all the way to fairy

Chapter 706 Red Lotus Karmic Fire

Chapter 706 Red Lotus Karmic Fire
From the words, the ghost cultivators had already heard that they had extraordinary backgrounds. Faced with Yunli's inquiry, all the ghosts shook their heads to express their ignorance.

The Lord of Pengcheng hesitated for a moment, and said: "The little girl once heard the teacher mention the Styx River a few times, and only said that there is a pond beside the Styx River, which is said to be reborn. It is fragrant and fragrant. It can induce ghosts and gods, eliminate their sins, and enter reincarnation;
There are flowers called the other shore, the flowers bloom for a thousand years, and the flowers fall for a thousand years, every year, the flowers and leaves do not meet each other. "

The implication is that I have never heard of the Guardian of the Styx.

Styx narrowed her eyes slightly, and remained silent for a moment, with a sarcasm on her lips: "What you think of love is up to you. In the endless years, thousands of test subjects, only one person has refined the soul of extreme yin. He, I am Won't give up."

Since we can't agree...

Yunli's eyes sharpened, and Huan Shiling shook, "Then it's up to each other!"

After the words fell, dots of crimson light spread out from top to bottom along the fantasy silk, and the orange gauze floated without wind, like lightning.

Everyone felt the orange shadow flying in front of their eyes, and when they focused their attention to see clearly, Styx Girl was already surrounded by orange yarn.

In the city before, the unstoppable situation of the orange yarn flying in the air is still vivid in my mind, but when I saw the Huanshi Ling again, all the ghosts changed their colors, and it was too late to retreat.

However, Yunli, who made all the ghost cultivators fearful, didn't know what to do at this moment. Huanshi Ling surrounded the center, and Styx girl stood still, calm and calm.

It was this calmness that made Yunli feel uneasy.

She took a deep breath, without any further hesitation, and commanded Huanshi Ling to attack the girl of Styx.

In less than a moment, she was an inch in front of Styx girl,

Styx girl suddenly raised her hand, and a ball of red light emerged from her palm, and it became a crystal red barrier to block Huanshiling.

In an instant, a frightening heat emanated from the crystal red, the soul was pulled, and the demon core in the body bumped uncontrollably.

With the prosperity of the crystal red, a steady stream of enthusiasm spread into the fantasy world silk, and the imprint of spiritual consciousness on the silk kept jumping, and under the pull, the soul body in the cloud pear demon pill was about to come out of the pill.

Yunli was startled, and immediately stopped Huan Shiling, and then quickly retracted, trying to stay away from Jinghong as quickly as possible.

However, it was already too late, and some Huanshiling bumped into Jinghong with her crimson flames.

A huge fireball intertwined with orange and red exploded, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains. Human cultivators and ghost cultivators nearby were thrown into the sky by the turbulent airflow. Even Pengcheng not far away left the ground for a short time.

The terrified monks tried their best to stabilize their figures, but they felt hot when they didn't succeed.


Wei Lin flipped around in the air, quickly stabilized his figure, and was about to check the battle situation in detail, when screams rang out in his ears.

He raised his eyes suddenly, and in the sky, the colliding crystal red and crimson flames scattered in all directions, turning into a large number of sparks, rushing towards the surrounding area and falling.

The ghost cultivator hit by the crimson flame was burned into nothingness in an instant, while the ghost cultivator hit by the crystal red sparks screamed again and again, as if he was being tortured, his soul and body were distorted, and he could no longer maintain his human form.

Above the few of them, the fantasy silk fluttered, blocking the falling sparks. Not far away, Yunli stared in surprise at the crystal red flame in the hands of Styx.

Wei Lin's heart sank slightly, Nirvana Heavenly Fire was omnipotent, this was the first time he encountered an existence that could resist Heavenly Fire.

It seems that this time is the biggest crisis in their history.

He tightened the Mo Li sword in his hand, raised his breath and flew to Yunli's side, watching the girl Styx vigilantly, thoughts racing in his mind, looking for the source of life.

Styx girl needs him to guard Styx with extreme yin and soul, so that he won't hurt his soul. He will definitely be able to restrain one or two. If it is really desperate, this can also be used to fight for Ah Li's life...

"Red lotus karma!" After thinking for a long time, Yunli finally found the information about the crystal red flame in the hand of Styx girl from the inheritance, and she was shocked.

The red lotus karma fire and the Nirvana sky fire are both top-notch strange fires in the heaven and earth. They are fires derived from the origin of the underworld. They are fueled by sin karma.

If one can survive the fire of karma, no matter how many sins one has committed, one can write them off and get a new life.

The problem is that ninety-nine percent of the living and undead can't hold it back, and even if they are lucky enough to resist, they will be half disabled.

"Red Lotus Karmic Fire?" Wei Lin repeated in astonishment, his heart getting heavier. He had known about the Heaven and Earth Strange Fire before, and this Red Lotus Karmic Fire was also one of the most terrifying strange fires in the legends.

When the ghost cultivators who survived by chance heard this, they turned around and fled in horror, not daring to watch the excitement anymore, but within a few moments, only Yunli and a group of cultivators were left here.

Before running away, a ghost cultivator pushed Duan Xingyi and shouted: "Brother, run away, it's Honglian Yehuo!"

The red lotus karmic fire is well-known in the Netherworld. It is rumored that the most terrifying hell in the underworld uses the red lotus karmic fire as a means of punishment.

Even the most ferocious ghosts, Li Hun, will have their souls scattered. With their cultivation base, if they are infected, they will be reduced to ashes in an instant.

Styx girl gently raised her hand, the terrifying karmic fire shrank, and finally condensed into a bright circle around her.

She looked at Yunli and said lightly, "I know you are the divine bird Phoenix, so I made all the preparations. This is the world of reincarnation, my home field. Here, my power is inexhaustible."

Feeling the same kind, Nirvana Sky Fire jumps endlessly, and is about to rush forward to compete.

Yunli suppressed it firmly, and the karmic fire was billowing around the Styx woman's body. In terms of quantity, it was much more than her Nirvana Heavenly Fire.

Both are top-notch strange fires, but in the case of a huge disparity in numbers, it is not advisable to fight recklessly.

The opponent's cultivation base is higher than theirs, and the strange fire can also suppress her Nirvana sky fire, and with the backing of the ghost energy of the entire reincarnation world, it is impossible to fight.

Gotta escape!
But you can't escape blindly. Facing such a powerful enemy, you must first have time to escape, and second, you must find the exit as soon as possible, and leave this ghostly secret realm as soon as possible to be truly safe.

If you want to gain time to escape, the best way is to trap the opponent. The problem is, they are human cultivators, and the means of trapping the enemy are mostly aimed at living beings. The Styx girl is a dead spirit. Can you trap them?
She quickly ran through their magic weapons and methods in her mind, but she was not completely sure. Even if she could be trapped, it would only be for a while, not enough to escape.

It must be reinvented first.

These thoughts flashed through her mind quickly, Yunli turned her eyes to meet Wei Lin's, forced out a drop of blood, and made a trick to outline the Nirvana Talisman.

The Nirvana Talisman was created by the ancestors of the Feng clan, imitating the characteristics of Nirvana's heavenly fire that burns everything, and annihilates the things it touches into nothingness.

After the essence and blood are integrated into the Nirvana Heavenly Fire, its power is multiplied geometrically, and it can also condense and compress the Nirvana Heavenly Fire to maximize its power.

Wei Lin understood, and when he raised his hand, clouds of gray mist flew out, forming a space of gray mist around the body of Styhe girl, trapping her inside.

(End of this chapter)

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