Chapter 707
Gray mist is the source of space. With the amount of Weilin now, the space constructed is not stable, but it is enough to deal with most situations.

However, most of these situations do not include the present.

The red lotus karma is aimed at the karma of sin. As a cultivator, he has killed countless people along the way, and no one is sure that he will not touch any karma.

However, it will take time to complete the Killing Talisman, so he can only bite the bullet and fight for it.

"Out of control."

Styx girl snorted coldly, and raised her hand in disdain to pinch the formula. A steady stream of ghost power poured out from her palm, turning into a white blade of light, and slamming into the gray mist.

An unexpected result appeared, the gray mist did not collapse as she imagined, but remained motionless.

A slight surprise flashed across Styx's eyes, and Xuan Er mobilized more ghost power to slam into the gray mist.

The continuous crescent moon ghost blade kept hitting the gray fog, and finally, the gray fog space couldn't support it, and a crack appeared.

Wei Lin hurriedly mobilized the gray mist to repair it, but it was only a drop in the bucket. Once there was the first one, there would be a second and a third one. Within a few breaths, cracks appeared one after another.

The number of gray mist is limited, and the cultivation base of Styx is much higher than his, and with the support of the power of the entire reincarnation world, it will be a matter of time before the gray fog space collapses.

While struggling to support, Wei Lin breathed a sigh of relief. Facing him, Styx girl had some scruples in the end, and did not attack with the red lotus karmic fire.

This is their chance!

"An Ran!" he called out.

I don't know when, a long piano appeared in front of An Ran, and his fingers brushed over it. The sound of the clang made people instantly feel that they were on the battlefield of gold and iron horses, with awe-inspiring murderous intent and full fighting spirit.

As she plucked the strings and twisted the spirit, a series of sound blades pierced through the air, passed through the gap in the gray fog, and attacked the girl of the Styx.

The girl Styx concentrated her mind, mobilized her ghost power, and easily dispelled the sound attack. An Ran was not discouraged.

The red sound wave is like a long river rushing, and it flies towards the female Styx without end.

For Styx girl, it was easy to resolve these sound attacks, but no matter how easy it was, she needed to be distracted. Under restraint, the attack on the gray mist space was weakened, and Wei Lin was able to breathe.

He re-stabilized the gray fog space that was about to fall apart, and shouted to everyone: "Come and help, those who know how to attack, assist An Ran, and those who don't know how to pass on their spiritual power to me."

At such a moment, everyone would naturally not refuse. Although the Styx girl's target was not them, they needed Yunli Weilin's protection to have a chance to get out of this ghostly secret realm alive.

Among them, only two daughters, Song Qi and Qian Yuan from Hehuan Valley, who can play Yingong, immediately flew up and stood side by side with An Ran, each took out their instruments, and the rest came behind Wei Lin.

Seeing this, the Styx girl had no expression on her face, and hummed, "It's futile!"

After saying those words, she opened her hands, each making a formula, and her left hand formed a light red barrier in front of her body, blocking all the sound attacks;

The palm of her right hand is facing upwards, and the middle finger is slightly raised, in the shape of an orchid. A blood-red manjusawa is slowly formed on her fingertips. When the manjusawa is completely condensed, it whirls and hits the gray mist.

Looking at the slender flowers but possessing incomparable strength, within a breath, the space of gray mist suddenly shattered, wisps of gray mist splashed and flew like dust.

Wei Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell backwards. Li Ming and others who were sending spiritual power to him were also thrown backwards by the impact.


Yunli yelled, worried unceasingly, and the half-drawn Nirvana almost collapsed because of this.

She was busy holding the Nirvana Talisman, and was about to check Wei Lin's situation, when suddenly she felt the red shadow shaking, and the girl Styx, who was not restrained by the gray mist, quickly attacked An Ran and the others, trying to get rid of them first.

Yunli was startled, and immediately decided to use her risky mind for two purposes. The pioneer asked Huan Shiling to stop them for a while, but before she could make a move, a screen flew out from behind An Ran and the three of them, blocking them in front of them.

It was the red gauze screen that Mo Huai used to imprison An Ran in the theater building.

Behind the screen, Duan Xingyi focused on manipulating it, without turning his head, he said: "Fairy Yun, please feel at ease to perform the spell, and leave their safety to me."

He paused, worried that Yunli would not trust his strength, and added, "With this nine-circle silk screen, it's easy to block it for a while."

After finishing speaking, he said to An Ran and the three of them: "Three seniors, please use your full strength to use the sound attack. My screen can amplify the sound attack."

After being reminded by him, Yunli realized that the material of this screen was special, not something like a blue billow, presumably it was obtained by Mo Huai from Ning Wujue's treasure house.

The utensils of Qingxuan Continent can withstand it for a while.

Feeling at ease, Yunli tilted her head to look in the direction where Wei Lin fell, only to see him flying up unsteadily, and gestured to her that she was okay from a distance.

Her hanging heart fell to the ground, and she continued to complete the Death Talisman.

Song Qi and Qian Yuan were skeptical about the efficacy of the nine-circle sky silk screen, but An Ran had seen it personally. During the more than a month trapped in that box, she tried various methods and shot with all her strength. The power was exhausted, and the screen could not be shaken.

Therefore, as soon as Duan Xingyi finished speaking, she immediately played the piano, and sound blades flew out from under the strings, more in number and more powerful.

These sound blades pass through the screen, and the light red gauze is swaying and shining, and the gauze quality is almost nothing, only the Bana flowers embroidered on it are quietly blooming.

Under the spiritual light, the slender petals moved slightly, implying some kind of wonderful rhythm, the sound blade passed through, accelerated suddenly, and arrived at Styx girl in an instant.

As usual, she created a light red barrier to resist, but this time it took her some effort to defuse the attack.

Seeing the effect, Song Qi and Qian Yuan's eyes lit up, imitating An Ran's efforts to attack with all their might.

At the same time, Wei Lin recited the formula, raised his hand and pointed, and the scattered gray fog recondensed.

This time, he did not choose to condense a small space around the Styx girl, but manipulated the gray mist to condense a small barrier, blocking the whirling Manzhushahua time and time again.

Seeing that the Killing Talisman was about to be completed, and the terrifying coercion it exuded was shocking, but she was caught, and Styx was a little anxious.

With a loud cry, she even gave up resisting the sound attack, and raised her hands to hold the manjusawa flower, injecting a lot of ghost power into her head, the palm-sized flower exploded, and in an instant, it grew to the size of a washbasin.

Strong heart palpitations came, Wei Lin gritted his teeth, the gray mist intertwined and woven into an airtight barrier.

"Go back!"

Duan Xingyi's voice came from the side, his voice was distorted with fright, the moment he yelled, the person had turned into a phantom, fled into the distance, and he couldn't even care about the Nine Circles Sky Silk Screen.

At this moment, Yunli's Nirvana was completed, and Wei Lin called the others to go first, while manipulating the gray mist to pounce on Styx, trapping her in the gray mist space again.

Layer upon layer of petals slowly gathered, as if they were about to close, Wei Lin's consciousness faltered, his eyes were a little blurred, his body was lighter than ever before, and a sticky drowsiness hit him...

(End of this chapter)

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