all the way to fairy

Chapter 708 Escape

Chapter 708 Escape
Not only him, but An Ran and the others who hadn't run far were also confused and fell from the sky with a plop.

What's more dangerous is that the gray mist space began to collapse after losing the master's control.

At the critical moment, the Nil Talisman flew over and nailed into the body of Styx woman.

The half-closed manjushahua solidified, Xuaner collapsed and disappeared, and a little scarlet glow emerged from the body of Styx girl, and the red lotus burst into laughter, tearing at the crimson flame...

Wei Lin woke up, realized what had happened before, and was horrified, that Manzhu Shahua could ignore all defenses and directly act on the soul.

He had a premonition that if the flower was allowed to close just now, the consciousness of everyone present would be annihilated.

To complete the Nirvana Talisman in a very short period of time, it will be a big test for consciousness and spiritual power. In order to prevent insufficient power, Yunli almost condenses all the spiritual power in his body on the Nirvana Talisman. At this moment, There was no spiritual power left in her body, and the sea of ​​consciousness throbbed in pain.

After completing the Killing Talisman, she couldn't hold on any longer and fell straight down.


Wei Lin held his breath, and rushed over to catch her. However, he didn't have much spiritual power left, so he managed to control his figure to the ground, and then his feet went limp and he fell to sit down.

He stabilized his mind, quickly took out a handful of tonic pills and swallowed them, desperately urged the kung fu to dissolve, and stuffed Yunli with a few more.

Above the sky, the Styx girl is urging the red lotus karma to fight against the Nirvana sky fire with all her strength. The condensed and concentrated Nirvana sky fire is very terrifying. A little crimson light contains incomparable power, and it takes ten times the red lotus karma fire to destroy it. Digest.

Yunli is running around in the world of mortals, trying to dissipate the power of the tonic elixir, seeing this situation, her heart aches unceasingly.

This is completely different from the previous situation. The red lotus karmic fire is not simply resisting the burning of the fire of Nirvana, but dispelling, assimilating and devouring.

If it dissolves one more cluster, she will lose one cluster of sky fire.

Heavenly fire is rare. After devouring Zhenjun Shenshen and the strange fire of the grass demon, it only grew a little bit. So many red lotus karma fires, wouldn't they completely dissolve her Nirvana sky fire?

In her uneasiness, Styx girl suddenly raised her voice and shouted loudly, her whole body was full of red light, exploding like fireworks, and little crimson lights swooped down with the air current and scattered in all directions.

It seems that Nirvana Skyfire is saved.

After a moment of joy, Yunli became nervous again, worried that she would not be able to cause serious damage to Styx.

She stared at the sky with perfect eyesight. In the center of the flames flying all over the sky, the scattered souls of Styx girl slowly condensed and re-condensed into a human form.

The soul body is still as concise as a real person, but the clothes and accessories on it are blurred, and even under the bright red cuffs, the five fingers of the left hand have not yet formed.

Obviously, her soul and body were severely injured.

Yunli fell to the ground with her hanging heart, raised her hand, and the flying phoenix glow turned back at a few points, and shot towards Styhe girl, while the rest of the phoenix flames were recalled by her.

At the same time, she raised her voice and urged: "Go, go!"

Wei Lin put away the gray mist, wrapped his arms around her waist, jumped on the flying sword Yuandun, and when he left, he did not forget to use the object control technique to evoke the nine circles of silk screen.

At the same time as they moved, An Ran and the others in front of them also flew away quickly, and they disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Styx girl was busy chasing after her, but the returning crimson mang was close to her body, caught off guard, two crimson mangs hit her body, a crimson flame rose up, and her soul and body melted inch by inch.

Helpless, she could only stop.

When she completely dispelled some of the crimson glows, Yunli and his party had fled without a trace.

"You can't escape."

Watching the direction in which the few people were fleeing, she calmly made formulas, one after another tricks flowed from her fingertips and flew to all directions.

Yunli and the others were flying away with their heads buried, when a light red beam of light suddenly appeared in front of them, heading straight into the sky.

Everyone was shocked, thinking that Styx girl was catching up, and in the next second, red beams of light shot up into the sky in all directions.

Regardless of the pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, Yunli opened her consciousness to check, only to find that the red light came from the previous blood altar.

Seventy beams of light stretched from sky to ground, straight up to the sky, and when they reached a certain height, the straight beams of light bent, and all the brilliance converged on the red moon.

The red moon's light became more and more intense, circles of crystal red light rippled like ripples, and the entire sky was shrouded in a light red barrier.

Wei Lin's expression changed slightly: "No, she closed the secret realm!"

Everyone panicked, Yunli asked strangely: "Isn't the Qiluo star formation a gathering formation?"

The Seven Luo Star Formation was originally a star-gathering formation, a formation that gathers energy. After changing the inverted formation, the star-gathering formation is used as a sacrifice.

Now, the sacrifice has been completed, and even the sacrifices on the several altars encountered on the road were burned by them. Why did they suddenly become trapped?

Wei Lin was also very puzzled. After many years of study and speculation, he was very clear about Ning Wujue's formation theory. The essence of it can be summed up in a word change, which is also his brilliance.

The formations he refined are flexible and changeable, fancy nesting and combination are all routine operations, and the results of many formations being inverted and reversed are completely different.

But in general, certain rules will still be followed. For example, this set of Qiluo Star Array was originally designed to gather starlight energy for use by the people in the formation, and it was inverted into a sacrificial formation to extract the vitality of the people in the formation.

Whether it is gathering or drawing, it is aimed at energy, but now it has become a trap, and the type is completely different.

After thinking for a while, Wei Lin finally understood what the problem was, and couldn't help but praise: "Ning Wujue is really amazing and stunning, I didn't expect that the Qiluo star array can be driven by ghost power!"

The blood energy extracted by the sacrificial array represents yang, and the ghost power is owned by the dead, representing yin. The combination of yin and yang forms a world of its own, and the creatures that grow in the world are trapped by the world.

However, the ghost secret realm is a world of reincarnation. Although it has not yet formed, it is a world after all. To trap a world, the energy required is not small.

How did Mo Huai do it?Or, how did the Styx woman do it?

Before thinking about the result, Duan Xingyi popped up from the side, and said in a deep voice: "Go to Wangwang Mountain, the Lei Qilin there is as strong as Yang, and can overcome Yin and evil, and can resist her for a while."

The sudden appearance of a person startled Yunli and the others.

Seeing him, Li Ming couldn't help saying: "You boy, you are very good at escaping your life, no wonder you live longer than Old Man Yang!"

The old man Yang he was talking about was Jin Dan, the leader of Duan Xingyi's patrol team.

Yunli nodded secretly, didn't she know how to run for her life? She was behind a few people at the time, and she saw with her own eyes that the moment Manzhu Shahua appeared after the change of Styx girl's hand formula, this guy was shocked, turned around and ran away , while others are unaware of the danger.

Thinking about it before, whether it was the tiny cracks in the void caused by Duo Duo or the appearance of the ghost secret realm, this guy was immediately aware of it, not ordinary vigilance.

Yunli couldn't help guessing that he had a talent for intuition about danger.

(End of this chapter)

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