701 Threat
Don't let him play the piccolo!
Yunli made a decisive decision, stretched out her hand, grabbed Shi Liang, and was about to throw him out first, and then showed up to drag the ghost guards back.

Just at this time, there was an exclamation from two streets away, "Someone repaired it!"

The leader of the ghost guards flashed and flew towards that side, and the ghost guards surrounding the shop and ghost cultivators swarmed there.

It was Wei Lin who exposed it deliberately and made a lot of noise.

Yunli and Shi Liang left the shop quickly, and asked him to find other people to hold a group, while she planned to rub the soles of her feet with oil, and after running far away, she would also expose her position and disperse the ghost cultivator's forces.

Unexpectedly, before the leader of the ghost guards arrived at Wei Lin's position, he played the piccolo, the crisp sound of the flute was extremely penetrating, and six muffled hums rang out in unison.

"Seven people!" Someone shouted in surprise.

Human cultivator means vital energy and blood, and the source of the soul. In the next second, all the ghost cultivators rushed towards all directions with green lights in their eyes.


Yunli raised her voice to warn, and jumped out waving the Huanshi Ling. Little crimson glows swam along with the veil, like a gorgeous sunset glow, covering the sky above the long street, attracting the attention of all ghost cultivators.

"Huh? There's another one!" With exclamation, a group of ghost cultivators flew up and attacked Yunli with all their means.

Yunli's eyes sharpened, and some crimson flames wrapped in her spiritual power poured into the fantasy silk like a tide, and she raised her hand to cast Luo Lingliufang.

The fluttering orange silk was radiant, like a beautiful belt of light, but its speed was as fast as lightning, easily intercepting and smashing the attacks of the ghost cultivators.

After blocking the attack, Huanshi Ling's castration continued and continued to spread around. Some fast ghost cultivators were slammed by Ling Sha, and before they could even make a sound, they were swallowed by the scarlet fire on Ling Sha.

All the ghost cultivators froze and froze on the spot, even the leader of the ghost guard who was flying towards Wei Lin while playing the piccolo also stopped in mid-air, with fear and fear in his dark eyes.

Not to mention ghost cultivators, even Yunli was stunned by this effect. There were so many ghost cultivators that she didn't dare to keep her hands, so she simply used the strongest Nirvana Sky Fire as a deterrent.

Unexpectedly, the effect was better than expected.

A ghost cultivator without physical protection is not as good as a human cultivator in the face of the fire of Nirvana that burns everything.

Wei Lin, who was two streets away, was the first to react. He quickly came over like green smoke, and called out in a cold voice, "Everyone come here."

As soon as he moved, both the human cultivator and the ghost cultivator reacted, Song Qi and others naturally spared no effort to approach the two, while the ghost cultivators tried their best to stop them.

Yunli immediately manipulated Huanshiling to help them clear the way, and when everyone gathered, she flew down and danced Huanshiling, "Don't move around, my Ling doesn't have eyes!"

While speaking, she quickly scanned the surroundings, looking for a way to escape. It seemed that the Nirvana Sky Fire had deterred the ghost cultivator, but it was actually quite dangerous.

For one thing, invoking Nirvana Skyfire requires a lot of spiritual consciousness. In this world with many ghosts, she dare not use excessive spiritual consciousness.

Secondly, Nirvana Skyfire can only attack, not defend. If Guixiu chooses to attack with long-range soul power or attack with indiscriminate sound, she and Wei Lin will be fine, but everyone else will have to finish the game, especially Shi Liang.

Among the eight people, his spirit is the weakest. If he was unprepared before, even a low-level baby ghost could affect his spirit.

Thirdly, the strongest cultivator that has appeared so far is the leader of the ghost guards. There are guards, and naturally there is the master of the ghost city. The strongest person in the city has not yet made a move.

While thinking about it, she secretly took back most of the Nirvana Skyfire, and used the fire spirit technique to pretend to be a tiger.

Well, there is a tough battle to fight, save some money first, and recharge your batteries!
"Huh! Although your silk is powerful, it can't prevent the sound!" The leader of the ghost guards turned the piccolo in his hand and said coldly.

Sure enough, the other party found a weakness, Yunli was a little helpless, but she didn't show it on her face, and calmly threatened: "Whoever dares to act rashly, I will burn this city."

"What a breath!" An old voice came from the end of the dark street.

Hearing this voice, the ghost cultivators took a few steps back and saluted together: "My lord."

Yunli looked over, and saw a white-haired old man walking out from the shadows of the long street, followed by a dozen ghost cultivators, young and old, but all of them were majestic and overwhelming.

These people are obviously the masters of the ghost town.

The old man in front looked at the few people slowly, feeling very uneasy, what's going on?Isn't it just the intake of golden elixir?
What are the bigwigs above doing? There were two Jindan cultivators here before, but now, at the Jindan stage of Yishui, a tenth-level demon cultivator came!

Yunli turned around, looked at the old man in front, her eyes showed insight: "You guys set up the game, we are here, hand him over!"

As they spoke, the Huanshi Ling floated up behind them, the air twisted, and a black shadow appeared behind them, only ten feet away from the nearest Cheng Yu, obviously trying to sneak attack.

"Zhuzi, dare!" The old city lord was furious, and several gray-green rays of light flew out from his fingertips, trying to save the sneak attacking ghost cultivator.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Accompanied by the shrill screams, the sneak attacker was burned to ashes in an instant, and the gray-green soul power of the old city lord was also burned by the sky fire as soon as he approached.

The old city lord's face suddenly changed, and the corners of the other big men's eyes twitched wildly, and there was a turmoil in their hearts. This shadow is the city lord's number one loyal dog. Although his soul and body are a little weak, but in terms of actual combat power, he ranks among the top three in Yancheng, so he was instantly killed. up? !

The fluttering orange gauze rolled up the soul orb, and it fell lightly on Yunli's hand. She held the soul orb upside down: "I said, don't act rashly."

After saying that, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed, and a piece of orange gauze was shot out like a sharp arrow, straight to the chest of the leader of the ghost guard.

The leader of the ghost guards retreated hastily, Huan Shiling chased after him, and even turned a few corners, some weak ghost cultivators who couldn't dodge were caught and disappeared under the orange gauze.

The ghost cultivators who came out with the old city lord rushed to help, they didn't dare to get close, and only helped to restrain them from a distance.

Yunli was determined to establish her prestige quickly, so how could she let them save the leader.

Fei Yan let out a laugh, exploding a large group of sparks, Huan Shiling suddenly accelerated, and penetrated straight into the leader's body.

"The city lord save me—"

The leader of the ghost guards yelled in horror, and in the next second, he disappeared without a trace. Huanshiling rolled up a dozen orbs and floated towards Yunli.

All the ghost cultivators gasped, the fluttering beautiful veil, in their eyes at this moment, was no different from Shura's fierce blade.

Yunli put away her soul orb, turned her eyes calmly, and swept across the ghosts, "This is a warning from your reckless actions, next time it won't be as simple as killing someone alone."

The souls of all the ghost cultivators were chilled, and they dared not speak in silence, let alone correct her math mistakes.

Wei Lin turned to look at her, and had to say that she was well versed in the way of threats, her expression and voice were calm and casual, as if she was talking about trivial things, but her actions were extremely ruthless and merciless.

Invisibly, it shocks people and makes people unable to guess her thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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