all the way to fairy

Chapter 703 Pengcheng

Chapter 703 Pengcheng
After leaving Yancheng, Yunli and his group flew rapidly, and didn't stop until they left the area of ​​Yancheng. After setting up the formation, they summoned the city lord's attendants to question them. From his mouth, everyone got a general impression of the ghost secret realm.

This evolving world is not very big, and now there are only a dozen or so cities, which are in charge of all parties. Yancheng is located in the east of the central part, and the boss of Ghost Cultivator lives in Fengcheng at the foot of Guiwang Mountain. He is the youngest son of Mingjun Tu. Lan.

A few years ago, the blood altar suddenly appeared, causing panic among the ghosts. Tu Lan ordered a thorough investigation, but found nothing.

In addition to Yancheng, it is said that Yuncheng, Pengcheng, and Yingcheng also have traces of Renxiu.

Everyone was delighted, now that they had a direction, they no longer had to turn around like headless chickens, and asked the attendants to draw a map.

The attendant did as he said, and quickly drew the map and handed it over respectfully.

After doing all this, he glanced at everyone's expressions, and said cautiously: "I've told you everything I know, can you let me go?"

Wei Lin raised his eyes and looked at the sky. The red moon was sinking in the west, and it was almost dawn. He put his attendants into the Soul Sealing Orb, and said, "We will leave the Ghost Realm safely, and we will let you go."

Seeing that everyone was exhausted, Yunli encouraged: "Persist for a while, and you'll be safe after dawn."

At this time, the most important thing is not to take it lightly.

Wei Lin sat down beside her, and asked via sound transmission, "Did you find anything?"

When the attendant narrated, a gleam of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she frowned frequently, looking thoughtful.

Yunli is really puzzled. Ghost cultivators take advantage of the incomplete rules in the early days of the reincarnation world to plunder the source of souls. She can understand, but why build a city?

Once the derivation of the past life pool is completed, even ghost cultivators will not be able to resist the temptation of the past life pool. At that time, there will be no living or dead spirits here. It will be silent, and the undead will just pass by.

Building a city takes time, effort and money, so why bother?

Wei Lin didn't care about this, "Evolution is not a short-term thing. It will take a long time to complete it all. They want to stay here for a long time, and they must make themselves more comfortable."

"That's true." Yunli nodded. A person's strength is limited, and to plunder resources, one has to build influence.

Before you know it, it's dawn.

This night, there was another search and confrontation, and everyone's nerves were highly tense. Now they are finally safe, and some people collapsed on the ground regardless of their appearance.

Shi Liang was even more frightened, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said happily: "It can be regarded as escaped."

As the one with the weakest cultivation base and spiritual consciousness among the few, he can be said to be a tightrope walker on a cliff, and almost lost his soul several times.

He glanced at Duan Xingyi, his heart was even more congested, he was more angry than others.

A small disciple at the early stage of Foundation Establishment is like a fish in water in the ghost town, much better than the Jindan real people like them.

Not only him, but other people's minds are also on Duan Xingyi, and they are even more curious about his secret technique.

It must not be easy to hide the secret technique of so many ghost cultivators!
Due to the face of the two real people in the Mirage Palace, no matter how curious everyone was, they couldn't ask more questions.

In fact, Cheng Yu and Li Ming were even more curious about this nephew from the same sect. They had never heard of this disciple before, let alone had any intersection.

Thinking of Yunli calling out Duan Xingyi's name, Cheng Yu had a thought, and asked, "Did Fairy Yun know Nephew Duan before?"

Yunli shook her head: "We don't know each other. When he was involved, the team leader Jin Dan called his name."

"I see." Cheng Yu suddenly realized.

"Duan Xiaoyou has a firm mind and a strong chest. He is a rare talent." Wei Lin smiled and cupped his hands towards Cheng and Li. "Congratulations to Phantom Palace for having such a successor."

Yunli was skeptical, for those without background, compliments can sometimes be a deadly knife, and the senior brother must know this truth.

To praise Duan Xingyi at this time, didn't he set him up and roast him?
"Is there a problem with Duan Xingyi?" She asked via voice transmission.

"Facing you, he seems a little nervous."

"I'm a tenth-level demon cultivator, so it's normal for him to be nervous?" Yunli thought about it carefully, but found nothing unusual.

Wei Lin glanced at Duan Xingyi, then naturally shifted his gaze elsewhere, and replied: "I hope I'm thinking too much."

With him taking the lead, the others also congratulated Cheng Yu Li Ming and praised Duan Xingyi.

Duan Xingyi's complexion froze for a moment, Xuan Er waved his hands again and again, modestly expressing that he was just lucky, and told about his experience after entering the secret realm.

As for the secret method, he never mentioned it.

Yunli guessed that it was time to rest, took out the map drawn by the attendants, and discussed the next actions and routes.

Duan Xingyi's secret method is actually to imitate the breath of ghost cultivators, pretending to be ghost cultivators. When Yancheng was in danger, he pretended to be ghost guards, and then infiltrated the city lord's mansion to extract information from them.

The so-called search all over the city is what he said to coax ghosts.

Relying on his secret technique, Wei Lin stayed outside to protect the others every time he arrived in a city, Yunli and Duan Xingyi went into the city, and in just a few days, the investigation of Yuncheng and Yingcheng was completed.

Judging from the remaining clues, Renxiu in Yuncheng should be a disciple of the Phantom Palace who was involved after An Ran; Renxiu in Yingcheng was a patrol team who was involved after Duan Xingyi.

They have no special secret technique, and after being discovered, they are quickly devoured by ghost cultivators.

Yunli's heart was heavy. On the one hand, she was glad that An Ran was not among those who died; on the other hand, she was very worried.

In her anxiety, Pengcheng arrived.

Wei Lin squeezed her palm, and comforted her softly: "Ah You is fine, and she will be fine too."

Yunli looked at the city standing at the end of her field of vision, and sighed secretly, if Ayou followed, she could just rely on the contract and look for Ayou.

But things were so unlucky, after years of accumulation, Ayou wanted to break through to the eighth level, so Yunli sent him to the center of Tianwu Forest, with the original intention that the rich aura there would help him break through.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident.

Now, Ah You is in Canglan, and this is the world of reincarnation. I don't know if she can feel the changes in the contract.

She forced a smile, gave some instructions, and sneaked into the city with Duan Xingyi as usual.

The two acted separately, Duan Xingyi went to the teahouse to find someone to talk to, while she searched around, and just after searching the two, Yunli noticed something strange.

The city guard patrols too frequently!
Could it be that the news about them in Yancheng has spread to Pengcheng, so inspections have been strengthened here?

Yunli was a little uncertain, so she simply stood on the side of the street and observed the city guards. After a while, her expression changed drastically.

Not only did the city guards patrol frequently, but their positions and routes were also very special and well-arranged. There were almost no blind spots in the blind spots of the previous team, including within the inspection range of the latter team.

Not far away, a disguised ghost cultivator was stopped by the city guards, who forcibly removed his disguise and checked repeatedly before letting him go.

They are looking for someone!
(End of this chapter)

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