all the way to fairy

Chapter 698 Ghost Repair

Chapter 698 Ghost Repair
Following his line of sight, Yunli also saw the abrupt incision under the stone platform, and recognized that it was left by Mo Huai's natal sword, Zijin sword.

Mo Huai is also in the secret realm!
She was a little astonished, and calculated silently. The time when Mo Huai left the Taiyi Sect basically coincided with the time when the disciple of the evil cultivator disappeared for the first time. No wonder he couldn't be found in the past few years. It turned out that he had been involved in the mysterious ghost realm.

The few people continued to move forward. On the way, the ghosts were still looking for energy and blood, rushing towards them one after another, but unfortunately they were all low-level ghosts without soul orbs.

In the beginning, everyone was enthusiastic and scrambled to make a move. After a few waves, there was no harvest, and their enthusiasm was greatly reduced.

When the moon was over the treetops, they found another blood altar under an ancient tree, which was also sacrificed by ten disciples of evil cultivators.

After checking the formation, Wei Lin was basically sure that there were still 68 such altars, but he hadn't figured out the purpose of the sacrifice yet.

Yunli's heart sank, there were seventy altars, each with ten people, that's 700 people, if I remember correctly, the number of missing disciples of evil cultivators was roughly 700.

In four years, more than 700 people disappeared. In the following year, everyone in the northern wilderness was still in a state of vigilance, but no one saw the entrance to the ghost secret realm.

And when the entrance appeared near the Illusion Palace, someone saw it with their own eyes the second time. No matter how you think about it, the probability is wrong.

Under normal circumstances, the sacrifices must be offered at the same time. Judging from these two places, they must have been dead for at least one year.

In other words, the 700 people who were sacrificed should all be disciples of evil cultivators who had disappeared before, and An Ran, who was only recently involved, would not be sacrificed.

Analyzing this answer, Yunli should feel at ease, but she couldn't relax at all, and she always felt that she had overlooked something.


A shrill scream came from the front. Although the voice was distorted, it could still be heard that it was Xu Yuan.

Everyone's heart trembled, the Xu brothers were all at the late stage of Jindan, and they were extremely powerful. Ordinary ghosts were no match for them, and they could make Xu Yuan howl so miserably. It seemed that danger in the secret realm had appeared.

Blazing white light shot up into the sky, but it did not illuminate the night sky. The red moon hung quietly in the sky, like the mouth of a fierce beast, annihilating the spiritual light that rose to the sky, and the world remained dark.

After the Xu brothers left, they kept close to them. Yunli knew what they were up to, but right now, they urgently needed to find out the enemy's situation, so they naturally had to go over.

Yunli Weilin looked at each other, and quickly flew over there, and saw Xu An being beaten back by a female ghost in white in the distance.

There are only a bunch of low-level ghosts around his younger brother Xu Yuan, but his situation is even more dangerous.His face was pale, his forehead was sweating, blood was oozing from the corners of his mouth and nostrils, and his trembling hands could hardly perform ordinary fire spirit spells. This situation obviously showed that his consciousness was seriously damaged.

"Ghost repair!"

Yunli was astonished, and Xuan Er quickly figured out that the newly created world of reincarnation has incomplete rules, and for ghost cultivators, it is an excellent place to plunder the source of souls.

It's normal to have ghost cultivators.

The dangers that the ancestors of Guizong said should come from them.

Sensing their aura, the female ghost in white in the fierce battle raised her eyes and looked over. If there was any substance in her cold eyes, she swept over everyone one by one, and finally focused on Yunli, exclaiming: "Tenth rank!"

She was so shocked that her men's offensive slowed down a bit, giving Xu An a chance to breathe.

Her gaffe was only for a short moment, and she quickly regained her composure. When she raised her hand, the white bone blade was sent into Xu An's abdomen with tumbling Yin Qi.

Xu An, who fought back, froze, a cold air emerged from his body, his flesh collapsed, his skin withered, and in the blink of an eye, only a bone remained.

A white light cluster floated from the top of the skull, and a faint figure slowly appeared, which was Xu An's soul.

He was so pale that it was almost transparent, in front of the condensed and real female ghost, like a firefly to the bright moon, the female ghost slightly opened her cherry lips, and devoured him.

Everyone's scalp was numb, and even Xu Yuan was stunned. He didn't react until the bones were scattered on the ground, and he shouted: "Brother——"

Yunli's eyes tightened, is this the strength of ghost cultivators?

She looked at the woman calmly. She wore a white tube top dress and a light gauze over her shoulders, revealing a large area of ​​white skin, and her long hair was loose without any decorations.

The soul body is condensed and natural, absorbing Xu An's blood energy and vitality, a faint blush appeared on her greasy face, and she looked quite good.

Judging by appearance alone, he is no different from ordinary people.

After dealing with Xu An who was in the way, most of the female ghost's attention fell on Yunli, her beautiful eyes rolled around, and she smiled softly: "It seems that this time, all the high-grade goods came."

The qi and blood of the living beings greatly nourish the ghost, and the female ghost treats them as food.

Yunli inexplicably felt offended, squinted at her, and murmured thoughtfully: "A brat, he should be able to stuff his teeth, right?"

The corners of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, what kind of weird sense of victory is this?
"Little sister, what a big tone!" The female ghost's tone was joking, as if she was dealing with a mischievous child, but her expression was very cautious, obviously facing Yunli, she was not completely sure.

After the words fell, the bone blade whirled, attacking Yunli with a monstrous ghostly aura.

"Be careful of soul attacks." Wei Lin reminded via sound transmission.

Yunli nodded, raised her hand in front of her chest, slanted Mengmeng, and easily blocked the bone blade, with aura shining all over her body, and the cold ghost energy did not hurt her at all.

The female ghost's pupils trembled, surprise floated in her eyes, her fingers fluttered, and the Senbai ghost seal condensed under her hand, and flew towards Yunli like lightning.

Yunli flipped her wrist, shook off the bone blade, and raised Zhanmeng horizontally, as if about to chop.

The female ghost recalled the bone blade, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth. This ghost seal is formed by the condensed soul power, and it attacks the soul, and the magic weapon in the world cannot stop it.

Zhan Meng lifted it up, but didn't cut it down. When the ghost seal flew over, Yunli suddenly flicked the blade heavily with a curved finger.


The blade buzzed and trembled continuously, as if there was an invisible force rippling away, touching the 'wave', the ghost seal stagnated, trembling and shattering.

Shock appeared in the female ghost's eyes, and she blurted out: "Who are you?"

How does a human monk know how to deal with soul power attacks?
Under the new law of reincarnation, there is almost no intersection between human cultivators and ghost cultivators. Ghost cultivators know the existence of human cultivators because of their memories during their lifetime.

But under normal circumstances, human ascetics should not know the existence of ghost cultivators without ascending to the Ninefold Star Tower, let alone know the attack methods of ghost cultivators and respond flexibly?

Yun Li still did not dare to be careless in dispelling the female ghost's two moves easily. Ghost cultivation only cultivates the soul, and the spirit is far more powerful than human cultivation, and the spirit is her weakness.

Now the door to seal the soul is gone, and I don't know if the demon pill can block the attack of the soul.

She didn't answer the female ghost's words, she stepped forward and took the initiative to attack, using the Dream Slashing Saber and the fire magic formula together, not giving the soul power any chance to get close.

(End of this chapter)

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