all the way to fairy

Chapter 705 Origin

At this moment, Mo Huai couldn't feel any pain, only felt the blade inserted into his body cool down to the bone marrow, the hot blood was frozen inch by inch by the blade's chill, numb...


A soft sound came from somewhere, and rang in everyone's ears.

The red light was shining brightly outside the window, and the barrier inside the house was broken with Mo Huai's serious injury, and there was once again a bustling bustle outside.

The babbling opera has stopped, and the ghost cultivators are in a commotion and amazed.

"God, what is that?"

"Blood moon bloom?"

"It's the flower of the Styx, Manjushahua..."

"Brother." Yunli panicked, murmured, pulled out her knife, grabbed An Ran, and broke through the door without looking back.

The blade was pulled away, bringing out a string of gorgeous blood beads, and the cold wind poured into his chest, Mo Huai felt as if there was a giant beast in his body, opening its bloody mouth, swallowing all his strength, dragging him down little by little Into the endless abyss.

He fell back slowly, and in his blurred vision, gorgeous light orange was flying, like a grand sunset glow in the sky.

At the end of his consciousness, he heard a soft sigh, "Nine times around the silk screen, it is used to imprison a bait, it is really a treasure that blinded me. Hmph, a pile of trash!"

The clear and bright voice of the young man reveals the endless vicissitudes of the years, and there is still a hint of depression?

People suddenly appeared in the group of ghost cultivators, and the theater should have exploded, but at this moment, the ghost cultivators couldn't care less about them.

The crimson moon above the sky blurs out pieces of petals, and a huge Bana flower with the crimson moon as its pistil is slowly blooming.

When Yunli rushed out of the theater building with An Ran, the flower of Styx fully bloomed, and a graceful figure slowly appeared in the flower.

She is the daughter of Styx!
Yunli increased her speed to the extreme, and Da Lala flew over the heads of all the ghost cultivators.

"I'll go, Renxiu?"

"Hey, didn't you say there is only one? Why are there two people?"

"I'll stop them, you old ghost, tell the city guards!"

"Hey, you kid will plan to let me call the city guards, you are so lonely..."

Finally, some ghost cultivators came to their senses, ignoring the evil Hongyue, and swarmed towards them.

Yunli's speed didn't slow down, and Huanshiling flew out carrying the heaven-destroying Nirvana Heavenly Flame, and the crimson flames were shining brightly. Wherever it passed, all the ghost cultivators were burned into nothingness.

This hand suppressed all the ghost cultivators, and the swarming ghost tide stagnated for a moment, and retreated hastily, especially those who blocked Yunli's path, at this time, there were even more ghost screams.

The menacing city guards were dumbfounded, and they didn't even dare to close the city gate, allowing her to walk away.

Outside the city, after Wen Shenlian in the Sea of ​​Consciousness felt Yunli's anxiety, Wei Lin immediately led the crowd away, and not long after flying out, he saw a red moon in the sky change.

A familiar air of emptiness spread out from the red moon, and a huge world opened up, and the vast atmosphere made people tremble uncontrollably.

It is Huang Quan.

He finally understood why Yunli was so anxious to let him go, and Styx girl came to find him.

Above the sky, Miaoman's figure in the red moon fully appeared, her indifferent eyes moved slightly, and it was easy to lock onto Wei Lin's location.

She hooked her lips and said slowly: "I said, you can't escape."

The voice was gentle and soft, with neither high nor low tone, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

After saying that, she flew down from the red moon, with her red skirt fluttering, her delicate and delicate jade feet looming under the red skirt, the extreme contrast of red and white deeply penetrated into the soul of the seer.

Yunli's heart tightened, and she tried her best to speed up.

One orange and one red, kept slanting, flying and spreading, and finally converged in front of Wei Lin.

Yunli pushed An Ran to Wei Lin and the others behind him, and said first, "You can ask for any reward you want, but he will never be able to cultivate ghosts."

Styx stared at her quietly for a while, then looked away, looking at Wei Lin, An Ran, Song Qi behind her...

After watching everyone, she stretched out her hand and turned it slightly, as if she was feeling something. After a while, she muttered to herself: "What a living creature, what a breath, I finally saw it with my own eyes."

After she finished feeling, she turned her eyes to Yunli again, and replied: "The only purpose of me helping them is to hope that someone can refine into a very yin soul and guard Styx River instead of me. Forgive me for not agreeing to your request."

Refined into an extremely yin soul?

Yunli was stunned. Before that, they had always thought that because Wei Lin was an extremely yin soul, it was very easy for Styx girl to break the seal, and they wanted him to become a ghost cultivator.

It turned out that cause and effect were reversed, making Wei Lin refine into a soul of extreme yin and destiny was what she wanted!

Wei Lin stepped forward, stood side by side with Yunli, looked at Styx girl, and said sincerely: "I am very grateful for your help, but I don't want to cultivate ghosts, nor guard Styx, and you want anything else It's okay to repay."

The Styx girl smiled softly, and asked back: "You have been by the Styx River for more than 100 years, what do you think I want most in return?"

Wei Lin was stagnant, and the environment of Styx was the same, even time seemed to be frozen, there was no sorrow, joy, anger, cold, heat, hunger or fullness.

Most of all, loneliness.

Different from his purposeful waiting, Styx girl is bored, she has no memory, no bond, not even a name, no origin, no future.

"You have only been in despair for more than 100 years, but I have stayed there since I was conscious. The only pastime is to let the undead carry jade rosary beads to the world to record the world's vicissitudes, joys and sorrows.

I have seen a lot, and I also want to go to the world, feel the vivid world, and experience the world. "

Previously, Yunli and Styx girl had made such a big noise, and after realizing that their goal was each other, Guixiu followed them one after another.

Now hearing the dialogue between the two parties, I couldn't help but be shocked from ear to ear by the huge amount of information.

Not only them, Song Qi and the others were also confused, and seeing Duan Xingyi mixed in with ghost cultivators, they realized that Yunli had left Duan Xingyi behind just now.

Yunli is the divine beast phoenix, which can make her panic and forget about other things, which shows that the other party has a lot of background!

Thinking about this clearly, everyone secretly stepped back a few steps away from Styx.

Yunli didn't pay attention to the movement behind her. At this moment, all her attention was on Styx girl.

She took a deep breath and said, "As far as I know, Styx River doesn't need to be guarded. In other words, you shouldn't exist beside Styx River. What is your background?"

"No need to guard?"

Styx girl seemed to have heard something funny, and she was a little sad, "Won't the contribution that is not seen be recognized?"

Yunli frowned. If her information came from inheritance, there might be deviations after she was injured, but Nan Mi checked the information specifically for this, and there really were no guards by the Styx River.

After thinking about it, she turned her head to look at Yiying Ghost Cultivator, "Are there any guardians by the Styx River in the records of your Ghost Cultivators?"

During the questioning, from the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of Duan Xingyi with his head slightly lowered in the ghost repair pile, and couldn't help feeling a little apologetic.

However, if she did it again, she might still do the same thing. In her anxiety, she could only take care of the most important people first.

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