all the way to fairy

Chapter 697 Sacrifice Formation

Chapter 697 Sacrifice Formation

Yunli's anger is almost uncontrollable, what the hell, on the one hand, wants to rely on their protection, and on the other hand, wants to make a fortune silently, this is taking them for a fool!
Xu Yuan still wanted to fight for it, but Xu An had already seen the situation clearly. They were the one who relied on others to protect them.

What's more, not only Yunli is annoyed, Song Qi and the others, who are also evil cultivators, are also dissatisfied with them.

He grabbed his younger brother and bowed: "Just leave now."

After they left, Yunli looked at the others: "I don't think I need to say more about the role of the soul, but I never work for nothing.

I don't care if you get the soul orbs independently, as long as the two of us contribute, we will take a percentage. If you agree, you will stay, and if you don't agree, you will leave. "

Li Ming from the Mirage Palace immediately said loudly: "I would like to stay. If I can get out alive, I don't need the soul orb."

The others hesitated for a moment, and all euphemistically stated that they only wanted to survive this trip, and did not dare to extravagantly ask for soul orbs.

Yun Li gave Li Ming a blank look, what kind of roll is it, this is how healthy competition is destroyed.

"If you want to survive, you have to use your own strength. I won't take your soul orbs."

The group continued to move forward. Standing on the flying sword, Yunli frowned and thought carefully. It stands to reason that unless a person has the potential to cultivate ghosts, the soul of a living being will enter the pool after death, and it is impossible to form a soul orb.

Those ghosts before were very low-level, not ghost cultivators, and should not have soul orbs.

She raised her eyes and looked around. If she guessed correctly, this so-called ghost realm is actually a new world of reincarnation, which has not yet evolved into a pool of rebirth.

The consciousness of the living beings who died inside dissipated, but the power of the soul and the source of the soul were still there. For low-level creatures, the source of the soul was weak, and it was scattered when it was floating.

But those high-level creatures will not dissipate quickly, and slowly the soul source will condense into soul beads.

Wait, this world of reincarnation has not yet connected to the world of creatures. Most of the dead creatures were drawn in from other worlds, and there are many monks involved in the Canglan Continent.

A cultivator has a strong mind and soul. In this secret realm where the laws of heaven and earth are incomplete, they may still retain consciousness after death and continue to practice, which becomes a ghost cultivator.

For ghost cultivators, the origin of the soul is very important. Even if only one ghost cultivator is born, the low-level ghosts should have been wiped out in the long years.

Could it be that none of the ascetics have successfully converted to ghost cultivation?
She told Wei Lin her deduction through sound transmission, that this secret realm may be far more dangerous than it looks.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a group of people came out of the woods and saw the scene in front of them clearly, and everyone felt chills in their hearts.

There was an open space ahead, and in the center of the open space was a circular stone platform with a radius of five feet, on which were placed ten corpses.

Many blood holes were poked out on the corpses, and the technique was exquisite, which could release the blood in their bodies to the maximum extent, and flow into the pool below along the grooves on the edge of the stone platform.

At this time, the slightly larger pool was already half full of blood.

Yunli's heart tightened slightly, and she secretly comforted herself that An Ran was a Golden Core cultivator, and even if something unexpected happened, she still had the strength to resist.

"It's my Hehuan Valley disciple!" Song Qi's voice was trembling. These ten corpses were all wearing Hehuan Valley costumes.

She quickly stepped forward to check, and quickly confirmed that they were indeed Hehuan Valley disciples who had disappeared a few years ago.

"Who the hell did it!" She yelled fiercely, but her voice was trembling uncontrollably, it was clear that she was harsh and soft inside.

This is obviously man-made, there is a very powerful existence in the ghost realm, or in other words, the ghost realm is not random, but someone manipulates it, deliberately.

What kind of existence would a person who can manipulate the ghost realm be like?
Yunli's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, she didn't know about the missing cultivator's disciples, but it was certain that her cousin lured her out.

There are so many Golden Core cultivators in the Northern Wilderness, and quite a few of them are wandering outside at that point, why go to such lengths to get her into the secret realm?

The one who lured her out was the same as the person behind the scenes. Is it just a coincidence that she came here?Or is the purpose of the people behind the scenes, in her?
Her mind was a mess, and she had a feeling that if she gave her some clues, she would be able to sort everything out.

Wei Lin pushed away a corpse, revealing an arc-shaped blood-red groove. With a thought, he ordered: "Move all the corpses away."

Those grooves looked like some kind of patterns. The six people understood his intentions, followed his words, and picked up the nearby corpses. They didn't want the muscles of the limbs to rot and fall off in an instant as soon as the corpses left the stone platform. In the end, only a pile was left. The bones fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned. At first glance, the blood was fresh and the corpse looked as good as before. They thought that the person had just died not long ago. Now it seems that it was more than a year at least.

Without the cover of the corpse, it can be clearly seen that there are strange patterns engraved on the stone platform, and the bright red blood flows along the grooves, faintly glowing red.

After removing the blood, you can see that there are also subtle notches in the groove. This is an extremely fine formation. Looking at it, Wei Lin suddenly felt that this formation looked familiar.

He raised his hand to press the groove, and outlined it from beginning to end. The feeling of familiarity became stronger, and he felt strange there.

Seeing that his eyebrows were about to wrinkle out the word Chuan, Yunli suggested: "Why don't you take a look at the pool below?"


Yunli hurriedly drained the blood pool, and then cleaned up the blood, "Look, huh? Why is there still blood coming out from below?"

She quickly raised her eyes to look at the stone platform above, there was no blood left, it didn't drip from it.

Looking at the pool again, a few drops of blood came out in this short moment, she was not dazzled.

Wei Lin's face changed slightly: "It seems that there are more than one such circle."

He let go of his mind, carefully inspected the lines of the formation at the bottom of the pool, then squatted down, and looked up at the stone above.

The formations on the upper and lower sides are obviously a complete set, and they must be combined and thought about.In a blink of an eye, I finally remembered why the formation was familiar and why it was so weird.

"This is an upside-down sacrificial formation, improved from the Qiluo star formation, turning the stars into blood sacrifices."

"Seven Luo Star Formation?" The phantom palace maid, Xiu Cheng Yu, is also a formation master. Although she can't say that she has learned the Canglan Formation for hundreds of years, she knows the name of the formation [-]% of the time.

She had never heard of the Seven Luo Star Formation, and it sounded like it was quite powerful.

With a thought in Yunli's mind, she asked via voice transmission, "Ning Wujue's formation?"


Yunli was startled, "He is the person behind the scenes, right? How long has it been? Has he grown so fast?"

It has only been more than 40 years since Ning Wujue's death, and his cultivation is not so fast by rocket!
"These are all speculations. Let's check again." Wei Lin stood up and was about to leave. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a sudden scratch on the bottom of the stone platform.

It is not a well-drawn pattern, one side is deep and the other side is shallow, it should be accidentally scratched by a sharp weapon.

The shape is very special, left by Zijin sword.

(End of this chapter)

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