all the way to fairy

Chapter 696 Selfishness

The sky is getting dark, and twilight is everywhere.

I don't know when, there was a layer of white cold air on the grassland, and a coldness that penetrated into the bone marrow went straight from the soles of the feet to the Tianling Gai.

Yunli cheered up and came.

She stood up and was about to put away the chair when she caught a glimpse of an ugly grimace on her right foot from the corner of her eye. The pale and swollen face, the big black lips seemed to be poisoned, and the eye sockets were black and blue, as if someone had punched her. The scary thing is the nose, only half of it is left, and the other side seems to be eaten away by bugs.

Sensing that someone was looking at it, he turned his eyeballs up and down to look at Yunli, but with too much force, he rolled out of his eye sockets and fell to the ground.

Yunli: "..."

What the hell, she kicked up, kicked the grimace away, and raised her eyes to find that the environment had changed.

This is a forest, with gray and white trees standing upright, with criss-crossing branches, but without a single leaf; the ground is a hard wasteland, everything is withered, as if from summer to winter.

Through the intertwined branches, one can see a crimson moon hanging in the sky. Under the dark blood-red light, countless mysterious shadows emerge from the withered forest.

"Sand...Shushasha..." A strange whisper sounded, the voice fluctuated from high to low, far and near.

Xiu Shiliang, the only Jindan man who came in from Purgatory Valley, crossed his arms and gasped, "What kind of place is this? It's so scary."

Yunli looked down, and a fat female ghost was sitting at his feet.

She reminded: "Look at your legs."

"What's wrong with my legs—" Shi Liang screamed and jumped up, kicked the female ghost away, and tore the ghost's intestines and threw it away.

Others also jumped up one after another, and their imperial weapons floated in the air, looking at the ghosts springing up like mushrooms on the ground, their scalps felt numb.

Have they fallen into a ghost den?

Ghosts belong to yin, to deal with ghosts, the fire attack has not been used, and everyone made a formula one after another, using the pill fire to burn all the nearby ghosts.

No, that fat female ghost did not disappear. At this moment, she was standing behind Shi Liang, her figure almost completely overlapped with his.

Yunli spun her feet and came behind Shi Liang, and a fire spirit shot into the female ghost's body.

"Ah—" Short and sharp screams resounded through the forest, and the sea of ​​consciousness of everyone was stirred, and their complexions turned pale in an instant.

Shi Liang groaned and staggered a few steps. Following his movements, everyone found that there was something like a rope on his back, connecting him to the female ghost's belly.

Yunli suddenly thought of that intestine before!

No, that's not intestines, that's the umbilical cord!
This is not a fat female ghost, but a pregnant woman, and the baby ghost in her stomach is sucking Shi Liang's blood and vitality.

The spiritual fire rose from the fingertips, swung out, and cut the umbilical cord suddenly. Accompanied by the shrill baby cry, the spiritual fire rushed into the female ghost's belly.

Although these spiritual fires were not nirvana sky fires, they were more powerful than other people's fire spirits, and the two ghosts screamed and turned into ashes.

A bean-sized bead of mixed black and white fell to the ground.

"It's the Soul Orb!" Xu An from Ghost Sect exclaimed in surprise.

His younger brother Xu Yuan is also a disciple of the ghost sect, obviously he also knew the bead, without saying a word, he quickly used the object control technique and picked up the bead.

The excitement of the two brothers made others realize that it was a good thing, and they couldn't help feeling a little pantothenic.

Different from them, the two brothers of Guizong Xu's family were not hopeless to advance and were forced to come in to die. They came to take a chance.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows: "Soul Orb?"

"According to the records handed down by our ancestors, some ghosts will leave soul orbs after death, similar to the demon pills of demon cultivators, which are the crystallization of ghosts' cultivation. Our special skills can be used to cultivate."

Hearing this, the others were no longer sour, and they secretly made up their minds.Ghost sect cultivators not only cultivate with spiritual energy, but also absorb Yin energy and death energy, which is very evil.

This soul orb is useless to them, and if they get it later, they can be sold to the Xu brothers for a small profit.

The Xu brothers are also human beings, so they immediately said: "Dear friends, the soul orb is of great use to us, if you get it, our brothers are willing to pay a lot of money to buy it."

"The two Xu brothers are very polite. We have experienced life and death together, and we have a very close friendship. Of course, the soul orb will be tight to the two of you first."

The implication is that if the price is not suitable, they will sell it to other ghost sect monks after they go out.

Wei Lin's face was full of black lines when he heard that, before he got the soul orb, he discussed the distribution, it was really big hearted.

He said, "Okay, let's go."

This forest is not big, go out early, maybe you can find some clues.

Everyone had no objection, Yu Qi was about to leave, Xu Yuan was about to put away his soul orb, he inserted a hand diagonally to stop him.

Yunli said softly, "Show me."

Xu Yuan was stunned, as if he didn't expect her to speak, and then subconsciously looked at Xu An, and unconsciously tightened his hand holding the Soul Orb.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, the Xu brothers are hiding something?

He didn't give it for a long time, and the others also saw some clues, and their eyes gradually changed.

Faced with probing gazes, Xu Yuan was a little nervous, collected himself, raised his eyes to look at Yunli, squeezed out a smiling face and tried to confuse the matter, but in Yunli's eyes he saw that there was no room for comment.

He tightened his palms, slowly opened them again, and then silently handed the soul orb to Yunli.

Yunli pinched the soul orb to check it out, with a half-smile: "Only ghost cultivators can use it?"

Xu Yuan's face flushed with shame, but Xu An's heart was strong, and he calmly argued: "There is only a small amount of soul power in the soul bead, and more of it is cold ghost power. If other monks are accidentally incorporated into the body, the meridians will be disordered at the slightest, and the fire will go off in severe cases." Obsessed."

Yunli had a deep meaning: "I never thought that Guizong would be so rich and powerful. In your eyes, the origin of the soul is just a small amount of soul power."

Everyone was in an uproar, soul power can be used to repair the consciousness, and its effect is much faster than the pill Lingzhi.

The source of the soul is even more precious. If the human soul is compared to a big tree, then the source of the soul is the original seed, which is the root of the soul.

Generally speaking, the soul source of every living being is fixed and unfathomable. It has never been heard that anyone can solidify the soul source.

Such a treasure, can it be bought as a spirit stone?
The last four words, Yunli, spoke very slowly, which made Xu An's scalp tingle, and he felt a sharp coldness in her tone.

If this matter is not handled well, the lives of the two brothers may be lost. He tilted his head slightly, and looked puzzled: "What is the origin of the soul?"

Yunli's eyes were cold, and she didn't want to waste any more time with him, so she chased him away directly: "You two are very capable, so you don't need to act with us, please leave on your own."

She doesn't mind helping these people within the limits of her ability, but she will never be a thug for free.

"Fairy Yun, we..."

Xu Yuan was in a hurry, now they were just some low-level ghosts, they still had the ability to protect themselves, but there were many dangers ahead, without Yunli's support, their hope of survival was extremely low.

"Get out!" Yunli ran out of patience and interrupted him directly.

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