all the way to fairy

Chapter 709 Guess

Duan Xingyi pulled the corners of his lips, forced a perfunctory smile, turned to look at Yunli Weilin, and urged: "We have to leave quickly, we won't be able to escape when she slows down. Jun's youngest son, maybe he can deal with her."

Yunli nodded, it was quite possible, but their top priority was to find the exit, as long as they stayed in the ghost realm, they would not be safe.

After thinking about it, she agreed to drive towards Guiwang Mountain first. After all, she had no idea where the exit was, so she went to Guiwang Mountain first, and was chased by the Styx girl, and she could go to the mountain to hide.

Yunli agreed, and Wei Lin naturally had no objection, so he immediately went back to Wangshan with his sword, and said to Yunli: "Go to sleep first, if she chases me, I will call you."

Everyone was startled by his words, they were sleeping on the way to flee for their lives, what a big heart, but seeing that Yunli had changed into a comfortable sitting position, and was really going to sleep, they couldn't help but be overwhelmed.

Wei Lin ignored everyone's thoughts, he took out the nine-circle silk screen and threw it to Duan Xingyi, "Duan Xiaoyou, your magic weapon, thanks to you this time."

Yunli paused, only to realize that Duan Xingyi recognized the screen as the owner, and immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

In the situation just now, she was very fortunate that Duan Xingyi could manipulate the screen to assist the three cousins ​​and buy her time.

But this cannot be changed, he took away the spoils that should have belonged to her, everyone is traveling together, and Duan Xingyi still needs their protection, even without saying hello, he directly recognized the screen as the owner!

She doesn't care about a magic weapon, the key is the nature.

Yunli let out a breath slowly, and said, "The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and we will be fine."

After flying for a while, Yunli woke up after taking a nap, but Styx still hadn't come after her. She was slightly relieved, seeing the crimson moon hanging high in the sky, and her position hadn't changed at all, she couldn't help being startled, "Today..."

He lowered his eyes slightly, concealing the shock in his eyes, and quickly recovered, frowning at Duan Xingyi, seemingly displeased.

If he is Ning Wujue, it makes sense.

Generally, you will only have a strong sense of ownership after you have owned it for a period of time.

After feeling uncomfortable, I felt a little weird. This kid doesn't look like a heartless person. How could he do such a low EQ thing?

No one in the room believed this, the premise of an emergency is to know the effect of the magic weapon in advance, this screen has an extraordinary history, if it is not sacrificed in advance, how would you know its effect?
Everyone sighed secretly, after all, young, no matter how talented, it is hard not to be greedy in the face of rare treasures.

What my senior brother said is right, thanks to you this time, if you hadn't sacrificed the nine-circling silk screen in time, we might all be turned into ashes now, and this magic weapon is given to you. "

Wei Lin caught a glimpse of the expressions of the two of them, and couldn't help being puzzled. He was asking with his eyes, and saw Duan Xingyi embarrassingly erased the imprint of his spiritual consciousness, and handed back the Nine Rao Tiansi Screen: "This magic weapon is used by Mo Huai to imprison Fairy An. .

"Then try him, try it out, so that we don't have to go find him." Yunli quickly suppressed the shock completely, her heart sank, and she was worried that she would not find him for revenge!
She pursed her lips, pretending to be thinking, Xuan Er said generously: "It's okay, it's just a magic weapon, no matter how powerful a treasure is, if no one uses it, it will be a dead thing.

Yunli's eyes moved slightly, and the voice transmission asked him, "What did you think of?"

I really don't know if it's Ning Wujue's high acting skills, or they are overthinking, he is not Ning Wujue.

Wei Lin glanced and realized that she also thought of this level. The sound transmission reminded: "This matter is just our guess, we can't be sure yet, maybe I think too much and it's not certain."

After all, he used to be the top powerhouse in Qingxuan Continent. Even if there is only a remnant soul left, even if he is reincarnated and recultivated, it is not surprising that his experience and vision are there, and he can detect space fluctuations.

The nine-circle tencel screen did magnify the effect of the attack, and the magnification was not a little bit, the effect was obvious to all.

Not only her, An Ran was also aware of this problem, and the way she looked at Duan Xingyi became subtle.

"I'm afraid it won't light up." Wei Lin sighed softly, the ghost realm was really sealed, there was no luck.

She blinked quickly, trying to control her facial expression so as not to show shock.

First of all, it is natural to ask An Ran what happened that night.

"Usually, people don't have a strong sense of ownership for newly acquired items. Unless it is deliberately emphasized, the word 'I' with a strong sense of ownership will not be used when referring to it."

Mo Huai was killed by the fairy, so this magic weapon should belong to the fairy, so I dare not accept it. "

Previously, I thought Duan Xingyi was too sensitive and against the sky, and with a little foundation-building cultivation, he was able to detect the spatial fluctuations created by Duo Duo.

Duan Xingyi showed shame, and waved his hands again and again: "Fairy Yun is too flattering, with Fairy's strength, even without us, she can still seriously injure that woman, it's just a price to pay.

She looked at Wei Lin calmly, took the Jiurao Tiansi screen, and said: "That's right, it's important to hurry now, I will keep this magic weapon first, and discuss it after I go out."

With a thought in Wei Lin's mind, he suddenly remembered a detail and was startled. Could it be that Duan Xingyi is...

"Earlier he said 'my screen'."

There was a hint of imperceptible helplessness in the words.

Since it was not dawn, they couldn't sit down and discuss well, so everyone discussed while flying.

Yunli recalled carefully, Duan Xingyi's original words were "my screen has the effect of amplifying sound attack", is there a problem with this statement?

The Nine Rao Tiansi Screen was obtained by Mo Huai from Ning Wujue's treasury, so Duan Xingyi is Ning Wujue's reincarnation? !

Although everyone has no bottom in their hearts, they all echoed the words, in desperate situations, there must be hope.

After a pause, without waiting for Yunli's answer, he added: "Right now, it's important to hurry, and the rest of the road depends on the protection of the fairies and seniors."

Fairy Yun walked away in a hurry after killing him, so I picked it up. I saw the situation was critical just now, so I used it temporarily. "

Yunli raised her eyebrows. Anyone who reads these ostentatious words will be a greedy junior, who suddenly realizes that she still needs to rely on others, offering her magic weapon to be a junior.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, and began to recall what she and the people around her had said when they got the new treasure. Indeed, no one just got it and said, "My magic weapon..."

Speaking of that night, An Ran's mood became depressed, she sighed deeply, and said leisurely.

That night, when Su Xu's figure appeared, she knew clearly that it was a phantom, a trap aimed at her.

I was curious to catch up with him, so many years have passed, not many people remember Su Xu, and even less are those who know her bond with Su Xu;

Second, overestimate yourself and underestimate the other party.I thought she would last until Yunli Weilin rushed over, but I didn't expect that she would be taken into a secret realm just after leaving the gate of the Phantom Palace.

After she entered the secret realm, she was in a secret room, with Mo Huai beside her.

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