all the way to fairy

Chapter 702 Duan Xingyi

Chapter 702 Duan Xingyi

Yunli waited for them to digest for a while, leaving enough time to weigh the pros and cons, and Fang slowly asked: "Hand over the person, and we will leave immediately."

The old city lord's eyes flickered, "Little girl has such a big temper. You must know that there are people beyond people and heaven beyond the sky. Your orange silk is indeed powerful, but we can't hide it."

The turbid eyeballs slowly turned, scanning the eight people one by one, and threatened: "I just don't know if the cultivators behind you can resist?"

Yunli rolled her eyes, looking like a fool, "You said it too, they are human cultivators."

The old city lord was a little unsure, common sense says that monsters have different paths, meeting is life and death, but there are also many cooperation, especially monsters that are contracted as spiritual pets, they will fight to the death to protect the lord.

His eyes slid over several people again, and finally landed on Wei Lin who was standing side by side with Yunli, and said tentatively: "I heard that spiritual pets are restricted by the master's cultivation, is he your master?"

"Guess." Yunli's eyes were calm, and she changed the subject in a cool tone, "I am a person who emphasizes martial arts the most. In a fight, I always gnaw hard bones first, and never squeeze soft persimmons first."

The old city lord's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but look at the swimming orange silk, its soft texture was as thin as a cicada's wing, the fine light orange brilliance flowed, and the dark red moon glow couldn't hold back its brilliance.

At this moment, it no longer had the terrifying power it had before, as if it was just an ordinary veil, but the old city lord couldn't help his heart palpitations, he didn't dare to stare at it for a long time, and he wasn't sure enough to escape its attack.

He closed his eyes, pondered for a while, his face struggled for a few times, and finally he had no choice but to compromise: "You are not in the city, count the time, now you have already transferred to Fengcheng, you can go to Fengcheng to ask for someone."

Yunli would not have believed it if she hadn't searched the whole city herself. She was about to continue practicing Tai Chi and proposed to search it herself.

"Lie! What was transferred to Fengcheng, senior uncles and senior brothers, they were all killed by you!"

"Duan Xingyi?" Yunli was stunned, he was still alive in the early stage of foundation establishment!

"You're still in the city?" The old city lord widened his eyes, more surprised than she was. He turned his head suddenly and asked a male ghost next to him, "What's the matter with this store? Haven't you searched it?"

The male ghost had a ghostly expression on his face: "Impossible, why are you still in the city?"

He personally led his subordinates to search inch by inch without missing anything!

Hearing this, Yunli was even more surprised. He searched the whole process and hid for several days under the noses of the ghost cultivators. Could it be that Duan Xingyi also has a fairy mansion?
"Nothing is impossible." Duan Xingyi didn't even look at them, and walked quickly to Yunli and the others.

He obviously knew what Yunli really cared about, and he replied clearly: "I've searched all over the city these days, but there is no sign of Fairy An, and she has never been here.

The places where everyone came in should be different. We haven't met anyone else, and Fairy An should have been sent to another place. "

Yunli put it away and looked it over, and confirmed: "There is nothing missing? The city lord's mansion has also been searched?"

"I've searched." Duan Xingyi was very sure, "I have a little secret method that can block ghost cultivators. I went to the City Lord's Mansion on the first day, and they revealed inside and out that me and my uncles and brothers are the only ones these days. Renxiu who arrived at the City Lord's Mansion."

As soon as these words came out, the old city lord's expression changed slightly, "It's so dark under the lamp."

Duan Xing turned his head and said softly, "Don't worry, I didn't eavesdrop on your secrets. If I could get close to you, I would have left long ago."

Wei Linfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, quietly looked at Duan Xingyi, and secretly sighed: "What a meticulous thought."

Being entered into the mansion, what the city owner was worried about was naturally the leak of secrets, Duan Xingyi pointed out bluntly, which dispelled his suspicion.

In this way, the old city lord will not be desperate, so everyone can discuss it.

And the reason why he revealed the special secret method is because he needs their protection.

The goal of Ah Li and himself is Anran. Before he finds it, if he encounters any danger, he and Ah Li will give priority to protecting him;
After finding An Ran, he must accept his love, and it is impossible to abandon him when he is in danger.

In addition, this invisibly conveys to their future colleagues that his secret technique is just like that, just hiding from ghost cultivation, and it is not worth snatching.

In just a few words, the danger was eliminated invisible!

After thinking for a while, Wei Lin took the risk of sound transmission and asked, "Is the city lord's personal attendant here? Which one has the lowest cultivation level?"

Duan Xingyi lived up to expectations, understood his meaning in seconds, and replied: "The fourth place behind the old man."

Wei Lin raised his eyes and glanced casually, he was a middle-aged male ghost with an ordinary face, his eyes were slightly closed, his face was expressionless, without any characteristics.

Wei Lin then sent a voice transmission to Yunli, briefly explaining the plan.

Yunli was surprised again, the senior brother has a strong soul, it is normal to be careful not to be intercepted by the ghost cultivator, but Duan Xingyi has a small foundation, and he can also transmit the sound under the eyes of the powerful ghost cultivator!

While thinking about it, she drove Huan Shiling, took advantage of her unpreparedness, and captured the servant of the city lord with lightning speed.

Huanshiling cast too much shadow on the ghost cultivators, seeing it flying up, all the ghost cultivators retreated like lightning and avoided like snakes and scorpions.

I didn't want to, but the orange yarn retreated in a blink of an eye. When she regained her composure, the city lord's personal servant was wrapped like a rice dumpling and flew towards the opponent under the guidance of the orange yarn.

Only then did the ghosts discover in astonishment that it wasn't that Orange Ling would die at the touch of a button, but something else was threatening them.

Before they figured out what it was, Wei Lin sacrificed the Soul-Sealing Orb, Yunli opened the veil at the right time, and the attendants were put into the Soul-Sealing Orb.

The whole process happened in just a few breaths, and Yunli Weilin's cooperation was extremely tacit, especially in the later part when the soul was absorbed into the pearl, seamlessly connected, as if the tacit understanding was one person.

Dazed for a moment, the old city lord was angry and afraid, and asked in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

"Of course I left." The reactions of the ghost cultivators made Yunli feel at ease.

It's good for them to spare their lives.

She smiled slightly: "Isn't it because you are unfamiliar with the place and lack a guide? The city lord won't be so stingy, right?"

The old city lord turned blue with anger, said a few harsh words, then went down the steps built by his subordinates, and let Yunli and his party leave the city.

After sending the person away, the old city lord finally vented the anger that was pent up in his heart, and raised his hand to stir up a gust of evil wind, completely ruining the surrounding area.

All the subordinates hurriedly shouted: "City Lord calm down."

Someone with a quick mind continued to persuade: "The other party has an extraordinary background, and we have no choice but to report this matter to His Highness Tu Lan as soon as possible."

The anger of the old city lord disappeared, and he smiled sinisterly: "Yes, such a big matter must be reported to His Highness Tulan!"

Speaking of the latter, his voice revealed joy, and he turned briskly back to the City Lord's Mansion, but after a while, a message was sent to Fengcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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