all the way to fairy

Chapter 704 Conspiracy

Chapter 704 Conspiracy
Yunli's heart skipped a beat, could it be that her cousin is really here and she managed to hide?

While excited, the spar on his waist rang, Duan Xingyi also noticed it, and asked to leave first.

Yunli cheered up, and sent him her location, and after a while, he was seen floating over.

On the way, he was stopped by the city guards, and Yunli was about to step forward in case of emergency, but unexpectedly, the city guards let him go soon.

Yunli sighed secretly, what a powerful secret technique!
The city guards were able to see through the disguise of Ghost Cultivator, and after close contact, they didn't even find out that he was a personal Cultivator!
After leaving the city and reunited with Wei Lin and the others, Duan Xingyi said: "They are looking for someone to repair. They appeared in Pengcheng more than a month ago and disappeared soon."

"Are you sure it was more than a month ago?" Yunli nervously confirmed, calculating the time, it was exactly more than a month since An Ran disappeared.

Duan Xingyi nodded: "Besides, they haven't found it yet."

"Great!" Yunli was very excited, the time was right, and the missing person was basically confirmed, this time it should be my cousin!
Right now, she decided to visit Pengcheng again and find An Ran!

"I'll go with you." Wei Lin held her back.

Song Qi and the others became nervous, staring at Yunli closely, for fear that she would agree.

Yunli shook her head: "You meet her outside, find her, we will come out immediately."

After a pause, he added: "I want to leave, no one can stop me."

Wei Lin thought of Ling Nei's world, so she was left to her, no matter how bad it was, she could still go in and hide.

After more than ten days of searching, Yunli searched every corner of Pengcheng, but she didn't find An Ran even after digging three feet.

She didn't give up, and searched again from the beginning.

This night, the moon was covered by red clouds, the sky and the earth were getting darker and darker, and it was almost invisible. Floating on the street, Yunli suddenly noticed a trace of hidden spiritual power fluctuations, which disappeared in a flash, like an illusion.

She was overjoyed, busy looking for the memory to find the past, the red lanterns were hung high, the gongs and drums were blaring, and the strings and bamboos were endless.

This is a theater, through the slightly closed door, you can see the dim red candles inside, and on the stage with a radius of three feet, there are graceful and graceful figures in green clothes and sleeves.

As the lotus steps moved lightly, babbling operas overflowed from the corners of her lips, and the sadness was tactful, like weeping and complaining.

Outside the stage, the theater building on the upper and lower floors was full of seats, and there was a lot of ghost voices.

Yunli sent a message to Duan Xingji, and then floated into the theater building. She had searched here before, and the layout of the building was very clear. The direction of the spiritual power fluctuation was a box on the second floor.

Right now, the box door is closed tightly, and the dim candlelight casts a sitting shadow on the window paper.

The shadow of the lamp is melting, and it is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman.

Yunli was patient, and not long after, Duan Xingyi arrived, pretending to be friends with Ghost Xiu in the box, and pushed open the door.

There is a screen placed half a meter from the door, blocking the view inside. It is made of dark red gauze and embroidered with swaying Bana flowers.

Yunli was stunned. When she came in to search last time, there was no screen in this box at all.

Now that she has found this place, no matter what the danger is, there is absolutely no possibility of retreating, she pursed her lips, floated into the box, and went straight across the screen.

Bypassing the interstitial screen, the world is silent, and the silk and bamboo, gongs and drums, and babbling operas outside have all disappeared.

This is a stone house, made of unknown materials, very simple, the only beam of light hits a woman sitting quietly in the middle of the room.

It was An Ran.

Hearing the sound, she suddenly looked up and saw Duan Xingyi, startled, "Who are you?"


With a soft cry, Yunli dissipated the technique and showed her figure.

"Why are you here?" An Ran suddenly stood up, anxious, "Where's Wei Xiaosan, didn't you come?"

Yunli was dumbfounded, "He..."

Just after she said a word, An Ran pushed her away: "Go, go, you guys, this is Mo Huai's conspiracy!"

Mo Huai?conspiracy?
Yunli was somewhat enlightened, the messy clues in her mind were about to be connected into a thread, her hairs stood on end, before she could sort it out completely, she hurriedly urged Wen Shenlian to send the message of 'go away' to Wei Lin.

"It's too late."

Accompanied by a cold voice, the light was bright, and dozens of luminous pearls hung on the roof, illuminating the interior of the room clearly.

Mo Huai stood in the corner with his sword in his arms, looking at Yunli, with a flash of pain in his eyes, Xuan Er recovered his silence, and said coldly: "From the moment he entered the ghost realm, he has been tricked."

Yunli panicked, and the fragmentary clues in her mind were finally sorted out. Mo Huai had always wanted to seek revenge from his senior brother, but he was not an opponent at all.

With their cultivation status today, Mo Huai is using the power of the entire Taiyi Sect to deploy, even if they can't beat them, they can still escape.

They are clear about this, and Mo Huai is also clear, so his conspiracy can only be a joint arrangement with a more powerful existence.

Ghost secret realm, world of reincarnation, grievances and grievances with senior brother, his collaborator is...

Styx girl!
Yunli couldn't believe it: "You actually have contact with her!"

In a blink of an eye, when she thought of the Eagle Ridge, the cold energy that inexplicably appeared in Wei Lin's body was first eroded by the water of the Styx River for decades, and then the cold energy collided, which caused the seal to be broken in six places.

At the beginning, before Yin Han appeared, Mo Huai had sneak attacked Wei Lin. Although most of the attacks were blocked by Ah You, a small amount of sword energy still landed on Wei Lin.

Afterwards, they discussed for a long time, but they did not understand where the cold energy came from.

Yunli stared at him, and asked in a cold voice, "During Xiongying Ridge, my brother's..."

"I did it!"

Mo Huai interrupted with a loud voice, and admitted without hesitation. The word "my senior brother" hurt him severely. What he hated the most was that she was unconsciously tied up with that person, sharing joys and grievances with that person.

He walked a few steps closer, under the warm pearl light, the redness at the end of his eyes became more and more glistening, as if water was about to drip.

"Not only that time, but also Zhongzhou City. I personally wiped the water of the Styx River on the string of Xiao Zhen's arrow. I saw with my own eyes that your arrow was resting on the string, and slowly pulled away. The water of the Styx River soaked into the arrows, arrows body, whoo-"

"Styx River water?" Duan Xingyi blurted out in astonishment, looking at Mo Huai with more scrutiny and surprise.

At this time, no one paid attention to him, Yunli was shaking with anger, and Mo Huai was in a state of ecstasy.

He stretched out his finger and gestured to fly out. His voice was full of secret pleasure, and madness flickered on his face, "Aren't you going to protect him, I'm going to kill him right under your nose!"

"court death!"

Yunli's eyes turned red with anger, she raised her hand, a cold light flashed on her fingertips, and the Meng Zhan Dao was sent neatly into Mo Huai's heart.

Mo Huai's crazy smile froze on his face, he lowered his head in a daze, looking in disbelief at the peach-pink machete stuck in his heart, and at the slender white hand holding the handle firmly.

"You...kill me?"

He couldn't believe that after so many years of getting along, those friendships that shared life and death, she could actually kill her?
(End of this chapter)

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