she really wanted to hug Duo Duo and shout: I finally hoped for you.

With Dodo joining, Wei Lin privately handed over his formation card to her. Finally, when the entrance appeared next time, Dodo teleported there in time and threw the formation card into the vortex, preventing the secret realm from disappearing.

Yunli Weilin rushed over immediately to inject spiritual power into the formation card instead of her, and then, the Phantom Palace and the cultivators from the evil sect arrived one after another, and everyone worked together to finally fix the entrance.

In the selection of candidates, the Mirage Palace had a rare tacit understanding with all the evil sects, and only sent a few little-known Jindan monks.

Yunli rolled her eyes straight away, and didn't bother with them, anyway, her and Wei Lin's goal was to save Anran, and the others did whatever they wanted, if they could, they would save them, and if they couldn't, they would give up.

On behalf of the Mirage Palace, Su Ning Zhenjun solemnly said: "Master Fengjue, Fairy Yun, take care."

Although Yunli didn't like what she did, she also understood that the secret ghost realm was dangerous and not very beneficial. For some low-level disciples, sending Nascent Soul monks to take risks was not worthwhile for the Mirage Palace.

She walked towards Mu Yan and said, "Ayan, protect yourself and wait for me to come back."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at everyone present, and the warning in his eyes was obvious.

Mu Yan was slightly stunned, and her consciousness was in a trance for a moment. This scene was inexplicably familiar, and the words "wait for me back" seemed to linger in her ears.

The tones and emotions are different, there is a solemn instruction word by word, there is a hasty babble, some are brisk and lively, some are annoyed and helpless, and some voices are fading away, as if the speaker is running away and shouting back... …

The eyes gradually became illusory, and suddenly, the blurred figures gradually overlapped and faded away, and the fluttering white cloak drew a sharp arc in the wind.

"elder sister?"

Duo Duo's voice rang in his ears, the lingering whispers and the distant figure disappeared, and his vision became clear again. Yunli Weilin had entered the ghost realm, and Duo Duo was looking at her suspiciously.

Seeing her come back to her senses, Dodo pointed to Zhenjun Su Ning next to her, and said, "This pretty sister is talking to you."

Su Ning Zhenjun didn't mind, and repeated with a smile: "They don't know when they will come out. If you don't mind, go back to the Mirage Palace with me and wait."

Mu Yan glanced at everyone present and nodded lightly: "Then bother."

Ghost mystery.

The sky is slightly blue, the thin clouds are like gauze, the knee-less grass leaves are green, and it is quiet and peaceful.

It's just that it's too quiet.

In such a large green grassland, there are no birds, no insects, not even the sound of the wind.

The world is silent, and the quiet Yunli can clearly hear the heartbeats of herself and others.

This weird silence made everyone feel uneasy, and couldn't help but want to say something to break the silence.

A female cultivator in Hehuan Valley was the first to be unable to bear it, and asked aloud: "Fairy Yun, Sect Leader Feng Jue, what should we do now?"

Yunli looked at the sky and then at the ground, "Let's spread out first, and explore the surroundings."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they were a little reluctant. This secret place is really too weird, and they really don't want to act separately.

This time, almost all the sects that were included were monks who had stagnated for many years in the golden core stage and had no hope of advancing.

They were either coerced or lured, and when they came in, they were prepared not to get out, but ants were greedy for life, let alone human beings.

It would be great to be able to live longer, everyone had a tacit understanding and planned to follow Yunli Weilin closely.

Seeing that everyone was not moving, Yunli sighed softly: "I know everyone wants to live, but we are here to save people. If we don't know the situation, how can we save them? Besides, the more information we have, the more hopeful everyone will be alive. Big."

The crowd was silent, and they spread out in groups of two. Yunli Weilin also picked a direction to investigate.

After flying for several hours, they did not fly out of the grassland, and the environment remained unchanged. If the shape of the grass blades hadn't changed, she would have doubted whether they had been standing still.

Looking at the sky, Yunli sent a message and called everyone together, but everyone found nothing. This grassland seemed to have no boundaries.

Yunli raised her palm and uncovered pieces of turf. The light yellow moist soil has no smell, and there is no earthy smell that is common in soil.

"Why does it feel so fake?"

She frowned and looked around. It was as fake as a painting. In Ling Nei's space, the grove she transformed was more real than this grassland.

Wei Lin waved his sword, cleared a piece of grass, took out two chairs, pulled Yunli to sit down, and said: "Everyone think about it carefully, is there any omission, there are many people involved, there shouldn't be any traces. "

He just said this so that everyone would have no time to think about it.

In such an environment, abnormalities are easy to be noticed, since they cannot be found, let the other party come to them.

(End of this chapter)

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