all the way to fairy

Chapter 700 Ghost Town

Chapter 700 Ghost Town
Yunli sighed lowly, it seemed that she couldn't count on rushing to avoid danger during the day.

After reconfirming her invisibility, breathing and communication status, she stepped into the city gate. The long street was dark, and it was only a little bit better than not seeing her fingers. The street was bustling.
Even though he had been prepared for a long time, seeing this scene, Yunli still couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle. What they did was tantamount to breaking into a ghost's den, and they had to come in again.

Tap the spar on his waist with his fingertips, and in the next second, two breezes blow up around him one after another. In the whining night wind, these two breezes are insignificant and easily ignored.

Those were Song Qi and Qian Yuan, two Hehuan Valley female cultivators. After them, Yunli floated up and entered the city third.

During the day, they made a sophisticated city search plan. After Yunli, there were Shiliang from Purgatory Valley, Zhou Jun from Sky Spider Gate, then Wei Lin, and then Li Ming and Cheng Yu from Phantom Palace.

In this way, if anyone is exposed, Yunli and Weilin will be able to reinforce them in time to ensure everyone's safety to the greatest extent.

Considering that the ghost cultivator's soul is powerful, and the sound transmission may be detected, Yunli specially made a few crystal stones for transmission.

This is a secret communication method of the Feng Clan. The advantage is that it is extremely secretive, even the immortals of the Nine Layers of Stars can hardly detect it. The disadvantage is that there is only the sound of crystal stones, and the information that can be conveyed is limited.

However, it is enough to deal with the current situation.

Yunli cautiously avoided ghost repairs on the street, and turned into the sixth shop, which was a small shop selling paper wares, with lifelike paper swords, paper knives, paper houses, and paper boats.

The scariest thing is the paper-wrapped people, there are men and women, old and young, with scarlet mouths and eyes, matching the dim lights in the store, it is really scary.

The business in the store was very good, the ghost repair who came to buy paper utensils almost crowded the small shop with nowhere to go, Yunli almost twisted herself into a twist to avoid them.

She searched every corner of the shop, but found no traces of living people, so she returned to the same road and returned to the street, and then secretly exhaled, ready to go to the No.12 shop.

"Hey, these low-level ghost weapons have a fart use, even a sneeze of Thunder Beast can't stop them." A disdainful voice sounded from the side, Yunli looked over, and there was a man leaning against the door of the paperware store, with the corner of his mouth Qing Yang, pulled out a touch of arrogance.

Faced with his sarcasm, the customers in the paper wares store either looked annoyed or hid anger in their eyes, but they ignored them and continued to snap up paper wares enthusiastically.

Yunli glanced away, then looked away, and left quickly, the second generation ancestor is everywhere.

They searched one store after another, and soon, the eight people searched all the stores in the entire street. Without any clues, they turned to the next street.

As time passed, people became more and more comfortable avoiding ghost cultivators and searching shops, and Yunli also got some information from the ghost cultivators' conversations.

They gathered here to go to a place called Guiwang Mountain and seal a monster.

From their words, it is not difficult to hear that the monster is very strong, stronger than any ghost cultivator in the secret ghost realm.

A long time ago, their ancestors paid a heavy price to seal it. However, the monsters are fierce and keep colliding with the seal, and it needs to be strengthened every hundred years. To strengthen the seal, all the ghost cultivators in the city contribute their efforts.

Therefore, in the paper utensil shop, those low-level ghost cultivators would rush to buy ghost utensils in order to come back alive.

This matter has nothing to do with them, Yunli didn't take it to heart, and continued their search. When they searched to the third street, she felt a light ringing of the spar in her hand.

It was Shi Liang from her latter family who received the news that he had found a clue.

Yunli hurriedly sent a message to the others, and she dodged over by herself. After meeting up, Shi Liang took her to the backyard of the store, and gently removed a few dead leaves in the corner of the yard, and there was a small drop of blood stains at the junction of the wall and mud.

The blood stains had dried up and turned dark brown, but Yunli could still recognize from the remaining breath that it was the blood of the Jindanqi team leader of the Mirage Palace.

She had a deep impression of this team leader, remembering that the young man named Duan Xingyi clearly escaped first, but was caught by him in a panic and dragged into the secret realm.

Was he killed?
Yunli's heart sank slightly, and An Ran was also at the Golden Core stage. Although she practiced hard later and her swordsmanship was exquisite, she hadn't experienced life-and-death battles. This time in the ghost realm, ghost cultivators are good at attacking with soul power, so I don't know if she can handle it have to come over?

Soon, Yunli suppressed her worries, carefully opened her senses, and checked the surroundings one by one, and found the remaining breath of another Mirage Palace disciple and a psychedelic formation under a tree!

A psychedelic array of spiritual energy.

Did they hide in the formation?Yunli frowned, always feeling weird.

At this time, Shi Liang also discovered the psychedelic array, thinking that Yunli hadn't found it, so he knocked on the spar in a hurry to remind her.

Yunli's heart fluttered, and even Shi Liang could see the psychedelic formation, so there was no reason why the powerful Ghost Cultivator couldn't see it.

Even if they were chased and lost their tracks, they should be investigated carefully.

Apparently, this psychedelic array set up with the spiritual power of human cultivation is a well-arranged trap.

She hurriedly knocked on the spar, signaling Shi Liang to leave quickly, and at the same time sent a message to others that she might be tricked.

As soon as I left the backyard, I felt a tyrannical aura falling outside the door, "Enclose it, no ghosts can leave!"

Following the majestic order, a ghost cultivator named Xuanyi held a jet-black spear and spread out in all directions, surrounding the shop without falling from the sky or the ground.

These ghost cultivators have the same weapons, and there is not much difference in cultivation base. Any one of them is stronger than the white-clothed female ghost I met before. It looks like a guard in the city.

The spar at his waist rang sharply, it was Shi Liang who was in a panic and kept asking, Yunli tapped on the spar lightly, signaling him to be calm and not to be impatient, and planned to wait and see first.

At the same time, she thought carefully about the route she walked and the things she touched after entering the courtyard.

This group of ghost guards came only now, apparently after she entered the backyard, they learned that it should be a second-hand preparation left by ghost cultivators around the psychedelic formation, so be careful not to be fooled.

After surrounding the shop, the two ghost guards went straight to the backyard, came out again soon, and raised their voices: "Chief, there is no one."

The leader of the ghost guards snorted coldly, slowly lifted into the air, raised his hands and pressed down, the majestic Yin Qi suddenly poured in, many weak ghost cultivators couldn't stand it, and were overturned on the ground on the spot.

Yunli was a little surprised. In terms of spirit and soul alone, the weakest ghost cultivator present was stronger than Shi Liang, but Shi Liang endured it, and these ghost cultivators couldn't hold it.

It seems that the body's protection of human cultivation is much stronger than imagined.

"Hmph, it's still a big fish!" Before he finished speaking, a piccolo suddenly appeared in the hands of the leader of the ghost guards.

The sound attack is not more powerful than other spirit attacks, but it attacks indiscriminately regardless of friend or foe.

When he blew it, not only she and Shi Liang would be exposed, but also other people in the nearby shops.

(End of this chapter)

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